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==Astral Projection==

What is Astral Projection? It is said to be many things, such as a semitransparent double(or the spiritual body) of the physical body with it's own set of chakras, sight, possibly hearing and senses.
Why do people do it? It could be because they want to overcome the fear of death, so they know what it feels like when you "exit" your body, they could be curious about the astral and even just to develop their spiritual possbilities.
It's also known as astral travel, lucid dreaming, and out of body experience (O.B.E.s)

The difference between lucid dreaming and o.b.e.s are that lucid dreaming is when you realize that you are dreaming- that it's not possible to happen in real life, you're dreaming in colour, you can alter the events that happen and you search for a way out of a bad dream. Many people experience this all the time without knowing it.

O.B.E.s are when they happen in reality, e.g. near death situations.

Astral Projection is when you are consiously going out of your body and you can remember what happened and control what you do. This is more of a higher spiritual thing to do and it's like a distortion of time and reality. For example an hour in the astral can be like 5 minutes in the "real world". New doors and entrances can be seen when you are in the astral and you can travel to places in a flash.

There are 7 planes of existance in the astral:

  • The physical plane- everyday world. Can be visited when you are projected so basically you're just having a tour of your house/town etc.
  • Astral plane- where your hopes and dreams become reality, it is an emotional plane. Here faeries and devas can be found and other species, everything is more or less changed. Time and space is distorted (kinda sounding like a Star Trek place doesn't it lol), you can travel to the future or the past. That's why some people also project to find their past life or look in the Akashic Records. Here you can form objects/things just by imagining it.
  • Mental plane- full of colour and rainbows and where thoughts/ideas are manifested into real things. More or less the same as the astral plane but time is even more distorted (e.g. 2hrs in the astral means only 5 mins in "real world"). It is harder to reach.
  • Buddhic plane- full of love and peace but powerul. It is said that if you manage to enter this plane you would never want to leave because it is so perfect: you are one with everything, nothing is an individual. Some argue that this is the last plane that humans can reach.
  • Atmic plane- more or less like the Buddhic plane but even more spiritual and peaceful. It is said that it is filled with brilliant white/silver light that if you'd look at it you'd be blinded but the light is full of love and peace.
  • Anupadaka plane- said to drive a person mad because everything is mixed together, no-one or nothing is by itself.
  • Adi plane- highest of all. Realm of everything, complete Oneness. We can never understand it because it is so hard to reach.
Thought that was a lot? Well some argue that there are sub planes between each one- as much as 7 as well!

If the astral is so good/beneficial why doesn't everyone do it? People are scared, don't believe or too impatient to try. To overcome this fear follow these points in any order:

  1. Do prayers before you try projecting
  2. Your body would NOT be inhabited by any other spirit, but if it does happen (like 1 in a million, billion, trillion) tell it to leave
  3. Think happy thoughts. Bad, negative thoughts would attract negative things to you. If you happen to do that you can fight it, run, ask your guardian angel to help, think happy thoughts
  4. You CAN'T get lost, just think of your body and *poof* back you are in your warm bed!
  5. If you don't wanna walk/fly around the astral by yourself, ask your guardian angel or your spirit guide to accompany you. You should feel their love/peace with you

Astral Vision

Your sight on the astral may be slightly different as it is now:

  • First time/beginner projectors say they can't see when they project, this is because you may have to tell yourself to "open your eyes" or it may take a few tries to see
  • You could have 360degree sight. Some say it is because there are no physical organs blocking your sight. It may take time to get used to it but if you really can't stand it, try covering half the vision with a hood so you would see the front objects only

The Silver Cord

A quote from the Bible: "Remember him before the silver cord is severed...and the spirit returns to God who gave it" (Ecclesiastes 12:6,7) See? It's even mentioned in the Bible! The silver cord is what joins the physical body to the spiritual body, so you are always joined together. Some say that if the cord is broken, cut you die hence the Bible quote above. But don't fret if you can't see it when you project, it's located where your strongest chakra is. E.g. it normally the navel area, but it can be at the crown.

Akashic Records

This is where all the past lives of everything is. You can check your progression here, but don't sneak a peek at someone else's without their permission or else you'll be paid back when you're back in the "real world". It'll come to you in any form you expect it to be... even a computer! Lol glad to see the astral is so modern.

A brief introduction to Chakras

What are chakras? Chakras are energy wheels, where your life-force is the strongest and contributes to your aura (the glow around your body)
So what have chakras got to do with astral projection? Chakras are stimulated and opened to allow your energy to flow out, like releasing your spiritual body out. However they have to be closed after projection or else you will suffer depression, feel drained, tired etc. This is due to your energy just 'leaking out' of unclosed chakras.
There are 7 chakras based near major organs in your body and they are (the font colour will tell you what colour each chakra is):

  • Crown Chakra - Lavender and Frankincense for incense, clear crystals, hum the note B to stimulate that chakra, the element for this chakra is Spirit. This chakra rules over the sense ESP
  • Brow Chakra - Juniper and Rosemary for incense, purple crystals, hum the note A to stimulate that chakra, the element for this chakra is Electrical. This chakra rules over the sense sight
  • Throat Chakra - Chamomile and Eucalyptus for incense, blue crystals, hum the note G# to stimulate that chakra, the element for this chakra is Spirit and Air. This chakra rules over the sense Sound
  • Heart Chakra - Rose and Ylang Ylang for incense, green and pink crystals, hum the note F# to stimulate that chakra, the element for this chakra is Air. This chakra rules over the sense Smell
  • Stomach Chakra - Chamomile and Eucalyptus for incense, yellow (and turquoise) crystals, hum the note E to stimulate that chakra, the element for this chakra is Fire. This chakra rules over the sense Taste
  • Sacral Chakra (between stomach and groin area) - Jasmine and Sandalwood for incense, orange crystals, hum the note D to stimulate that chakra, the element for this chakra is Water. This chakra rules over the sense Taste
  • Base Chakra - Patchouli and Geranium for incense, red and black crystals, hum the note C to stimulate that chakra, the element for this chakra is Earth. This chakra rules over the sense Touch

*Coming soon, how to astral project*

Can't be bothered?
Then do a levitation spell! What you will need:

  • 4 candles (yellow or white is best)
  • a quiet place
  • a down feather
  1. Place the candles in a circle starting at the East
  2. Enter the circle sitting North
  3. Chant 9 times while holding the feather in the non-dominant hand (left if you write with right hand, right if you write with left hand):
    "In the light I see,
    In the dark I am blind,
    In the world I walk,
    In the circle I fly
  4. Call your spirit guide to help you
  5. Clear your mind and feel the feather float in your hand and then you should levitate.

Or try the classic one which kinda worked for me and my friends. We put out little tea candles around the person to be levitated, who is lying on the floor. Then we knelt down and put two fingers under the person, near the neck and near the legs. Then we chanted "Light as a feather. Stiff as a board" again and again until she levitated. We got too freaked out before we could levitate!