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Thursday, 13 September 2007
Game 6
Topic: Mordheim

Game 6 – Carnival of Chaos Vs. Undead – 9/212/07  WIN


            Now that we’ve found some wyrdstone, its time to defend it!  This time it’s Frank’s Undead that have me surrounded, while I try to defend in “Defend the Find”.  The stagehands take up position on the upper floor of the central building, while everyone else tries to defend the perimeter.  As Zombies and Ghouls and vampires (oh my!) come charging, or is it lurching, toward me, the stagehands start shooting.  In a fit of spectacular luck one of the brethren get a critical strike against the Vampire with his bow, causing 2 wounds and taking him out of action on turn 1!!!! I gloat shamefully for some time, and then we resume the game.  Another bowman takes out a Ghoul, and the odds start to look a little more even.

            A few turns later, the zombies & Ghouls charge, but the nurglings hold up well.  Shagwell & Biter get into the action, and smash a few zombies each.  Vargo gets charged not once, but twice while his minions are busy defending themselves, and is put out of action by a ghoul.

            Another stagehand gets a luck bow shot taking out a zombie about to trounce Shagwell, and a Ghoul flees after he fails his all alone test but gets knocked down as he tries to run.  A few close combats end with me rolling ridiculously well, and Frank decides to cut his losses and rout. 8 Undead OoA, 3 Carnival OoA


Post Game:       The Mummers find 4 shards for 60g

                        Vargo takes a leg wound losing 1 Movement, but gains …    Spell

                        Shagwell gets 2 OoA’s and gets +1 WS

                        Urswyck gets 1 OoA and gets +1 WS

                        Biter gets 2 OoA’s and gets Jump Up skill

                        The Stagehands gain +1 Strength

Posted by The Dark Elf at 2:27 PM EDT
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