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==The difference between Witchcraft and Wicca==

First and foremost, Wicca and Witchcraft are 2 totally different belief systems. Many people often think that they are the same. Being a Witch is not the same as being a Wiccan.
In Witchcraft, you follow specific traditions/beliefs and it is counted as a religion. You need to devote yourself entirely to Witchcraft.
In Wicca, you have the freedom to study it's beliefs and do not have to dedicate yourself to it fully until you are ready. It is also coming to understand live as part of nature. It can be known as several other names such as "Neo Wiccan" and "New Age Witchcraft".
Wicca was founded by Gerald Gardner in the late 1930's and was based more around the magick aspect but now it has evolved into being more spiritual.

Now if you're thinking that Wicca and Paganism is the same- it's not. Wicca, as mentioned before, is more concerned with nature and magick but because it's all mixing nowadays people get it mixed up with paganism.
Paganism is more spiritual, dealing with knowing the self more and can usual lead into other religions such as shamanism.

==What Wiccans believe==

Most Wiccans believe:
  • Pantheism – The belief that the Spirit/Divine/God/Godess is in every living thing
  • Universal oneness – Like pantheism, it is the idea that everything together is united as one - everyone's energy makes up the earth's energy
  • Universal consciousness – The idea that everyone is linked to the same thoughts
  • Multi-Faceted divine – This means that the Spirit(God/Goddess/Other) has many faces. This may explain that all goddesses, whichever you choose, are basically the same god and goddess just with different attributes
  • God and Goddess aspect – This is the most popular belief and sort of 'neccessary' to be a Wiccan (note- not compulsory)that the one spirit is split into a feminine (goddess/moon) and masculine (god/sun) side
  • Pantheon – Different groups of Gods e.g. Norse, Celtic, Greek etc. Many pagans follow the idea of Polytheism where you follow may different gods and don't stick to one pantheon. Wiccan faith does not view it as polytheism but as different faces of their God/Goddess
  • Sabbats - Wiccans celebrate the wheel of life, this yearly cycle is a reflection of the life cycle of the God and Goddess
  • Witchcraft – Most Wiccans are related to Witchcraft although not entirely- more like a branch of Witchcraft
  • Law of return – aka ‘the three fold law’ 3 times good and 3 times bad depending on the type of magick worked
  • Rede – "And if you harm none, do what you will" one of the core things all Wiccans believe in
  • Responsibility – They take responsibility for everything they do

==Magick magick everywhere==

If you are completely clueless on why the word 'magic' has a 'k' on the end, it's to separate the use of commercial magic like magic tricks/entertainers from the magick energy. Of course, it isn't compulsory to put a 'k' on the end of it but I'm just trying to be 'proper' lol.

To start off with -some may agree, some may not- magick is neither black nor white. It is neutral. Some class it into white, grey and black to make things easier to understand - white being 'good' magick, like healing, grey being 'good' magick 'gone wrong' and black being 'evil' magick with an intention to harm.
There is also dark magick but that is a total different thing to 'black' magick, it simply means those who practise (cast spells etc.) at night when they feel their energy is the highest.

What I want to express is that magick is neither black nor white because 'magick is everywhere' isn't it? It is basically all life merged as one and it's the will and thoughts of the individual which cause that energy to manifest and become what they're thinking. For example, you want to curse somebody (hope you never will though) and you're gathering all the magick/energy you need to complete your spell. That magick you're gathering is neutral until you intentionally turn it into 'black'.

Basically what I'm trying to say is that energy/magick itself isn't classified into different colour categories. It's what you do with it.

