Lance Story, Part V

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Lance Story

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((Yet more comments from Lance-Mun: ...and yet...there's more... ))

The Departure...Vol. 5

:: Lance, Mystic, Nemo, Bobert the parrot, Bobert the monkey, Erin, Chrys, and Vegeta all walked through the portal...leading to the Rose Estates supposobly...but other stuff is happening besides that ::
:: Sage followed Mojojojo, two knights, and the tied up Frosty all the way back to the Ryoka Castle. He stayed behind them by hiding behind trees, and when the forest came to an end, he stayed behind rocks or around corners...until finally...he reached the gates of the Ryoka Castle ::
:: There was a huge gate with a guard on each side. perched on the top of both sides of the gate was a with wings and a long tail...with long claws and sharp teeth, and the other looked like a dauchsen with a mean face. the guards opened the gate for Mojojojo, the two knights, and the tied up Frosty...and they all walked through ::
:: Sage stayed behind a rock...and when he felt it was time...he came out and slowly approached the staring guards ::
<Sage> :: slowly walks up to the gate, and the two guards stare at him ::
<Ryoka Guard 1> Hey kid...You're not from around here.
What do you want?
<Sage> I uh...actually...just moved into the area from uh...Arisnia...and wanted to greet the King.
<Ryoka Guard 1> Oh! Arisnia! We're allies...right? :: looks at the other guard ::
<Ryoka Guard 2> Uh...yea...I think so.
<Ryoka Guard 1> Well then...the kid can pass.
<Ryoka Guard 2> Yea... :: starts to open the gate ::
<Ryoka Guard 1> :: helps him open the gate...when a Knight from inside the castle runs out ::
<Ryoka Knight> Stop! Who is it you're opening this gate for?!
<Ryoka Guard 1> A kid from Arisnia. Just moved in. He's an ally.
<Ryoka Knight> Haven't you heard?! The Arisnian King's back! Bobert the flying monkey is gone! Arisnia's our enemy! Mojojojo was so furious he's taken a hostage...and he's planning on sending an army to Arisnia right away!
<Ryoka Guard 1> Uh...Yes Sir! I don't know what we were thinking!
:: Sage takes a few steps back...and the Ryoka Guards start walking towards him...drawing their weapons. The Ryoka Knight draws his sword and walks outside the castle courtyard...past the gate...and walks towards Sage ::
:: Then...a creaking sound is the gate slowly slams shut behind them all ::
:: The Guards spin around to see something...odd ::
<Gargoyle> :: the Gargoyle with the tail and sharp teeth slowly walked along the top of the gate...and knocked the gargoyle that looked like a dog off with his paw...and it fell to the ground and crumbled...right next to another broken gargoyle that nobody seemed to have noticed before...which the living gargoyle had taken the place of ::
:: The two guards and the knight draw their attention to the Sage slowly side steps around the four to the gate ::
<Gargoyle> :: gives a look over to Sage...who freezes and presses up against the wall that supports the gate ::
<Ryoka Knight> What the hell is it?
<Ryoka Guard 1> I don't know...
<Gargoyle> :: snickers :: If you really wanted to know...why don't you ask? :: bites guard 1 in the side, and knocks guard 2 down with its tail ::
<Ryoka Knight> :: steps back :: I didn't
<Gargoyle> :: hits the knight in the back of the knee with it's long, sharp claws and the knight falls to the ground ::
<Ryoka Knight> :: with his leg stunned, and in a sense, paralyzed, he swings at the Gargoyle with its sword ::
<Gargoyle> :: bites his arm, and he drops the sword as he's swinging. hits the knight in the chest with his sharp, spiked tail, and the knight gives up and lays there...afraid to move...bleeding all over ::
<Sage> :: quickly grabs the sword off the ground and holds it up in front of him ::
<Gargoyle> :: blinks and looks at sage...then sits down on its back legs ::
<Sage> ...Who...Who are you?
<Gargoyle> :: grins :: Who? Usually it's "What am I?"
<Sage> :: blinks :: Who and what are you?
<Gargoyle> :: chuckles :: I'm a demon in the form of a Gargoyle...and my name is Fire.
<Sage> ...Fire...I'm Sage...
<Fire> ...So you're from Arisnia? I knew a guy from Arisnia. We lost touch bout two years ago.
<Sage> My mother's name is Erin...if you've heard of her.
<Fire> 'Fraid not. Just know the one.
<Sage> :: nods :: Well...what are you doing here?
<Fire> I'm after the devil monkey by the name of Mojojojo. A friend of mine asked me to hunt him down.
