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Music Links
After you buy our CD, visit our pals 5 Bucks! And buy theirs!

Boris the Sprinkler!!!!
Atom and his Package!!!! Lookout Records. It's really hip!
Screeching Weasel.com Go visit the Weasel!
Where's Devo in 1998? Click here and see.
Brooklyn's undisputed heavyweight champions of nerd-rock.
Kung fu records
Ratt: Bad ass mullet-headed 80's hair metal!! haha!
Punk Uprisings: I've never seen it, but I'd imagine it's better than inserting assorted colored thumbtacks into your skull.
A Good Site about other good New England Bands...

Movie / TV Links
What do Clerks, Mallrats and Chasing Amy have in common. This website you feeb!!
Hello Kitty, Pekkle and Bad Badtz Maru. What more could you desire?
Troma Studios: Home of such movies as The Toxic Avenger, Sgt. Kabukiman, LAPD , Surf Nazis Must Die and Bloodsucking Freaks.
This is my friend, Val's site. Look here for anime, punk rock, and lots of Sailor Moon stuff!
We've got Mangamania!
Robot Roll Call: Cambot, Gypsy, Tom Servo, Croooooow!
Greg's Favorite Actor
Mike's Favorite Actor
Dave's Favorite Actor
Chris' Favorite Actor
Artie's Favorite Actor

Fun Fun Fun
The Video game music archives.I got a lot of music and pictures for the ZG site from here.
This is a 'lil site for those of you that can't decide upon something or are just REALLY bored
Click here to play "37". The game based on the New Jersey Trilogy!
MulletMania!! Click here to view mullets o' plenty!!
With classic video games like Street Fighter and Mega Man, how could you pass up visiting this site?
Bizarre news! It's neat-o!
Biorythms. Ever wonder how compatable you are with Antonio Banderas?
Mmmm, Taco Bell. We love tacos!
The Assorted Jellybeans

Assorted Jellybeans. They're good.
The Bestest Screeching Weasel site on the web!!
Screeching Weasel

Visit the Full Moon Entertainment Website!
View Askew!
just because these two bands don't have pictures, doesn't mean we love them any less..

Want your site listed? Send your URL to the King, ZekesGarage1@juno.com , and he'll determine it's fate.

Sign the Zeke's Garage Guestbook View the ZG Guestbook Guestbook by GuestWorld

Download Some Crap Free! let's face it, AOL sucks. But if they're giving out free stuff, I"m taking. Talk to Greg, Artie, Dave, Mike and King Porter on the AOL Instant Messenger.

Can't hear the music that plays in the background of our website? Probably because you don't have a MIDI plug-in stupid! Go to Live update! Crescendo and download a FREE MIDI player for your browser, then and only then can you hear the ramones, weezer, green day and other music in MIDI format on our pages!!!


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