Lance Story, Part VII

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Lance Story

     -Part 1

     -Part 2

     -Part 3

     -Part 4

     -Part 5

     -Part 6

     -Part 7

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(( heeey. enjoy. im tryin' to wrap it up. if you want any of this to make
sense, you may want to read the first volumes again...or just the one before
this. whatever. sorry for the wait. it's been so long it was rather difficult
to find an ending, and therefore does not end in this episode, but we're
getting there. be patient! ok. have fun. ))

The Departure...Vol. 7

:: Lance, Nemo, Chrys, Vegeta, Erin, Slane, and the rest of Fox Hound examine
the radar of  the Streets of Rhydin from inside the headquarters. The Ryokan
guards appeared in red on the radar, and they could all see exactly where the
guards were at all times. ::

<Slane> Hehe...this is gonna be sweet. I've got it all planned out. Yo, Alpha
leader, show them the "Terminator".
:: The Alpha Leader opened a door leading upstairs into a warehouse. ::
:: All the others followed into the room, where a giant spider-like. machine
waited for them. It was made of full metal and was large enough for all of
them. Slane smiled with pride when they all walked in and stared in awe at
his creation. ::
<Slane> Me n' Fox Hound put this lil' thing together. I call it Terminator,
cuz itl kill anything. It's got razors on its legs, firepropellors in the
front, and sprays toxic fumes from the back. It's deadly...and I'll say we
can get rid of an entire kingdom with just this.
<Lance> Heh, no shit. When did you make this thing?
<Slane> :: smirked :: Just a little while ago. Figured mass destruction was
always nececary, and built the ultimate fighting machine.
<Chrys> It truly is amazing, Sir.
<Erin> :: grinned :: Wow Slane...didn't think ya had it in ya.
<Slane> :: grinned and looked over at Erin, without saying anything ::
<Vegeta> Can we ride it now?
<Lance> Yea...lets get started. We need a plan. First we'll take out all the
guards, and then...I for Matthias. He's the one that will give
us access to the abyss. The others we can just avoid for now.
<Chrys> I agree. We don't need any unnecessary setbacks.
<Slane> :: shrugs, and hops up onto the top of the spider, and hits a button.
The spider's lid flips open, giving the group a circular shaped cockpit to
travel in ::
It shouldn't be too tight, its pretty big. Fox Hound, stay here and man the
fort. I'll be back sooner or later. Come on guys, we've got work to do. ::
hops into the cockpit and sits in the main chair ::
:: Lance, Erin, Chrys, Nemo, and Vegeta follow Slane and get into the Machine
of Death. ::
:: the warehouse door opens and the Terminator walks outside. Within the
first few minutes, five Ryokan guards were killed, and the Terminator romped
through the Streets of Rhydin, in search of Matthias ::


:: Rebecca and Ralan reach the All Soul's Inn. The door swings open and they
poke their heads in expecting to find Lance and the others waiting for
them... ::

<Bobert> :: flings his head towards the door :: Get them! ...Get them Get
:: Dru, Glare, Tifa, Aly, Odin, Starr, and Caitrin all jumped to their feet.  
Caitrin immediately draws his sword, and stares at Ralan. The others pull
knives, and just watched. ::
<Caitrin> :: grinned widely :: I've been waiting for this day Ralan. :: he
smiled again, and walked towards Ralan. ::
:: Bobert sat down on a table, and the others started walking towards
Rebecca. Ralan had by this time drawn his sword and was stepping towards
Caitrin. ::
<Ralan> ...Enough said. :: Ralan lunged at Caitrin, and they began to duel.
Meanwhile, Rebecca stood looking at the others with no weapon in hand. ::
<Bobert> Rebecca...when did you switch sides?
<Rebecca> A while ago...What are you doing Bobert? What's your plans?
<Bobert> I plan to rape you and steal your money! FOOL! GET HER! :: flies
backwards, pointing at Rebecca ::
<Dru> Let me handle this... :: walks towards Rebecca, as the others circle
around her. Ralan and Caitrin are still fighting, and Bobert is sitting
around watching :: Alright...say goodbye....bitch! :: throws her knife
straight at Rebecca's head ::
<Rebecca> :: ducks quickly, and the knife hits Odin in the throat :: Nice
shot, whore! ;: grabs a chair and smashes it on Dru's head, then grabs her
and throws her out the window ::
<Glare> Oh my God!! You hurt my Dru! :: charges at her with his knife ::
<Rebecca> :: staggers backward, unsure of what to do ::
<Xander> :: Pulls his sword and hacks Glare's head off :: Never liked that
<Rebecca> Xander!
<Xander> :: floating above the ground, in the form of a ghost ::
<Alyssa> Xander!
<Rebecca> :: picks up Glare's knife and chucks it at Ally, killing her
instantly :: Whore!
<Tifa> Xander... :: pulls out a razor blade from her pocket ::
<Xander> :: looks at Tifa... ::
<Starr> Alright...I'm just gonna go now...tell me when this is through. I'm
not into the whole fighting thing anyways. :: runs away ::
<Xander>'re crazy, you know that?
<Tifa> Yes, I do know that. :: looks over at Rebecca ::
<Rebecca> :: gives an odd look over to Tifa ::
<Bobert> Damn you humans and your nonfighting! Rape her already Xander!
Somebody do something! :: pulls out a bag of lizard shit and begins snacking
away ::


