Global Peace2000

[Video available] Global Crisis Solutions Conference, UC Berkeley, March 1, 1999
Global Peace Walk, Oakland City Hall to UC Berkeley, Friday, February 26, 1999
People's Peace Park, Berkeley, Dedication Event, Saturday, February 27, 1999

The international Nuclear Abolition 2000 movement to abolish nuclear weapons has inspired the intiation of the Global Peace Walk 1999-2000 local and U.S. national routes for the cause of Global Peace2000. To effect this result, city mayors are proclaiming their cities as Global Peace Zones to empower our prayer for "Global Peace Now!", as a universal human resolve, so that the whole world may rapidly become Global Peace Zone 2000: The only realistic alternative to an otherwise certain Third World War that would feature unspeakable weapons of mass destruction.

At the same time, the reallocation of human and natural resources away from preparations for war will enable the implementation of programs to solve our global social and environmental crises before it is too late to save all life on Earth.

The Global Peace Walk was initiated honoring the 50th anniversary of the United Nations in 1995 to help achieve its purpose of eliminating the sourge of war forever. We have received messages, letters, and proclamations of support from President Clinton, Vice President Gore, the U.S. Representative to the United Nations, and many city mayors including Willie Brown of San Francisco, Jerry Brown of Oakland, and Shirley Dean of Berkeley, as well as from numerous religious and cultural leaders.

The initiator of the Global Peace Walk, Reverend Yusen Yamato, left February 10, 1999, for Japan to present the Global Peace Zone Sister City proposal to the Japanese sister cities of San Francisco and Berkeley (Osaka and Sakkai) so that this idea may be taken up by the International Sister City Committee and rapidly propagated around the world by its United States leadership.

He will be returning to take part in the local Global Community Peace Walk from Oakland City Hall to UC Berkeley on February 26th, the rededication of People's Park in Berkeley on February 27th, and the Global Crisis Solutions Conference at UC Berkeley's Alumni House on March 1st. He will be joined there by other speakers on many important survival issues whose messages the Global Peace Walk will be carrying to the United Nations and to Washington, DC, this year and next as Global Peace Walk 1999-2000.