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Pyramid Meditation

This aims to increase your psychic energies. Follow the following steps:

  • Sit comfortably and try and make your spine as natural as possible
  • Close your eyes and feel the space surrounding you, feel the surroundings
  • Imagine that you are seated in the center of a square and that the base of the square wall reaches up on each side of you so you can feel being seated in the middle of a cube
  • Try and feel how the cube walls affects air and light around you
  • Now imagine reaching up to pull 4 walls together from the top so they come together at a point above your head. Although it is a pyramid try and feel that the walls are a square
  • Imagine the pyramid walls to be crystal or glass which is slightly rounded and transparent. Now imagine it expanding, so that your whole house is in the pyramid and it is safe and protected by this pyramid
  • Imagine it absorbing the sunlight and in result of this, it becomes charged with positive energies and shines like the sun and feel the warmth from it and feel it shining out healing forces everywhere
  • Imagine it hum in the wind, producing pleasant and positive vibrations throughout the house and also out to the rest of the world. The sounds being like silver bells or wind chimes
  • Now imagine that the pyramid is a reflection of another pyramid from earth- so both pyramids are joined by their bases looking like a diamond
  • Now imagine the second pyramid in the earh absorbing earth energy and purifying it and projecting it out to the world
  • Now try to imagine that this energy is being sent out to other worlds e.g in non-physical states
Creative Visualization

When to do it: When you feel like your energy is wayyy down and you need to revitalize your soul.

  1. Imagine you are walking through a tunnel which consists of all the lights of the rainbow
  2. Imagine the light glow brightly but softly beginning with red. This red is brighter than any red you have ever seen and if you have trouble imagining this colour think of an object which is red e.g an apple
  3. Next colour is orange, you are still walking slowly down this tunnel. The orange glow surrounds you and penetrates your aura, cleansing it of other negative energy
  4. Keep walking through the tunnel passing through bright yet soft yellow, green and blue. Notice as you progres down the tunnel you feel more happier, more positive and feel like all the negative dark colours have drained away from you
  5. Imagine that you are walking through magenta light, you can actually feel the colour on your skin. What does it feel like?
  6. Now imagine violet washing your body, cleaning the aura and loosening your muscles
  7. Now you are out of the tunnel and you arrive in a bright white light feeling refreshed
Relaxation technique

Relax your whole body by starting at the feet and ending at your head. Mentally tell each part of your body to relax but don't dwell on whether it has relaxed or not, assume it is and move on. As you relax your body you should notice that your consciousness moves upward along with the relaxation. Spend extra time on shoulders, neck and throat.
Then visualise or sense yourself surrounded by pure white light and slowly breathe it in. Then see yourself standing on a bridge over a pond or river. Take all negative events and people who are causing you worry and trouble and throw it into the water.
This technique is also a good way to try and astral project.