==Traditions and paths==

Alexandrian Path – Found in England 1960’s by Alex Sanders. This path is said to be a modified version of Gardenarian

Celtic Path – Heavily stresses on nature, the elements, stones, plants, flowers, ‘little people’ and Ancient Ones

Ceremonial Path – Followers will use a great deal of ceremonial magick (e.g. summoning and working a lot with magick in general)

Dianic Tradition – This tends to focus more on the Goddess and has a large number of female followers and so it is often termed the ‘feminist tradition’

Eclectic – These followers learn from all traditions, picking out rituals, beliefs etc. that fit them most

Gardnerian Tradition – Founded by Gerald Gardner in England’s 1950’s. He risked putting his views and beliefs to the media to try and show the importance of Witchcraft

Hereditary Witch – Someone who can trace other witches in their family history

Kitchen Witch – One that uses herbs and other natural elements for magick. Came from the olden times when ‘witches’ used their kitchens to cast magick, charms etc.

Solitary Witch - A witch/wiccan that practises alone. Someone who does not wish to join a coven

For a more detailed list of several other paths and traditions visit Witchvox

==Other branches of religions==


  • Approx. 1 million beievers,
  • Believes in a God and Goddess,
  • Believes in recarnation,
  • Sabbats, Yule, full moon and new moon celebrations and casting a circle are some of the important rituals and holidays in Wicca,
  • Comes from the ancient religion of Witchcraft, although more modern and includes New-Age thoughts.


  • Many diverse beliefs, they welcome all diety beliefs,
  • Some believe in incarnation, some don't, some believe that Christ is God's Son,
  • Many believe that Heaven and Hell are symbolic and not actual places, some believe in reincarnation, some believe that there is no afterlife.


  • God is the life force, ultimate truth, beauty and reality- God is all and all are God,
  • The universe/life/matter were not created but came from God, they emerged out of the power,
  • Some believe in continual rebirth, life is a spirit. Some believe the spirits rest a bit before deciding on a new body. Heaven and Hell are self-imposed, due to ignorance to God,
  • There is no sin, only happens due to ignorance to the power of "goodness". Some believe that evil is from past life wrongs.


  • Like New Age, God is all and all are God,
  • Some believe in continual rebirth, so that they are granted immortality. Some believe that the soul merges with the universal Spirit after death.

==Terms used often==

Airts - Scottish Gaelic term meaning "Wind". There are four Airts, just like the 4 elements or the 4 directions. In the Gaelic North, it was ruled Tuath (the colour representing that was black and the time, night); the East was ruled by Aes (the colour representing that was red and the time, dawn); the South was ruled by Deas (colour was white and time, noon) and the West was ruled by Iar (colour grey and time, dusk)

Akashic records – used when talking about astral projection. It is the idea that there is a giant ‘database’ somewhere in the astral that will tell you about your past lives and other attributes

Ancestors - Ancestors are commonly known as deceased relatives but it can also be with spirits that we are not related by blood. They could be someone who was inspirational to you and was important to you. They help us shape us into what we are, or become. They are like Spirit Guides and they should be honoured to strengthen the bond.

”As above, so below” - Chanted while casting the magick circle, it means that all creation great or small are all the same and all follow Divine Nature/plan

Aradian - Another path/tradition of Wicca. Italian tradition.

Astral – to put it simply, another world. A more spiritual world. I’ll explain more on my astral projection page

Burning Times – From the 17th Century and earlier, millions of women and children were accused of being Witches and casting spells on others. They were hung, burnt at the stake and thousands of other tortured deaths. There were no sound evidence that many of those were actually Witches, the then Christians were trying to banish Witchcraft

Consecration – blessing an object/place by giving it positive energy

Crone - The Goddess is known in three forms and the Crone is when she is in her aged form and is represented by the Waning Moon. Rules over wisdom, understanding, magick and learning.

Deosil – clockwise movement, used when casting circle

Destiny - Much like fate, destiny are the lessons that you will have to learn during your life when you are going down the path you have chosen. You can choose what to do with these lessons placed there for you, positively or negatively.

Karma - Like yin-yang, it is all about balance. "One turn deserves another", "What goes around, Comes around" are all about karma. Everything we do will be reflected back onto us. Act kindly to someone, you will receive kindness back. Acting badly will also result in a bad event happening to you. It may not come back straight away it may happen later in life or later in another life.

Pentagram - It is the 5 pointed star that symbolises Wicca. It is sometimes surrounded by a circle as well. When surrounded by the circle (represting the spirit world) it is called a Pentacle.

