One star shines through the deep clouds
A misty film hovers in the air
The houses filled with darlings
Yet my heart is as empty as they are full
Emotional bliss is as fraud as my heart's beating
Twice lied, third time charmed
My eyes strain to see the light of the star
But clouds make my vision translucent
Memories of your kindness flash back to me
Your hold, your smell, your kiss
Your forgiveness of me despite my continuity
Ideas of the marriage, then remembering the chaos
Desires for your love, ruined by the hate
I think back to the night we held each other
Your arms kept me warm, your heart kept me alive
Your soft sweet voice kept my fears hiding
Slowly I could sense that our souls merged
And then they ripped apart with nothing we could prevent
Slowly I fall asleep with you still filling my mind
Hours pass and I awake to see the sun rise
Just as the light gets brighter, my love does as well
Soon the light has completely encompassed me
And night just never comes.

Time passes ever so slowly
Your memories fill my heart
Although a mile isn't very far
It feels as if it were a thousand miles
My mind wanders to and from you all day long
That way you're always near when I need you
When alone, a minute feels like an hour
But when united, a year seems like a second
I keep your death close to my heart
For it makes the resurrections more special
Your voice sooths and comforts me
For it's softer then the finest Chinese silk
My love knows only the stars as its limit
Yet the cold Earth keeps yanking it back
Your heart suffocates me with kindness
But such a death would be a blessing not a curse
You make the blind see, the deaf hear
You made a lonely sod into a graceful lover
Your presence can only be compared to the sun's
Yet no clouds can block your radiance
Your arms are like vises on my heart
Every hug makes my soul have a heart attack
So hug me once more
And make a dying man happy.

Horizon to Hell
Water fills my eyes as I look on the horizon
The throbbing in my heart gets even stronger
Tears fall down my cheek leaving their unmistakable marks
Memories of our times together fill my daydreams
If only I could have kept her, if only...
A million situations pass through my head
A million mistakes, a million bad judgments
My heart tortured by my past life
My soul dies from the lack of love
Slowly my eyes fall down to the ground
I close my eyes hoping to forget all that hate
I yell, I scream and I curse the acts that brought me here
I realize there's nothing left in the world left for me
I take hold of a knife in my hand and prepare to die
I forgive all those others who condemned me for my sin
I forgive all those who judged me because of my body
I raise the knife up to my throat and say a final prayer
It's then you step in front of me
Your amazing beauty and luster grabs my attention
You say you love me, you say you'll miss me
Yet you don't ask me not to kill myself
Instead you pull out your own blade and position yourself like me
You, the girl who's had a perfect life is ready to die with me
It's only then I realize that life is only what I make of it
And my eyes return to the middle, to focus only on you.

Our hands touch, our souls merge
You forget the troubles of the day
You gently pull me close to you
I can smell that beautiful lilac scent
You put your free hand to the back of my head
And you encourage me to rest it on your shoulder
Your warmness eases my quivering body
My tears slowly come out from hiding
You stroke my back trying to comfort me
Before I found you I hated all of my friends
I was jealous of every person who smiled
But you say no one else matters
You say you just want to feed my soul
As you speak I cry more and more
I feel very comforted despite feeling un-masculine
You heart beats very steadily in contrast to mine
Once again I notice your hand stoking my back
My ever spineless back, your ever strong hold
I lift my head from your shoulder
I gaze at you through my amazingly blurry eyes
You kiss me ever so sweetly, ever so gently
You don't know why I'm crying, yet you cry yourself
Your sympathy soothes my heart
Your understanding eases my worries
And I snuggle up closer and fall asleep

Soft Sweet Tears
The long day has turned to night
You and I try to sleep after the fight
Our hearts and souls are just wrecks
Our lives seem like unfairly stacked decks
You don't love yourself, nor me
You feel as alive as a dead tree
Your dark eyes sparkle like the new moon
You stretch out your arms hoping to find more room
When I embrace you, you start to cry
Your heart and soul are longing to die
I start to rub your shoulders and your back
You mumble and keep crying, you mind falling off track
I lay you down on the bed and lay at your side
You try to tell the truth about some things you've tried to hide
Again I hold you close, but you're too restless
You yell at me asking me if I'm brain dead
You punch me for making you feel so sad
You slap my face out of anger cuz of what we had
You run to the window with tears on your face
You hang on to the curtains that cover the window made of lace
I sit up on the bed and look at you
Right now you wouldn't be afraid to hit or sue
I slowly get on the ground and start to crawl forward
Your heart softens a bit seeing how I myself have lowered
With my head still low I start to rub your feet
I'm very tired yet I require no sleep
Quietly I sit before you trying to help your emotions
I reach up and grab a bottle of skin lotion
Your tears quickly hit me as I massage your feet
But they're different now, they're so sweet
Quickly you sit down where you are and grab me
Your hug warms me and opens my heart more using that key
I wrap my arms around you feeling your love
It's like I've changed from a raven to a dove
We hold each other with out saying a word
Our hearts and minds now pacified
And we fall asleep as the sun rises.