<Sage> Really? Which friend? Maybe I know em.
<Fire> Her name's Rebecca. Another I haven't seen in about two years...but...apparantely she had just dropped her blow drier in a sink, and electified herself...I'd say killed herself, but for some reason, she's still alive.
<Sage> :: shrugs ::
<Fire> :: shrugs :: Well...I was bored...and all she could figure out to say was "Mojojojo must be stopped!" I figured I'd take that up for her.
<Sage> Well...My friend was just captured by I was planning on rescuing him.
<Fire> Yes...I was following the monkey around...I saw you following him also. I was above the trees. I hid out in place of that gargoyle...and figured I'd help ya out...since I had a feeling we were goin' for the same thing.
<Sage> Well...thanks.
<Fire> :: chuckles :: We're after the same thing. Both of us can help each other. Got any skills?
<Sage> Well...Uh...I'm a vamp...not many skills other than sucking blood at the moment.
<Fire> :: shrugs :: That'll work. Let's go in and kick some ass.
<Sage> Actually...there's a trick behind this all. Mojojojo can't be killed unless he's unsummoned by the man...or thing...that summoned him. The thing's name is Hank...but Hank is locked in the abyss. Mojojojo is invincible until Hank is brought back.
<Fire> :: blink blink :: ...Shit.
<Sage> Heh...well...things don't always go as planned.
<Fire> Yea...guess not... :: shakes his head :: ...Well...I guess I'll help you out then, kid. I'd tell Rebecca...but she doesn't seem to understand anything at the moment.
<Sage> Yea...thanks.
<Fire> Well...Let's go...hop on.
<Sage> O.o Hop on?
<Fire> :: shrugs :: I'll give ya a ride. Just sit on my back.
<Sage> ... :: slowly walks over to Fire, and sits on his back :: ...Take it slow...
<Fire> :: grins and shoots off from the ground into the air. he soars around the courtyard and above the castle roof ::
<Sage> :: grabs on :: Holy Shit! Don't go so fast!
<Fire> :: laughs :: Hang on kid! :: heads straight toward the stained glass window at the top of the castle ::


So...You worked at McDonalds...and you were running around in the forest because you can't stand fresh air?
<Frosty> :: frantically shakes his head ::
<Mojojojo> :: shrugs :: I guess it's the truth...We can't get anything else out of him.
<Arisnian Knight> :: shrugs :: Should I set him free Lord Mojojojo?
<Mojojojo> No...I feel like he could be usefull. There's something about him we're missing. I'll keep him as my hostage. guys head out to Arisnia. Get to the King and threaten his life...Tell him that if he doesn't allow you to be King, then you will kill him!
<Arisnian Knight> Yes Lord Mojojojo. Although...It may take about a day for us to reach Arisnia.
<Mojojojo> Then go now!
<Arisnian Knight> Yes my Lord. :: he...and 60 other knights walk out of the throne room to the courtyard...and on their way to Arisnia ::
<Mojojojo> :: stares at Frosty :: Hmmm...I'm missing something.
<Frosty> Hmmm...Oh! I know! A brain! :: hops around in the wooden chair that he's tied to ::
<Mojojojo> Arg! I am Mojojojo! For you are not Mojojojo...but I am Mojojojo! And nobody talks to that! :: breathes in to yell for a guard...when suddenly... ::
<Fire> :: bursts through the window and into the chambers with Sage on his back ::
<Mojojojo> Hey! Who are you!? What are you doing here?! Get out!
<Frosty> nnnnyeh
<Fire> :: lands ::
<Sage> :: hops off, and takes out the sword that he picked up from the Guards at the Gate :: Frosty!
<Ralan> Nope...Ralan here...Come help me out.
<Sage> :: cuts the ropes that are holding Ralan in the chair, and they run over to Fire ::
<Mojojojo> Hey! I am Mojojojo! You cannot do this to Mojojojo!
<Sage> ...Shut up Monkey :: chops off Mojojojo's head...which falls right back on, and Mojojojo goes on, as if nothing happened ::
<Mojojojo> :: starts hopping back and forth, with his huge cain in always :: I am Mojojojo! You cannot do this to Mojojojo!
<Sage> :: shakes his head and climbs on Fire...followed by Ralan ::
<Ralan> :: waves goodbye to Mojojojo, as Fire takes off back through the window ::
<Fire> So...What's your name?
<Ralan> I'm Ralan...and who might you be?
<Fire> Fire...
<Ralan> Ah...Fire... :: stares at him :: ...Have we met?
<Fire> :: turns back and looks at Ralan, then watches where he's flying :: You kinda look familiar...but I don't think so.
