Early poems

Moon shine bright on a dark lake
Your eyes plead with mine
Our souls melt into one
You take my hand, squeeze it tight
Say you love me, say you need me
We fall asleep under the full moon
Sun rises, dew clings to our hair
Your eyes glisten like the wet grass
The day is new, the sun is bright
You take me with you wandering around
You don't know where you're going
But you don't care, and neither do I
The sandy beach extends for miles on end
The soft grains slip between your toes
As we walk hand and hand into eternity
We frolic in the water as children
We make passionate love as adults
The fragileness of our youth not threatened
The noon day sun beats down on our backs
We find refuge under an old cherry tree
The blossoms smell sweet like you
Their beauty pails in comparison to you
We lay together in the cool grass
Once again our souls are one
I can see my children in your eyes
I wish you could stay forever
Yet a second is as a year
And a year is as a second
Till the end of time I will always love you
Even as I pass into the darkness

Rain drops fall like tears from my eyes
They cover the ground in shallow lies
My soul cries out, yet is not heard
An old life ends as quickly as it began
The sun's warm rays fill my eyes
A new love that's found will never die
The moon is dark and it has no light
Enthralled in death, all hope is gone
Wind blows gently through your long hair
Blows away all the hate and dispare
Yet no love is known, only hate
Encompassed in dark, a creature of the night
Time passes like sand through the glass
You express yourself, your fury and wrath
Put on a pedestal only to fall
Yet you cling to that which put you there
A meaningless life keeps you here
And in my eye forms another tear
Love is only as true as the person is
And you're covered in lies and deceit
You go to a beach which goes on forever
You check each grain of sand for a lover
Each one is imperfect you soon discover
Then you stumble upon a fleck of gold
It's perfect, it's clean it's yours, all yours
You cling to it as you walk to the water
You clean it off with fresh clean water
And you find yourself clean
As the gold slips through your fingers

The stars are gone, your warmth has left
My heart now laiden with hope's regrets
Lost loves won, now lost yet again
My hearts long suffering knows no end
My ears are covered in a hateful bliss
I wait and yearn for that fateful kiss
The day now night, but no stars shine bright
All but one lost to the vengeful fight
Star-crossed lovers themselves have found
Now to the Fates they cry out loud
Would be merry in death after married in life
All they have caused is anguish and strife
And so the rum is gone, as is the beer
Do you have someone to hold you near
Someone to run their fingers through your hair
Someone who comforts you and cares
A hopeless romantic, an eternal cynic
Will anyone ever understand their lyrics
A piece of white coal, a pure black pearl
When will their banner be unfurled
Trapped by death, surrounded by light
Now ends the greatest fight of all fights
Not a battle to concede, not a pawn to give
After this war a soul will no longer live
Delivered from death by a white dove
After which the dove ascends back to heaven above
Leaves him again, cold and alone
Now a king, on a throne of his own

Green eyed daisies, red eyed mums
Sweet like honey, bitter as sour milk
Bright as day, dark like a moonless night
The olive bush yields the bumper crop
While the corn stalk wilts and fades
The rain clouds appear, and then dissipate
A molester preys while I sleep
The onslaught of drought looms on the horizon
Stomach aches,, heart explodes
Eyes no longer show the soul
Wounds now scars, but they feel so fresh
Even as the world turns and leaves the sun behind
Love won't change, nor will minds
Ascendants opposed, Venus now rules
Is living well truly the best revenge
The great void now filled with light and life
The concept of time, completely obliterated
A year as a day, a day as a year
Red lights now blue, distant sounds now near
Ties snap like guitar strings, a blood curdling scream
Only time heal the gashed left by love and war
Cherries popped, left empty and drained
Jewels tarnish, riches now forgotten
Branches broken and the trees fruits stolen
Once violent storms, now just memories
The dark leaves and makes way for the light
The ever dimmed light…..

Stolen, raped and left for dead
Your broken heart will never mend
My eyes scan the horizon for a light
But I drift off into a sleep before it's found
The all encompassing dark is your friend
The light now dimmer, you slip away
Your words set in stone deep within
Never to be seen by anyone but you and I
Secret truths now veiled by lies
You looked away and then left me to die
I hate you yet I still love you
You make me cry so hard but I forgive you
Life is tough, but so am I
No time to give up, no time to die
I love you now more than I did then
Though your cold heart is filled with cold blood
Your spirit glows with a warm pink light
You're in a better place, no guilt and shame
I wish I were there with you, but I must stay
Must carry on the legacy you left behind
The self fulfilling prophecy will not be denied
Asleep in life, now awake in death
Wounds now healing through eternity
I love you I miss you I need you I want you
I can't have yet I feel no remorse
You're happy so now I'm happy
And always you will be in my heart