Sabbat - A major Wiccan Festival, the 4 main ones are Samhain ("sow-een"), Imbolc, Bealteine/ Beltaine and Lughnassadh. They are mainly feminine energy. The 4 lesser sabbats are primarily masculine energy (Ostara/ Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Fall Equinox and Winter Solstice/Yule)

Widdershins – anticlockwise movement

==The charge of the God and Goddess==

Charge of the God

The God is the Sun we see at day, he looks over everything at day. He is sometimes referred to The Horned One, but I prefer to call him the Sun Spirit.

Listen to the words of the Great Father,
who of old was called Osiris, Adonis, Zeus, Thor, Pan, Cernunnos, Herne, Lugh and by many other names:

My Law is Harmony with all things.
Mine is the secret that opens the gates of life
and mine is the dish of salt of the earth
that is the body of Cernunnos.
That is the eternal circle of rebirth.
I give the knowledge of life everlasting,
and beyond death I give the promise
of regeneration and renewal.
I am the sacrifice, the father of all things,
and my protection blankets the earth.
Hear the words of the dancing God,
the music of whose laughter stirs the winds,
whose voice calls the seasons:
I who am the lord of the hunt
and Power of the Light,
sun among the clouds and the secret of the flame.
I call upon your bodies to arise and come unto me
For I am the flesh of the earth and all its beings.
Through me all things must die and with me are reborn.
Let my worship be in the body that sings,
for behold all acts of willing sacrifice are my rituals.
Let there be desire and fear,
anger and weakness, joy and peace,
awe and longing within you.

For these too are part of the mysteries found withing yourself.
Within me all beginnings have endings,
and all endings have beginnings

Charge of the Goddess

She is the protector at night, she is the Moon. She looks over everything at night using the gentle moonlight. She has many names: Artemis, Diana, Athena etc. I call her the Moon Spirit.

Listen to the words of the Great Mother;
she who of old also called among men Artemis, Astarte, Athene, Dione, Melusine, Aphrodite, Cerridwen, Cybele, Arianrhod, Isis, Dana, Bride and by many other names:

Whenever ye have need of anything, once in the month
and better it be when the moon is full,
then shall ye assemble in some secret place
and adore the spirit of me,
who am Queen of all the witches.

There shall ye assemble,
ye who are fain to learn all corcery,
yet have not won its deepest secrets;
to these will I teach things that are yet unknown.
And ye shall be free from slavery;
and as a sign that ye be really free,
ye shall be naked in your rites;
and ye shall dance, sing, feast, make music and love, all in my praise.
for mine is the ecstasy of the spirit,
and mine also is joy on earth;
for my law is love unto all beings.
Keep pure your highest ideal; strive ever towards it;
let naught stop you or turn you aside.
For mine is the secret door which opens upon the Land of Youth,
and mine is the cup of the wine of life,
and the Cauldron of Cerridwen,
which is the Holy Grail of immortality.

I am the Gracious Goddess,
who gives the gift of joy unto the heart of man.
Upon earth, I give the knowledge of the spirit eternal;
and beyond death, I give peace and freedom and reunion with those who have gone before.
Nor do I demand aught in sacrifice; for behold.
I am the Mother of all living,
and my love is poured out upon the earth.

Hear ye the words of the Star Goddess;
she in the dust of whose feet are the hosts of heaven,
and whose body encircles the Universe.
I who am the beauty of the green earth,
and the white Moon among the stars,
and the mystery of the waters,
and the desire of the heart of man,
call unto thy soul.
Arise, and come unto me.
For I am the soul of nature, who gives life to the universe.
From me all things proceed, and unto me all things must return;
and before my face, beloved of Gods and of men,
let thine innermost divine self be enfolded in the rapture of the infinite.
Let my worship be within the heart that rejoiceth;
for behold, all acts of love and pleasure are my rituals,
And therefore let there be beauty and strength,
Power and Compassion, Honour and Humility,
Mirth and reverence within you.