Eyes are sore and bruised
Side all cut and broken
Soul still alive, but not here
Heart beats a million times
Then does it a million more
Wrists cuts now just scabs
Heart's inside the old body though
Wants of falling asleep to die
But could never do it alone
Finally awakes from his dream
Heart still very hurt
Rolls over to see your picture
Broken frames fill the eyes
Desperately tries to remember last night
Nothing but blanks fill the brain
I love you and miss you
But why did I hurt you
And why did you hurt me
Slowly things start to come back
There was no fight last night
Pain for weeks has altered my memory
I think of your long hair
Then I slowly begin to cry
I look at the picture again
This time the picture is in a small light
There you are like last I saw you
Then my heart breaks
And I pass away

New Melody
The day passes and turns to night
You hold my hand strong and tight
The long day starts to end
Faces smile at the week end trend
I look deep into your eyes
Love consumes your heart and gets to me
We smile a little and laugh a bit
It's never been so great to be so plain
My shoulders feel happy as you hug me
I rest my head on your shoulder but don't cry
I've always loved you, but now you know it
And I fall asleep feeling you love me
Your long hair falls into my face but I don't move
It's just another beautiful part of you
As you sigh you make me love you even more
Tomorrow holds another challenge as does every day though
Soft tones reach my ears just after lay me down
Their beauty and sweetness lets me know so much
Your soul is still with mine and it holds mine close
Even as you finish the new melody, I still hear your love
You crawl back to bed with me and hold me tight
But as we rest and love each other the morning comes
We have to depart soon for work and school
But you'll come back tomorrow night
And I'll love you then as I do now

Wet Cheeks
That diamond I gave you blinds my eyes
The sun is bright, the day fresh and new
Many sweet words find their way from your lips
Your beauty is amazing despite your simple cloths
Your flowing hair holds my sight tightly
You hold my hand lightly, but my heart strongly
Softly you start to sing, but loudly you speak
Years of waiting ended by that clear water
I close my eyes and picture angels holding you
That soft sweet voice, that amazing grip on my soul
The words which flow from your lips so easily stick in my heart
Looking deeply into your eyes I feel stronger then ever before
Fears seem to float away, tears go the opposite direction though
My mind goes back, reliving events now knowing the truth
You become even more honored for putting up with me
Guilt hits me for a minute only to chased away by your love
I roll over so my head rests on your lap and I kiss your hand
You stroke my head as you continue with your song
I hold your hand tighter trying to show my deep affection
You've shown your love to me in so many ways now
Slowly, your song finishes and you're silent
A tear rolls down my cheek leaving it wet
I slowly sit up and then kiss you with all my remaining passion
Then I stand up and look at you one last time
Again a tear falls as I walk away from you feeling unworthy
And more follow, one at a time until I AM worthy

Soft Beautiful Luscious
The bright light hurts my eyes
I still long to be in the darkness
As I wake up I notice my arms are empty
No longer are you under my hold
Curiously I call out your name
No answer, except from the birds outside
I drag myself out of bed to find you
I start to wonder if I made you leave
Quietly sitting on a chair in the kitchen I find you
Your back is to me and I can see your hair
That soft, beautiful, luscious hair
After debating with myself I sit across from you
You're smiling so amazingly when I sit
It's almost like you just found a lost item
Your eyes sparkle and twinkle like stars
I hold my hands and plop them on the table
Not long afterwards you place yours on mine
That smile of yours still glowing bright
My heart desires so much to know why you're happy
But for some reason my soul won't let me speak
That sparkle in your eyes, it has me forever
Slowly you stand up and start to walk
I wonder where you're going but look at you
After a few seconds I smell your sweet perfume
You wrap your arms around me and bend over a bit
You rest your head on my shoulder and whisper something
I'm not paying attention though so I don't hear it
But then I turn my head and smile
Then, just as quickly you walk out the door
Never to return