<Slane> Woohoo!
:: three more guards drop down, and the Terminator stumbles through the
streets, with only one leg somewhat damaged ::
<Lance> :: laughs :: This thing is crazy. Bring it around to the All Soul's
Inn. Maybe there's somebody there.
<Slane> Sure. :: jerks the control stick around, and heads the spider towards
the Inn ::
<Bobert> Bobert! Bobert!
<Lance> :: looks over at his parrot :: Alright...its too weird calling you
Bobert. Your name is Parrot again.
<Parrot> Parrot!
<Erin> Speaking of Bobert...we still have to find that monkey to get Mystic
back and active.
<Chrys> Perhaps we can find Sir Bobert at the Inn.
<Lance> ...I hope so.


<Mojojojo> Have the knights arrived in Arisnia yet?
<Sophi> They will very soon my lord Mojojojo.
<Mojojojo> Excellent. You have served me well faithful servant. Now run in
circles damn you!
<Sophi> :: runs around in circles ::
<Mojojojo> And sing!
<Sophi> :: sings Mary had a Little Lamb as she runs ::
<Guard> Lord! The knights have arrived in Arisnia! They are waiting for your
<Mojojojo> :: evil grin :: Begin by destroying the village. Kill all of the


<Erik> :: slowly awakes from bed to the sounds of the alarms of the Arisnian
Castle ::

<Shiela> :: hops out of bed, and looks out her window ::
<Erik> :: walks outside as a cloud of knights in black armor and long swords
begin to stampede the village :: Shit! :: runs back inside and grabs his and
Erin's two daughters Shiela and Shayna :: We've gotta go!
<Shayna> What's going on daddy?
<Erik> :: runs out the backdoor and bolts toward the forest :: Don't
worry...we'll be alright.  
<Ryokan Knight> :: pops out in front of them from behind a tree and holds his
sword to Erik's throat. Erik comes to a quick stop. ::


<Tifa> :: throws another razor at Xander, and it goes through know...he's dead :: Damn!
<Xander> Look...I could just kill you right now if i wanted to. Is that what
you want?
<Tifa> ...Hmmm
<Xander> ...Hmmm?
<Tifa> ...Hmmm...
<Rebecca> Hmmm
<Bobert> Hmmm!
<Xander> Hmmm?
<Tifa> Hmmm...
:: silence ::
<Xander> Dammit! This is for all the hell you put me through, when i was so
nice to you! :: stabs Tifa ::
<Tifa> :: drops down to the floor, in her last moment :: ...I knew nobody
loved me... :: dies ::
:: silence again ::
<Bobert> Damn right, woman! :: dances on her dead body ::
<Rebecca> :: grabs Bobert while he's dancing :: Gotcha! You've been causing a
lot of trouble lately, you crazy monkey.
<Bobert> :: starts singing "I will survive" ::
<Xander> :: ...can't help himself, and joins in, and starts dancing ::
<Bobert> At first I was afraid...I was petrified.
<Xander> Wonderin how I could ever live without you by my side. :: points at
Rebecca :: And then I spent so many nights thinkin how you did me wrong...
<Ralan> :: falls on the floor in front of the three of them, and Caitrin
pounces on top of him, sword aiming towards his head ::
<Caitrin> Goodbye Ralan!
<Ralan> :: grabs his sword and reflects Caitrin's, sending Caitrin off to the
side, and Caitrin lands on the floor ::
<Caitrin> Ach :: begins to stand up again ::
<Ralan> :: thrusts his sword through Caitrin's chest, staring Caitrin in the
eyes ::
<Caitrin> :: Goes limp, and drops his sword, staring back at Ralan. Drops to
his side, dead ::
<Ralan> :: slowly stands up straight ::
<Xander> :: grabs a mic from behind the bar :: I will survive! Yeaaa....I
will survive!
<Bobert> Mission accomplished, ey Ralan?
<Ralan> :: smiles ::
<Rebecca> Aren't they supposed to come back after we kill them? They were
under the spell, right?
<Ralan> They can only come back if they were not killed in a permament way.
Having your head chopped off, or a stab in the chest...there's no coming back
from that. It's unrepairable.
<Rebecca> :: shrugs :: Oh well...didn't like these people anyways.
<Bobert> FOOLS! You have forgotten about Arisnia!