And thou who thinkest to seek for me,
know thy seeking and yearning shall avail thee not unless thoug knowest the mystery;
that if that which thou seekest thee findest not within thee,
thou wilt never find it without thee.

For behold,
I have been with thee from the beginning;
and I am that which is attained
at the end of desire.

==Types of divinatory tools (not whole list)==

Cartomancy – fortune telling/divination with the use of cards

Scrying – aka Crystal gazing, using oily water, crystal ball or a magick mirror to view important events

Dowsing – the use of a pendulum where a heavy crystal or weight is tied onto a long piece of string and is left to dangle over a ‘yes/no’ sign

Numerology – using calculations of birthdate and names to find out more about self

Palmistry – reading palms, looking at the lines on a person’s hands

Runes – using stones inscribed with symbols. Mostly used for dream analysis, spells and talisman

Graphology – studying someone’s handwriting

Tea Leaves – looking at tea leaves at the bottom of a cup. It may show images or words

==Types of skills(definitey not whole list)==

Telepathy – sending or receiving others thoughts without speaking to them. Study more into body language to increase and improve this skill

Empathy – the ability to feel or sense someone else’s feelings

Psychometry – Ability to touch an object and receive images of it’s past/owner or just emotions from it

Bi-location – like astral projection except you are more in control. You just imagine the surroundings you want to be in and you should be there! Usually done in a sitting position

==The 8 Sabbats==

~1~ YULETIDE // DEC. 20 – 23

  • Longest night and shortest day of the year, the powers of darkness are strongest
  • Coincides with when the Sun enters Capricorn
  • It's a celebration of the rebirth of the Sun
  • The word "Yule" is derived from the old Norse word 'iul', meaning wheel, and refers to the idea of the year being a wheel turning through the seasons
Useful tools for this date:
Traditional Incense for Yule : bayberry, cedar, pine, rosemary and juniper
Herbs : holly, mistletoe, rosemary and oak
Colours : red, green, white, silver and gold
Ornaments : yule log, mistletoe, wreaths, apples, oranges and yule tree
Food : nuts, apples, oranges, mulled wine and roast turkey


  • Symbolizes the first stirring of plant life, candles are also lit at this time to try and quicken the warmthening of the earth
  • Another celebration is to pour milk onto the earth to bring round the idea of fertilising the earth and new plants (life) is formed
  • Also know as the "Feast of the Goddess"
  • Imbolc means “in milk” when new birth is happening. This is seen by sheep and cows giving birth
Useful tools for this date:
Traditional Incense for Imbolc : basil, myrrh, and wisteria, rosemary and cinnamon
Herbs : snowdrop, bay and heather
Colour : white, orange and red
Ornaments : lamps, besom/witches broom and yellow flowers
Food : dairy products, onions, chives, garlic, seeds and herbal tea


  • Day and night are equal also the balance of male and female forces in nature
  • Coincides with the day the Sun enters Aries.
  • First day of Spring
Useful tools for this date:

Traditional Incense for The Spring Equinox : jasmine, strawberry, African violet, rose and sage
Herbs : honeysuckle, iris, peony and violet
Colours : green and yellow
Ornaments : coloured eggs, rabbit decos and spring flowers
Food : seeds, leafy green veggies, fruits and hard boiled eggs


  • May means “to shoot out new growth”, Beltane is exactly opposite of Samhain in the Wheel of the Year – the beginning of summer
  • 1st of May was also in the middle of a Roman festival dedicated to Flora – the Goddess of Flowers
  • An ancient European fire festival

Useful tools for this date:
Traditional Incense for Beltane : lilac, frankincense and rose
Herbs : honeysuckle, st john’s wort, hawthorn, all flowers
Colours : green, soft pink, blue and yellow
Ornaments : Maypole, strings of beads/flowers, ribbons and spring flowers
Food : Dairy, oatmeal, cakes and cherries/strawberries

