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This month, NOROMO VALUES is featuring...

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merchandise in sight

Well, it's 1999 as I write this - hope everyone enjoyed themselves. Now, let's get back to business...has anyone spotted a 1999 X-Files calendar yet?
[ :) Yes this is seriously what this is about. ]
Well I haven't !! I have looked here and there and bugged my newsagent to the point where she hides under the counter, but no calendar. Hmmph, I thought, they don't mind shutting down a few hundred sites but they can't produce one lousy calendar? GRRRR!

Then it came to me while I was lying restless in my bed. I could make my own! Yeah!!!

And so I spent about 6 hours on New Year's Day making this. Be grateful you bastards! Unfortunately I don't have a scanner so I can't scan in piccies of each month. But here's the details:

  • Created in Publisher 98 (sorry, but it's the only version I have - it should still work in previous version, however)

  • Completely free!

  • 12 pages long - each page has the name of the month, the actual calendar, my credits (logo, links, motto, name) and a different "feature" type thing with at least one picture.
    January - Got Milk? The Mulder & Scully "where's your mustache?" picture from the drink-milk campaign in the USA.
    February - Spooky... The black and white picture of Mulder & Scully on autospy tables - complete with toe tags!
    March - Subversive, Surprising A subverted version of the FTF piccie of Mulder & Scully looking to the left, and details about the XFFCA.
    April - Lots Of Files... / Lots And Lots Of Files! A few handy links and a Mulder & Scully picture from "Jersey Devil".
    May - Close But No Cigar A black and white picture of Mulder & Scully (from "Never Again", I think - Scully's having an angst expression at Mulder), information about why our heroes aren't and should never be perfect, and an alien on life support.
    June - "Mulder, it's me..." Four pictures of Scully and a short piece on her different elements. And two of the best DS/GA links.
    July - The Creator - some info about Chris Carter, and the drawing of him that was in the "Songs in the Key of X" liner notes (all scurry to the CD collection).
    August - Just Gimme The Goods! The cover of "Antibodies" and an ad (that was also the cover of the offical S# 3 guide).
    September - "Scully, You Busy?" Three pictures of Mulder and short description.
    October - May I Have This Dance? Picture of Gillian Anderson and David Duchovny dancing and a couple of quotes from those who know it should never happen!
    November - The Baddies Excellent picture I found ages ago of Alex Krychek, Skinner, Cancer Man and X standing around a glowing red "X" on the ground. Kyrchek is crouching on the ground and has got one arm in the air, as if indicating for a lift, Skinner is standing and is holding up his arms as if shielding from a light, Cancer Man is sitting on a chair behind the "X" smoking a cigarette and X is standing, facing the front, holding his arms as if to say "Don't move". I love this picture so much!!
    December - (no heading) Didn't have room for one, after this great piccie. It's a black and white one, cropped version of one I found at the XFMMA. Mulder and Scully do "the bump"! :) It's a fantastic picture.


    OK, I have printed up this calendar and there's a couple of's fairly slow to print and uses up a fair amount of ink. But hey, you can download it and print one every month - that wouldn't break anyone's bank!

    OH BTW, I was going to have piccies from the previous calendars but I don't have a scanner! D'oh!

    NOROMO VALUES by Brianna L ( Let me know if something looks wrong, or if you have comments, critisism, praise, suggestions.
    Not in frames but table-heavy so Netscapers, tread lightly. Sitemap, disclaimer.
    Spoiler free for Australian teev. Lawyers and Shippers, fuck off, everyone else, enjoy.
    Visited link ... ... ... Unvisited link.