<Ralan> :: shrugs :: Maybe not.
<Fire> You gotta story as to why you guys were in the forest?
<Ralan> Actually...A long story.
<Fire> Well...I'm on my way to a friend's house, so enlighten me. You might have to come with me to my friend's...but...after that...I can take you wherever. I don't have much else to do.
<Ralan> Alright...thanks.
<Fire> Ok...well...tell me your story.
<Ralan> A guy named Hank the Demonic Chicken was causing some other demon named King Cricket was called on by Bobert...the flying monkey.
<Fire> He a demon too?
<Ralan> Surprisingly Well, Hank couldn't defeat King Cricket, so he read people's thoughts to find out what they were thinking, and would summon any kind of monster or demon they were thinking of to defeat King Cricket. Someone I know by the name of Sophi thought of an evil monkey named Mojojojo...who was destined to rule the world, and immidiately sent King Cricket and Hank to the abyss.
<Fire> Mojojojo? You mean that damned monkey?
<Ralan> Yep. So Mojojojo cast a spell on the people in the Inn, and made them all follow him. Everyone had a different effect from the spell. Some were turned to insane killers, working for Mojojojo...some turned into servants...and so on. A women named Rose got half-turned, and is hiding somewhere. My friends are looking for her. Bobert got away, and flew to Arisnia and found a mage who came to Rhydin and saved another one of my friends...who wasn't at the Inn at the time. Mojojojo had Bobert assigned King of Arisnia, and the two of them joined forces against us. I was taking this little guy hunting in the forest when you found us. I was captured, but Sage hid.
<Fire> Mhm.
<Ralan> Perhaps later I shall explain a little more in depth.
<Fire> Hmmm...My memory is failing me...but...Bobert...Sophi...they sound so familiar. :: starts to land :: OK...we're here. This is my friend's house. You can come in if you want.
<Ralan> Alright. Thanks :: hops off when Fire lands ::
<Sage> :: hops off ::
<Fire> :: walks into a small hut followed by Ralan and Sage. Rebecca is laying on a bed :: Rebecca...we've got visitors. A little kid named Sage, and someone else named Ralan.
<Ralan> :: stops in his tracks :: Rebeca!?
<Rebecca> :: shoots up :: ...Ralan?!
<Sage> :: leans against a wall ::
<Fire> You two know each other? :: sits down on his back legs ::
<Rebecca> Yes I know him!
<Ralan> :: blinks :: Yes...
<Fire> Where from?
<Ralan> :: remembers that the last time they spoke...about two years ago...they weren't really getting along...but he has nothing against her ::
<Rebecca> :: remembers the last time they met, and feels like killing him...but tries to keep calm :: What are you doing here?
<Ralan> It's kind of a long story. Fire here is just giving me a ride.
<Sage> And I'm just the little kid following everyone around. :: folds his arms ::
<Ralan> Heh...this is Sage...Erin's kid.
<Rebecca> Erin's kid? Hey! I helped give birth to you, Sage!
<Sage> ...I don't think it was me...I'm ten. Most likely you gave birth to my sisters...twins.
<Rebecca> Oh...right...twins. That makes sense. I'm kinda slow at the moment. After all...I just got electricuted.
<Sage>'s alright.
<Rebecca> :: smiles :: So what are you guys up to? I don't really know what's going on...I was in the Inn...staring at this god-aweful monkey, who was telling us how we were going to follow his orders, as he would rule the world, and then all of a sudden, I was standing in front of my sink, when I heard the doorbell ring. Sure enough, there was Fire...coming to visit cuz he was in the area.
<Ralan> Rule the world? He's only the king of Ryoka. How's he going to rule the world?
<Rebecca> :: shrugs :: Don't ask me. That's all I know.
<Fire> Dunno either.
<Ralan> Well...let's get this straight. There's a story to this all, which I should just give out now, to unconfuse you all.
<Rebecca> Yes...unconfuse us Ralan.
<Ralan>'s how it goes... :: tells them about Hank, and Bobert, and Arisnia, and Mojojojo, and Lance and all the others, then how Fire and them met up :: ...and that's about it.
<Fire> I can't believe it...all of my old school friend's are part of this. :: laughs :: Bobert...I knew he'd be trouble some day.
<Sage> Yea...the monkey took the crown from our King!
<Fire> Yea...but didn't you hear that Ryoka Knight, Sage? The King's been restored, and there's an army troop being sent to Arisnia right now.
<Ralan> On their way? So we've got a day. Arisnia doesn't stand a chance. Ryoka has magic protection armor.