:: The Terminator pulls in front of the All Soul's Inn and Lance hops out ::
<Lance> You guys wait here. I'll go take a quick look to see if anyone's
inside. :: walks in and sees the croud ::
<Ralan> :: smiles, releived to see Lance again ::
<Rebecca> Lance!
<Lance> :: smiles :: What are you doing here?
<Rebecca> Long story. I'll explain it later. I'm here to help.
<Lance> :: looks at Ralan and Rebecca together :: You two gettin along?
<Ralan> :: nods ::
<Lance> Good. :: looks at Bobert :: Aha!  
<Rebecca> :: grabs him again quickly :: I caught him earlier. The little
monkey tried to get a huge group of people to kill us.
<Lance> :: looks at all the dead people on the floor, and sees Tifa :: Tifa's
gone too?
<Xander> Yea...she finally got what was comin.
<Lance> ...I always wondered what would end up happening to her.
<Xander> :: smirkes :: You don't seem surprised to see me, you bastard.
<Lance> :: smiles :: It isn't possible to get rid of you. Well... :: looks
back at Bobert :: We've got to get him over to Mystic, to revive him. ::
explains what happened ::
<Bobert> Never! :: kicks Rebecca in the stomach and gets free ::
<Rebecca> Oof... :: falls over ::
<Lance> Grab that monkey!
<Bobert> :: flies out the window :: Hahaha!
<Slane> :: sprays toxic fumes into the air, and Bobert, nearly chokes to
death, then falls straight into the cockpit :: Gotcha.
:: Lance, Ralan, Rebecca, and Xander run out of the Inn ::
<Vegeta> ...Xander?!
<Xander> :: eyes bug out :: Ya little bitch! Get over here!
<Vegeta> :: hops out of the spider :: You don't scare me!
<Xander> gonna wish you neva lived. :: pulls his sword ::
<Vegeta> :: stares at Xander for a second, a little uneasy, and then bolts
off through the streets ::
<Xander> Bastard! :: puts his sword away :: I'll get him later.
<Lance> :: looks at the people in the Terminator :: You guys go bring Bobert
back to the Hideaway Home and wake up Mystic. :: looks over at Xander, Ralan,
and Rebecca :: We need to go find Matthias. We'll catch up with the rest of
them later.
<Rebecca> :: yells out :: once you get Mystic active again, have him make a
portal to Arisnia. And hurry, you'll need to save the King. Ryokan knights
are after him. Mojojojo is trying to take the place over!
<Slane> :: salutes with a grin and closes the top to the spider machine ::
:: Slane, Erin, Chrys, the strangly silent Nemo, and the unconscious monkey
all head back to the Hideaway Home riding inside the Terminator::
:: Lance, Rebecca, Xander, and Ralan continue their search for Matthias ::


<Ryokan Commander> Alright troops...We've wiped out the entire village. ::
looks at Arisnia, completely destroyed. the castle still lies in the middle
of the town, untouched. ::
<Ryokan Knight> Sir! Come, quick!
<Ryokan Commander> :: runs over to the edge of the forest and looks in horror
<Ryokan Knight> What do you suppose happened to this poor soldier?
<Ryokan Commander> ...That's a vampire bite. Soldiers, we've got a new
problem on our hands. Ten of you, stay here and wait for orders. The rest of
you, follow me. We've got a vampire on the loose that needs to be destroyed!


<Lance> :: looks into the pocket of his long, trench-like jacket to see
Parrot fast asleep still :: That Parrot can sleep for hours.
<Xander> Lucky for the parrot. I may have killed it by now.
<Lance> Man, what does everybody have against my Parrot?
<Xander> Dude, that Parrot's almost as bad as Vegeta. How could anyone not
want to kill it?
<Lance> :: shrugs ::
<Ralan> I believe the only ones who haven't been turned yet are Matthias,
Sophi, Xia, and Starr.
<Lance> Sophi's still with Mojojojo. We won't find her quite yet.
<Rebecca> Starr is probably running through the streets still.
:: Starr runs out into the middle of a busy street and gets flattened by a
truck ::
<Xander> Where has Xia been lately anyways? Haven't seen er around.
:: a satellite falls from the sky and hits Xia on the head, killing her
instantly, but not permanently ::
:: Lance and the others turn the corner to find a woman lying on the
sidewalk. They all run up to her, and realize that it's Xia. ::
<Lance> Xia! :: helps her up :: Are you alright?
<Xia> ...Wow...I really got drunk last night. :: staggers up :: Thanks guys.
How'd you find me out here on the street? :: looks over at Xander, and sees
he's floating, and is somewhat translucent :: ...Whoa. I think im still a
little drunk.
<Xander> :: grins :: Nah...I'm a ghost again.
<Xia> ...Alright. Good to know. So what's goin on? :: rubs her eyes ::
<Lance> A lot... First, we're looking for Matthias.
<Matthias> :: laughs :: I'm up here! :: standing upon a building, he sends a
great cloud of black smoke around all of them, making it impossible to see,
and impossible to breathe ::
:: Lance, Ralan, Xia, Xander, and Rebecca fall to the ground unconscious one
by one to the ground ::

...To Be Continued