Victim Unaware
Just as the light is broken by the prism
So too is my heart by your cruel words
You make the lame to walk, blind to see
Yet you cannot help even me
You ask not the deaf man to hear
Yet you ask my broken heart to love
My emptied soul to over flow
My tortured self to be happy
What once brought joy now brings hurt
What once were happy memories
Now distorted in a drunken blur
The smooth sea of love, now a typhoon of hate
The fog of malcontent now hides all the perils
You love only yourself, you're a seditious fool
Your lips drip with honey yet your core is rotten
Raped of innocence, impregnated with pure evil
Your eyes are pools of pure darkness
You laugh when angels fall, cry when devils die
You knew love, yet you know no love
Your black and white morals blended to an ugly gray
Your tongue is full of poison and you spit fire
You befriended my enemies, stole my allies
Captured their sympathies and compassion
The razor still drips with your own blood
And you leach off of other's energy
Then you move on to your next victim
Victim unaware, victim… you don't care

The soft sand falls through me feet
The sun sets on my life's beach
Moon hangs low and full
Like a sack of lead ready to fall
Memories flood me
Like light from a torch
I see the death around me
And alone I mourn
Life once here now is gone
The hole in the ground
Is a painful scar from hate
Pins and needles cover the ground
I search for the path
But it's blocked by darkness
My light shines bright and cuts right through
My love is now renewed
Barriers removed, hate now love
Death now life and strife success
But then, a veil falls
I'm surrounded by darkness
My light no longer shows
Death, cold, night, fright
An all encompassing fear
My head explodes, my body aches
Then a hand reaches in and grabs me
It pulls me out of my misery
It guides me to the life giving light
The hand is my new friend
I give the hand what little I have
But it takes it all and gives me back even more
And then the hand is gone
And the dark returns....

Lilies of the East
Lightning flashes, thunder rolls
The sky is torn as is my heart
Pieces of it cling to my inside
Jagged love cuts me up like a knife
Blood pours from my mouth
My spirit slowly dies in agony
I'm naked and have no hope
All that's good is now dead
Tears cloud my vision like darkness
An angel cries while another sings
Dazed and confused in a drunken fit
All life destroyed by the maker itself
Forsaken in life, forgotten in death
The pain renewed time after time
There is no love any longer, only pain
The blood from my mouth runs into my eyes
Getting weaker by the minute soon I'll die
No love left to give, no tears left to cry
Love's been stolen by a bottle of rum
Now is hidden in a shallow pool of looks
Laughter now the only anesthetic available
Love corrupted by greed and lust
Blinded to all but what's behind and strait ahead
But even as the final sunset appears behind the earth
My love will once again be pure and true
My heart will be sewn back together with gold thread
Riches will be worthless and the olive branches burnt
And life will go on...

Sun rises, hopes fresh and new
The rays chase away the memories
Of the night, the cold bitter night
You open your eyes to see the light
The light doesn't hurt, it feels just right
Then someone puts a big cloud in the sky
No longer does the light shine bright
It still shines but it's just not the same
All that sparkles will soon fade
A sea parts, treasure for all to see
Pillagers, pirates and opportunists take their share
Leaving nothing for the poor and frail
The sea collapses back into itself
Robbed, raped and humiliated
Never to be opened again
Then the clouds dissipate
The sun turns paradise to waste
Turns a vast land of cold and ice
Into a garden of eternal spring beauty
The pillagers venture to the land of beauty
Slowly are accepted and embraced as merely misunderstood
Soon their paradise will perish along with all their kind
But the sun still shines, the sun still hides
The sea still parts and closes just as quickly
Until one day something changes
For some reason there are no clouds on the horizon
The sea opens again and doesn't collapse right away
No pillager or thief can alter this perfection
Plants flourish, life's abundant
The sun's grown to a massive size
And now nothing can stop it
The sun grows and grows
Soon all the seas part permanently
And all the world's a paradise.

My World
The wind blows gently
My love know no bounds
From dawn to dusk
The rays warm the entire world
Dissonance becomes harmony
Harmony becomes melody
An angel cries and a devil sings
My heart now confined
Sadness grows in a misty hate
Sorrows multiply onto themselves
Ice and searing cold fill the world
Pain and death all around
24 hours of dark and cold a day
The melody no longer heard
Just a memory now
Hate darkens the world
No light shines through
Fires rage, death imminent
Are you listening
Can you feel the pain
The world dies a long death
Heaven will soon follow
The lake of fire is now every where
Even floats on top of the icy death
Entire lives engulfed in hate
But one still loves
One still carries the light
He's hidden far from view
But the torch lights his entire domain
All search for his life giving light
Few will find him, though many will try
One torch lights a thousand
A new life grows, a good life begins
Soon the fires begin to die out
People no longer have any hate to give
The crow leaves and the dove enters
All is good…. But for how long?

