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Wednesday, 12 September 2007
Game 4
Topic: Mordheim

Game 4 – Carnival of Chaos Vs. Nobody  


            After his biter defeat in his previous match up Vargo roams the empy streets of Mordheim without any encounters.  Unable to find a warband to fight, he takes a buy, gaining no xp for the band, but getting an explore phase.  Results are 2 shards for 45 g.c. and a straggler which he promptly sacrifices for 1xp, and making him feel better about the coming weeks.

Posted by The Dark Elf at 11:26 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 14 September 2007 12:54 PM EDT
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Monday, 3 September 2007
Game 3
Topic: Mordheim

Game 3 – Carnival of Chaos Vs. Orcs & Goblins 9/5/07  LOSS

            This time I take on Charlie’s Orcs and Goblins in a Street Fight Campaign.

            Both warbands start off charging full force twords the enemy.  The orcs and goblins squabble a bit amongst themselves, but to no real damage.  We meet about ½ way down the ally and engage in fierce hand to hand combat.  Rorge takes out an early opponent, but is knocked out by a squig.  Biter takes out one beast but is also knocked out of action.  Vargo’s magic is next to useless as he fails time and time again to accomplish anything.   One of the Stagehands gets a lucky shot with his new bow and takes out the enemy leader!

            Then things go badly, round after round of close combat are lost, with heroes and henchmen dropping like flies.  Finally the Bloody Mummers loose their nerve and rout! 3 Enemies taken OoA, 6 Carnival OoA.


Post game:       Rorge suffers a Deep wound and will miss the next 3 games, but gains an advance of +1 Leadership

                        Biter becomes Hardened and is now immune to Fear

                        Our new tainted one dies (and he never had a name)

                        The Plague bearer and 2 nurglings fail their instability test and are banished

The Blood Mummers find 50 gc in loot postgame and replace 2 nurglings and buy Vargo a pistol.

Posted by The Dark Elf at 10:24 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 13 September 2007 2:26 PM EDT
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Sunday, 2 September 2007
Game 2
Topic: Mordheim

Game 2 – Carnival of Chaos Vs. Reikland Mercenaries 9/2/07  WIN

            My second game sees me pitted against little Nick and his Reikland Mercenaries in a Chance Encounter.  Each warband rolls the maximum 3 Wyrdstone shards and the fight begins with me picking table quarters.

The early part of this games consisted of my warband running around in circles, trying to stay hidden and in cover whilst trying to find a weak spot in the sniper fire from Nick’s marksmen on the 2nd floor of all the buildings.  Luckily, the marksmen aren’t shooting well this week, and I suffer no early losses.  Finally I corner a hero (who apparently lost all of his equipment). After a few rounds of pathetic close combat, and even worse spellcasting, I finally take out the hero and his sidekick and turn my attention to the marksmen who have finally come out of their elevated positions.  After Rorge and a nurgling corner a marksmen, he flees, leaving Rorge to get shot in the back by a marksman and taken out of action.  The nurgling takes revenge!

Meanwhile, on the other side of town, this go a lot better for me. Nick’s Captain, having previously lost a weapon skill, charges Biter, only to be intercepted by a nurgling, who single handedly takes the Captain out of action on the turn he got charged!   A few feet away, the Plague Bearer takes out two warriors and gives them BOTH Nurgle’s Rot!

At this point Nicks mercenaries, having lost their leader, decide to run for the hills before they loose everything. Victory for Vargo, 9 opponents OoA, 2 Carnival OoA


Post game:       Rorge takes a leg wound, but recovers, loosing -1 movement

                        Biter takes one guy OoA and gains the combat skill “Strike to Wound”

                        Shagwell the Fool gains Strike to Wound

                        The Stagehands gain +1 leadership, making them Ld 8

The Bloody Mummers get 125 gc from their 2 remaining shards, plus 2 captured shards, plus 4 exploring shards and a Ruined Hovel.

The Bloody Mummers add a 2nd Tainted one with Bloated Foulness and a pair of maces.  The also add a 4th Stagehand, and give all 4 Bows.

Posted by The Dark Elf at 10:22 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 13 September 2007 2:24 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 29 August 2007

Topic: Mordheim

Well, my Carnival of Chaos bits arrived today, so I only had enough time to glue them to their bases and play my first game with unprimed models, most with no weapons attached.  No matter, they did just fine.


Game 1 – Carnival of Chaos Vs. Undead  8/29/07   WIN


For my first game I squared of in a Skirmish against Chris and his Undead (also shiny, unpainted, just out of the box models).  With both bands being mostly hand-to-hand fighters, we arrived and walked straight out toward each other.  Chris’s hounds charged my band early on, but were intercepted by the Nurglings with only one casualty.  With no backup, my countercharges wiped out all 3 hounds and Vargo got the warbands first Out of Action xp with his Buboes spell.

            Next up I forgot my Plague Bearer behind a piece of scenery and since he was all alone, Chris’s zombies and Vampire charged him taking him out of action without even a chance to fight back.

            The rest of the game consisted of the Undead falling back to a bridge, and then being overwhelmed by my numbers until they finally failed a rout test.  Victory for Vargo!

8 opponents taken OoA, only 2 members lost.


Post game:       Vargo Hoat gets 3 OoA’s and picks up a new spell Stench of Nurgle

                        Rorge gets 2 OoA’s and adds +1 Initiative

                        Shagwell gets 2 OoA’s and gains Strike to Injure combat skill

                        Plaguebearer fails his Demonic Instability test while OoA and is banished!

                        68 gc found after the game from 4 shards and a corpse

Posted by The Dark Elf at 9:00 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 13 September 2007 2:41 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 22 August 2007
Mordheim Campaign
Topic: Mordheim

The Only Game in Town is having a Mordheim campaign this month, managed by Charlie.  Since I’ve never played Mordheim, but I like campaign based Warhammer stuff, I’ve decided to join.  I ordered a Carnival of Chaos box set and a few bits based almost completely on the fact that I love the models.  They’re basically a possessed, corrupted, theatre troupe, what could be better!


For inspiration I’ve themed my warband on a group of mercenaries from George R. R. Martin’s book “A Feast for Crows” from “A Song of Fire and Ice” series.  I’ve chosen the “Bloody Mummers” since in his books, a mummer is a stage actor, and the Brave Companions are a group of mostly evil mercenaries who have been nicknamed “The Bloody Mummers”


My warband will be lead by a Carnival Master “Vargo Hoat”, have two brutes named “Rorge” and “Biter” and (eventually) two Tainted Ones named “Shagwell the Fool” and “Urswyck”.  For henchmen I’ll be bringing some Nurglings, “The Sideshow” and some Brethren, “The Stagehands” along with an occasional Plaguebearer.

Posted by The Dark Elf at 6:39 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 13 September 2007 2:42 PM EDT
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