  • Longest day and shortest night of the year
  • Powers of light and life are at their strongest
  • After this the power of darkness will soon take hold as the days get shorter
Useful tools for this date:
Traditonal Incense for the Summer Solstice : lemon, pine, myrrh, rose, frankincense, wisteria and lavender
Herbs : lavender, chamomile, roses and lily
Colours : blue, yellow and green
Ornaments : summerflowers and fruits
Food : ale, fresh veg


  • Named from Saxon word “Hlafmass” which means the feast of bread
  • Marks the beginning of the harvest and allows celebration of successful crop growth
  • In Celtic, it's the "Feast of Lugh", the Sun god
  • Lammas is also sacred to Greek Goddess, Artemis who was the Goddess of the Moon and Hunt
Useful tools for this date:
Traditional Incense for Lammas : sandalwood, aloes, and rose
Herbs : grapes, heather and sunflower
Colors : yellow, green and orange
Ornaments : corn dolls
Food : bread, cider and berries

~7~ MABON // SEP 20-23

  • The Autumn equinox- Equal amount of day and night- male and female forces are equal/balanced again
  • This is time for thanksgiving, evaluation and meditation
  • Take stock in what you've received and prepare for the dark days, give thanks to the Goddess for giving us enough to last the winter
  • Midpoint between winter and summer
Useful tools for this date:
Incence used : frankincense, lemon, myrrh, pine, rose, and sage
Herbs used : hazel, corn, acorns, oak, wheat, pine cones and cypress cones
Colours : orange, dark red, yellow and brown
Ornaments : acorns, Pines cones and baskets of fallen leaves
Foods : Bread, corn, beans, apples, roots and cider

~8~ SAMHAIN // October 31ST

  • Pronounced “sow-een” not “sam-hain”
  • Marks the time when the veil between the world of the supernatural and physical is thinnest
  • 3rd and final harvest of the year, so 1st November is counted as the Witches New Year’s Eve
  • A fire festival normally takes place in recognition of the end of summer and beginning of winter
  • A good time to develop our divination and psychic skills
  • Considered the most important holiday in Witchcraft

Useful tools for this date:
Traditional Incense for Samhain : mint, apple, nutmeg, and sage
Herbs : pumpkin, apple, nuts, thistle and chrysanthemum
Colours : black and orange
Ornaments : pumpkins, apples and autumn flowers
Food : apple, corn, nuts, cider and herbal teas

==Research, research, research==

  1. Basic history and cultural origins
  2. Different traditions and ways it is practised today
  3. Basic ethical guidelines- The Rede and The Law of Three
  4. The basics on karma and recarnation
  5. How magick works
  6. Deity names and their aspects
  7. The 4 elements and correspondences- candles, colours etc.
  8. The basic tools used in Magick
  9. Divination, visualization and meditation techniques
  10. Folklores and myths about Witchcraft
  11. The holidays, the main 4 and the smaller holidays

==A new alphabet==

To learn your letters you must start,
With a clever mind and a willing heart,
Each one is special, just like you,
And you will learn them all by the time we are through!

A is Athame, the knife we use.
B is Beltane, when partners we choose.
C is Circle, when we all are one.
D is Deosil, path of the Sun.
E is Esbat, when we gather round.
F is Fire, and its crackling sound.
G is Goddess, in beauty and love.
H is the Horned One, our Father above.
I is Imbolg, candles light the way.
J is June, when it's Midsummer's Day.
K is Karma, the things that we do.
L is Lammas, harvest's almost through.
M is Moon, riding way up so high.
N is Nighttime, which darkens the sky.
O is Ostara, when we hunt for eggs.
P is Pan, with hairy goat legs.
Q is Quarters, and there are just four.
R is Rites, when we open the Door.
S is Samhain, end of the year.
T is Tarot cards, futures to hear.
U is Undines, from the watery West.
V is Vervain, for protection and rest.
W is Widdershins, the path of the moon.
X is the sign that's the sign of the God.
Y is for Yule and the sun's return.
Z is the Zodiac, 12 signs to learn.

To learn them all you will have to try
And now it is time to say goodbye
Merry have we met, and Merry have we been
Merry shall we part and Merry meet again!