Todah ("thank you" in Hebrew) and thanks for visiting our humble website! Give your visitors an informative and updated Passover / Pesach link by adding our link to your links page.

To create a text link, copy and paste the following HTML into your web page HTML code:

The text link will look like the following (without the mouseover highlighting):

Passover : History and Meaning of Freedom in Faith

For a text link with a description, you can copy and paste the following into your HTML code:

The text link with a description will look like the following (without the mouseover highlighting):

Passover - Pesach : History and Meaning of Freedom in Faith - History and meaning of the Passover story, including recipes, e-cards, Sephardic and Ashkenazic Passover traditions, the Passover seder, Passover preparation, foods, symbols, art, humor, names and dates of Passover, the Passover Haggadah, and a translation into French. Includes Passover from a rabbi's perspective.

If you feel that the theme of your website or webpage is either related to or compliments our Passover website and would like to exchange links with us, just schlepp on over to the "Click To E-Mail Us Here!" link below in the navigation bar and we'll schmooze ('chat' in Yiddish) about it. By the way, 'schlepp' is also a Yiddish word and in this context, it means 'to drag oneself along'. The word itself sounds descriptive enough!

Thanks once again for visiting and you're of course always welcome to keep coming back for more information! We update the site often so it's a good idea!

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