When is love really love
When does a wall really fall
Who loves the unlovable
Why is the sun brightest before it sets
Why do hugs from you hurt so much
Why do lies only grow when you tell them
Is the calm before the storm a true calm
Why can't others see what you see
Why do hearts break but grudges don't
Why does a rose smell so nice but have thorns
Why doesn't a rainbow last forever, yet the rain does
Darkness always returns, so why doesn't light
If you hate, you get hate back, why isn't it the same with love

Her paint brings words to life
Her words sooth and calm my heart
Her heart speaks softly to mine
Her eyes sparkle with hope and joy
Her lips dip with honey and oils
Her smile melts the iron in my heart
She offers hope to the hopeless
She makes the blind to read
She makes the unloved, lovers
She makes the guilty innocent
She makes the hurt feel no pain
She loves because she is loved
She sympathizes, she empathizes
Her heart's of gold, her mind is wise
Her compassion knows no bounds
She's a friend to the friendless
She warms the heart of all she meets
She makes you cry and then makes you laugh
She is as true a friend as you will ever find

A wrench gets rusty
Just like your heart
Your love now ashes of what it once was
Built on hope
Destroyed in despair
Lightning rips open the fresh night air
Shy with your friends
An extrovert among enemies
Never the same person from one day to the next
Coated in love
Contains hate in the core
Fine balance and harmony now utterly destroyed
Pink lights surround you
But green's inside you
No one never really knows what you're planning < br> Cut by papers
Left untouched by diamond
Your thick skin protects your soft inner-self
You fantasize
Then you realize
The Fates have already determined your destiny

Sun comes up, no sign of rain
Moon disappears, the night is gone
So why are you still in the dark
Warm rays fill your heart
Melts the ice from within
So why do you still hate
A friend walks by, happy as hell
You're happy for them, you truly are
So why don't you smile
If a rain drop falls, you curse the sun
If you fall on your face, you blame your feet
Never yourself, never yourself.
So you walk alone, afraid of life
Though your friends still love you
You turn your back to the sun
You hide in a cloud of rain, a cloud of pain
You box up your heart so it can't be stolen
You hide your soul so you can't be found
You deceive those to believe what you want them to believe
Your heart is broken, does anyone have some glue
Nope, never, no one but you
You hate those who love, you love those who hate
You hate yourself, you hate the cruel world
For you've been left to fend for yourself

My eyes water as the old day dies
My spirit rejoices in the new light
Darkness rules all the rain clouds
Light encompasses and warms your belly
Pain is no longer felt, but neither is love
A painful indifference in your heart
A golden beauty now stained in black
A rich fullness now a thin loss
Long dreamed fantasies now short lived life
Blood clings to you tongue as you curse
You cry out to god for riches and he makes you poor
You ask for wisdom and he makes you humble
Your life is full despite yourself
Yet through your narrow eyes it seems empty
The beautiful grey that you loved so much
Is now as black as coal and white as a pearl
The black hole of your mind explodes like a super nova
Bits and pieces spread through the universe
You look in the water at yourself
And you see a warped, twisted face
Time is no longer on your side and you run away
You look for ice to cool off your heart
But the ice just melts and evaporates
Your hearts too warm to be cooled by the darkside
Your light shines through on the path of truth
You hold you head high in triumph
Your light will always shine

Judgement Day
Cuts, scars, comas, just everyday occurrences
What's the matter? Can't stand the heat?
Perhaps you're lacking conviction
Perhaps you just don't believe what you say you do
Or is it perhaps, that things just aren't falling for you
Even though it's not like they ever do
You forgive too fast, you hate too slow
You forget what takes you years to learn
To only have it only shoved back at you again
You take sips of clean water, only to find it's acid
You view oppression as being superior to devotion
You judge not, for you are then judged
Yet for all your sins, no punishment been given
You corrupt the innocent minds of children to save you own
Only to find you've been lead astray by yourself
Despite all your hate mongering and demonization
You've simply carried on another every day ritual
You yourself have crucified your savior to save yourself
And now it's time for the real judgement

Personality? What's that?
I wouldn't know because I don't have one
Anything that even resembles something personal is gone
But of course, that's just a result of my own actions
I'm just a plain shallow unimportant useless mind
Because what can I know?
Nothing, well according the my close ones
Even the majestic nature of love hardly protects me anymore
None the less, it's still a pride and joy
What was perfect before, is now warped and twisted
Twisted so much I can't even recognize it
Or perhaps that's just because I've changed
Perhaps the reason I feel so empty is because I want to
Because pain is of course the best feeling
Independence is a way of the distant pass
Only fatigue and desperation work now
And God forbid I ever get independent again
For I'll just screw up again, and again... and again
No two ways about it, and I know that
Follow others orders and I'll be fine
I know that, that's the way it's always been
I wonder if things will ever change in the future
Ah well, I'm just along for the ride any ways
Who knows what tomorrow holds?
A more important question is...who cares

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Email: ozzie_smith@mailexcite.com