Time keeps passing, soon it'll be late
Some sounds haven't been heard in days
My heart is weak, but it continues to beat
My brain so tired still thinks of you
Bracelets break, necklaces thrown away
Eyes look for your sweet face to clam them
Bass still rumbles asking for you, just as the horn
Teeth chomp though things to get to you
Chest is still and neck so sore
But you are close, know it in my heart
Eyes focus on something that looks like you
Curse and swear when you go the other way though
Slowly walk after you afraid of finding you
Never know how things will go of course
Want to hold you, need to hug you
Just want to be close to you for a few hours
Night starts to come and I lose sight of you
I carry on looking for anything good
Suddenly I hit something on the ground and fall
And on the ground I see you

Her hair flows and sparkles in the length
Her voice sooths even the wildest soul
Her hands hold me tight like ropes
Yet I feel no pain, just love
Her body captures me and has me trapped
I'm scared yet still intrigued by her
She has my heart, she has my soul
Even though she may never know how
Her eyes are like no others on Earth
She makes me want to live on and on
To hate her would be to hate myself
But I'd hate myself if then I could have her
She makes me warm just thinking of her
Though others have had her I still hold on
My heart and soul keep waiting for her
Even though no one knows who I'll meet tomorrow
I always dream of spending time with her
But I always wake up in tears
For no one will ever know when I'll see her
But my heart has little room left
I miss her with all my heart
But my soul still waits at home
Again, I'll dream of her tonight
Shall we guess how I'll awake?

Silk Gown
She came down from a cloud of misery and pain
Her long blonde hair fluttered in the wind
Her white silk gown sparkles like it's pure gold
Her eyes penetrate the deepest parts of my soul
As she sings I come to fall in love with her
She plays her harp and deeply entertains my soul
Her shallow wanton past now only known to history
She reaches the ground as soft as a feather
She asks me if I love her, if I need her
She only wants me to be happy unlike she was
She wraps her arms around me and hugs me
Her eyes tear, but none fall, for she is happy
Images fill her mind's eye, love her mind's heart
She points to the sky as if to say she hates it
Her home is the sky though, and she must return
Her time is limited and she kisses me goodbye
She then ascends back up to the heavens
Just as she's out of sight I burst into tears
I call out her name and curse her for leaving me
I pull hairs out of my head for falling in love with her
I curse myself for being an ignorant fool
I keep tormenting myself and don't notice the clouds go gray
I'm so self-imposed I can't hear God yell and an angel rejoice
I lay on the ground in utter self-defeat
Just then a hand touches my shoulder
I raise my head only to see her again
Her gown is gone now replaced with a dress
As is her gold replaced with nickel
She sacrificed her imortalness to remain with me
She's a fallen angel, yet, she's now MY angel

Kindred Spirits
Wind ruffles her hair like it does to leaves
The crystal clear lake gives an amazing reflection
The sand between our toe, hands in hands
Eyes on each other, hearts inside on and other
As we sit on the sand dune staring off into space
We know not how or why we're here, nor do we care
For never will long lasting love ever fade
Without the malicious ill fated contempt of the world
Far away from us and completely out of our minds
The painful memories of past existences fade away
Our hearts are full of kindred spirits and hopes
The sun is setting and it makes a beautiful red sky
I wish only to remember this amazing moment
No amount of quibbles may ever break the bond we have
No materialistic tendencies are contained in us
We hold inanimate objects close to vivify our love
Yet the objects themselves mean nothing independently
Passion flows from our hearts without words
She knows my heart soul and mind, as I know hers
No words may even begin to describe our love
Nor do the faintest amount of justice to it
Our love unbound from society knows no limits
So we simply kiss and say good night
And arm in arm, we enter the never ending trials of life

Serenity passes into your deep heart
Anxiety floods your eyes and mouth
You're afraid of what I bring you
You try to hide your inner-self
Yet I see right through you
Right to your heart and soul
And that scares you
That's why you are so determined
That's why you don't love
That's why you don't hate
You want to be seen as superficial
Even though you're deeper then the ocean
Your beauty lies not only in your skin
But in your deep secret ambitions
As well as in your forgiving nature
Music is always in your mind
As well as in your heart
But is there any room for me
For even though I see all of you intents
Your heart is a warm black box
And I cannot even begin to perceive it contents
Nor your feelings or emotions
So I all I do is amazingly unforeseen and risky
But if successful, so are the rewards then

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Fouth page for Veronika
Fifth page for Veronika
Sixth page for Veronika
Seventh page for Veronika
Eighth page for Veronika