<Rebecca> I'm a part of this too. I'm going with you.
<Fire> I don't have much else to do, so I'll help out too...Although I can't carry all of you.
<Rebecca> Not a problem. :: holds out her hand :: This ring lets me fly. Thanks to Nemo, I can fly along with you guys.
<Ralan> Well...that works out then.
<Fire> ...We should probably start looking for Lance the others to warn them about the Knights from Ryoka. According to you, Ralan, that Mystic guy should be able to get us a portal straight to Arisnia, and we can warn them, and have them hide or something.
<Ralan> Perfect. I remember them saying they were going to a girl named Rose's house. I haven't been there, so I don't know how to get there.
<Rebecca> Oh...I've been there. You guys follow me.
<Sage> ...Wait...I'm not supposed to get involved in this. My mom wanted me to stay at the Hideaway Home until they got back from the Rose Estates.
<Fire> Well things have changed, Sage. We don't have time to drop you off, and if we dropped you off, we can't just leave you there. Not with all this stuff going on.
<Sage> :: shrugs :: Whatever. I'm fine with it. Just don't tell my mom.
<Ralan> Heh...we'll see what's go.
:: the four of them walk out the door, Ralan and Rebecca agree to try to get along on their adventure...and they head off to the Rose Estates :;


:: So back to Lance. Lance, Mystic, Erin, Chrys, Vegeta, Nemo, Bobert the parrot (perched on Lance's shoulder, of course), and Bobert the monkey all walked through the portal in the All Soul's Inn. ::
:: Sure enough, they come out at a spot that looked almost exactly like the front of the Rose Estates castle ::
<Nemo> This is it! This is the Rose Estates!
<Lance> Yea...Good job Mystic.
<Mystic> Heh...thanks.
<Chrys> Good job.
<Bobert> ...Terrible job Mystic...Terrible.
<Bobert> Terrible! Terrible!
<Lance> :: smacks Bobert :: Shut up monkey.
<Bobert> :: flies in the air and smacks Lance :: Don't touch the monkey...I'm too good for you.
<Erin> :: rolls her eyes ::
<Vegeta> Come on people...we've gotta mission.
<Nemo> Yea...let's go.
:: they all walk in through the castle doors...and everything seems perfectly normal. they all assume that Mystic brought them to the right place...but then again...none of them saw a sign that said "Welcome to the Rose Estates" posted above the Castle Doors.'s not there at the real Rose Estates. ::
:: they walk into the castle...but everything's different ::
<Mystic> ...So this is the Rose Estates?
<Nemo> :: looks around :: N...No...Where are we?
<Lance> Yea...I don't think this is right.
<Mystic> ...Uh...Sorry...I thought this is what it looked like.
<Bobert> Ha! I told you I could do better!
<Erin> Shut up Bobert. You can't even create a portal.
<Bobert> ...That's besides the point. I'm still better than you!
<Lance> :: shakes his head :: Lets just get out of here before something odd happens.
<Mystic> Yea...Sorry...Where to now?
:: all of a sudden, some chick walks out of one of the doors to the mansion and walks over to them. they all stare at her... ::
<Mystic> that Rose?
<Chrys> I'm afraid not...Sir Mystic.
<Mystic> It's not? Oh...I don't know what she looks like, so I pictured her like that.
<Nemo> ...Definately not her.
<Lance> :: looks at the girl :: Who are you? Where are we?
<Rose> I'm Rose...of course. This is the Rose Estates. It's so nice to see you all again. Lance, Bobert, Erin, Chrys, Vegeta, and.... :: smiles :: Nemo... :: hugs him ::
:: as "Rose" is hugging Nemo, everyone exchanges confused glances...and Mystic shrugs ::
<Rose> So what are you guys doing here? Have you come to stop that terrible, evil monkey?
<Bobert> :: clears his throat ::
<Nemo> I think your a little confused. This isn't the Rose Estates...and your not Rose.
<Rose> :: looks at him :: O.o What are you talking about? Didn't you see the sign out front? Welcome to the Rose Estates?
<Vegeta> No...but...that doesn't change anything. Your not Rose.
<Chrys> And I'm terribly sorry...but...this isn't the Rose Estates...mam.
<Mystic> ...Are you guys sure this isn't the Rose Estates? I could have sworn this is what it'd look like.
<Lance> No...I'm sure. This is the wrong place.
<Nemo> :: looks at Rose :: ...And it's the wrong Rose.
<Rose> :: stomps her foot :: What are you talking about?! It's me! Rose! Can't you tell it's me?!
