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Friday, 5 October 2007
Game 11
Now Playing: Nick's Reiklanders
Topic: Mordheim

Game 11 – Carnival of Chaos Vs. Reikland Mercenaries - 10/3/07  - WIN


            Again we find ourselves playing some variant scenarios.  This game is Camp Assault by Ben Brissenden.  One warband starts with half it’s warband around campfires on the outskirts of town, while the rest patrol.  The attacker moves up until spotted, at which point all the defenders models can join the game.  The only flaw I see in this scenario is that it doesn’t have a provision for the defenders to rout.

            For this game I face Nick and his Reikland Mercenaries again.  I spend several turns outside of Nick’s 8” spotting range trying to organize my attack.  Eventually I slip up and a nurgling gets too close. Nick’s henchman passes his initiative test and sounds the alarm.

            Since the Reikland Mercenaries have become dangerously adept at shooting, and most carry both a bow and a crossbow, early rounds go to Nick while I try desperately to cover the ground between us and set up a charge.  Several nurglings and a Plaguebearer get taken out by shooting, and initial close combat goes to the swordsman.

            By the second round of close combat my heroes join the fray, and things start to improve for the Carnival of Chaos.  After taking out most of Nick’s henchman I focus on the Heroes and his new Ogre.  Urswyck and Biter take on the Ogre and eventually overpower him, while Rorge and Shagwell clear the eastern side of the camp.  Vargo continues to pass rout test after rout test, and eventually all of the defenders are put out of action. (Postgame note:  While nearly every enemy hero gets a full recovery, I did at least kill the hired mage!) 13 Enemy OoA, 6 Carnival OoA. I also collect all 6 of the defenders Wyrdstone Shards $$$$$!


Post Game:       The Mummers find 5 shards and a jeweled sword, selling 8 and the sword nets 110 g.c.

                        The Mummers buy 3 new Helmets for Heroes and 9 shields for everyone.

                        Rorge gets 2 OoA’s, skills up and gets Jump-Up

                        Biter gets 2 OoA’s, 1 Shard, skills up and gets +1 Attack

                        Urswyck gets 1 OoA, 1 Shard, skills up and gets Step Aside


Posted by The Dark Elf at 8:56 PM EDT
Updated: Friday, 5 October 2007 8:56 PM EDT
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