alternative text. This text is for screen readers or in the instance an image can't load, a description of what should have been here. It's the halfway point of the season and the Mets are already on the downhill slide. Poor defense is killing this team as much as their lack of hitting. With the upcoming trade deadline I don't see anything that will improve this team.

I've lost a lot of interest in watching lately. I did not even update the last two games of June against Oakland until the first week of July. I quit watching games from the beginning and just turn them on when I get home from work, usually around the 3rd or 4th inning. It is a long season being a Mets fan. I've lost hope of 2015 being a winning dream season. At least tickets will be easy to obtain next year. I need to start making preparations for retirement next month and start the ball rolling on my moving to New York for next year. The countdown to retirement is dwindling fast [less than 40 days].

All Star Break Update

During the week of the Braves visiting Citi Field I've fallen behind on my updating this site. But good has come this week as the Mets took 3 out of 4 games from Atlanta and then swept the Marlins to go into the All Star break. The Mets lone All Star this year is second baseman Daniel Murphy who was at or on top of the leaders in hits in the NL. The Mets were 11 games out along with the Phillies but after an 8-2 home stand they are now 7 games behing the Braves and Nats while passing the Marlins for sole custody of third place in the NL East.

I also got a surprise this week as I received an email from the Mets Fantasy Camp coordinator. A Mets employee (Cindy) somehow ran across my website and saw my post about my 2015 trip and my original dream of going to a Mets fantasy camp. Camp coordinator Doug and I discussed how to make the fantasy camp a reality and I'm committing to go in January. He also set me up with a ticketing person to help me in September obtain my Citi seats for next year. This was ironic as I had told myself that this was the week I needed to contact someone at the Mets about my 2015 plans.

End of Month Update

The Mets ended a successful July with a 15-10 record for the month yet still remained 4 games under .500 at 52-56. They have distanced themselves from the lesser teams in the NL but have yet to challenge the upper third in the league. Pitching has still been the Mets strong point but the offense is still lacking and many defensive mistakes have hurt them in games. Jacob deGrom has been outstanding in July as has Zack Wheeler. Lucas Duda has become the big power bat in the lineup with 19 home runs.