:: all of a sudden the doors on the walls all fall off at the same time, and and go soaring into the wall across the hall, and snap into a bunch of pieces ::
<Nemo> :: jumps back :: What the hell?
<Rose> Oh...they do that sometimes...
:: all the chandeliers come out of the ceiling and fly around the room and eventually they just fall onto the floor ::
<Rose> ...That too.
<Nemo> ...Lets get out of here. This is pretty weird.
<Rose> What? You guys have been here before. You know this kinda stuff happens.
<Lance> No...No it doesn't. This isn't the Rose Estates I know.
<Mystic> I uh...this is weird. You guys sure this isn't what the Rose Estates is like?
<Chrys> We are sure. Perhaps you've brought us into your imagination?
<Mystic> ...Into my...imagination?
<Nemo> :: laughs :: Maybe...but not likely.
<Mystic> ...Hmmm...
:: Rose all of a sudden appears in a different outfit, and her outfit keeps changing over and over again. Then the broken doors form back together and come to life, then stand in a row, and start doing an irish tap dance. ::
<Mystic> ...That's about right.
<Lance> ...Whoa...this is pretty weird. :: looks at his shoulder to see that his parrot is asleep :: ...I thought he was being kinda quiet.
<Bobert> :: stares intently at the dancing doors ::
<Nemo> ...We're in Mystic's imagination?
<Chrys> :: nods :: I've heard about this. We took a portal right into his imagination. Anything he's thinking of, we can see.
:: everyone looks at Mystic ::
<Mystic> ...Uh oh...
<Lance> :: laughs :: How do we get out of here?
<Chrys> :: sighs and looks at the ground ::
<Mystic> ...What?
<Bobert> Perhaps we can slaughter him and feed him to a pack of wild penguins.
<Vegeta> ...Bobert...shut up.
<Chrys> The only way to exit the mind is to destroy the mind which your trapped in. Mystic won't die, but his body will be transported somewhere, where he'll stay sleeping until the person who killed him touches him. Then he will be back to normal.
<Mystic> of you kill me...then I appear someone...anywhere in the world...and I have to be touched by the person who killed me to come back? Hell no.
<Chrys> I'm afraid it's the only way, Sir Mystic.
<Mystic> :: folds his arms ::
<Chrys> It's most likely that you'll be somewhere close. You can think of the place you want to be, but you can't share it. You have to think of somewhere we'll most likely look.
<Lance> ...Looks like we don't have much of a choice.
<Erin> Yea...lets get this over with.
<Mystic> :: looks at them :: ...I'm sorry...I'm sorry to get you guys stuck.
<Lance> :: looks at Mystic...when...he accidentelly lets Bobert's leash free ::
<Bobert> Woohoo! :: flies high in the and takes off the leash, then throws it at the ground :: Hahahaha! :: flames Mystic with his fire-breath, and Mystic gets flamed to death ::
<Mystic> :: stumbles back, and falls on the ground. a portal to the All Soul's Inn, the place they came from, appears, as Mystic slowly evaporates, and dissapears to the place he thought of last where he'll stay asleep until Bobert touches him. ::
:: The Rose Estates slowly turns black as Mystic starts to evaporate ::
<Lance> Quick! The portal!
:: They all run to the portal, and go through it, just as Mystic's imaginary world dissapears, and Mystic teleports to the last place he was thinking of ::
:: Everyone comes out in the All Soul's Inn, where they started ::
<Bobert> HaHa! Good luck with your transportation! :: flies about ten feet back from them, and starts to do a little chant ::
<Lance> :: realizes that the only one who can create portals is gone...then looks back... :: Rose?
<Rose> :: looks at them and blushes :: Sorry...I didn't wanna stay behind. I didn't know what was going to happen.
<Nemo> :: looks at her :: But...your...not real.
<Rose> :: frowns :: I still didn't wanna stay and get killed in the imaginary world.
<Vegeta> ...But...your...not real.
<Lance> Hey! :: looks at Bobert ::
<Bobert> :: a blue-white circle surrounds Bobert, as he slowly dissapears ::
<Nemo> Bobert! What are you doing!?
<Bobert> Here I come my lord! :: dissapears ::
:: they all exchange looks ::
<Erin> What was that all about?
<Nemo> ...I don't know...but...where did he go?
<Chrys> Sir Bobert is a very mysterious...monkey...And I'm sure he has something planned...but...We should continue our journey...despite the inconvenient circumstances...
<Erin> Yea...Chrys is right. Sorry Nemo...but...we may have to wait on finding Rose. For now the imaginary Rose will do. We should really start looking for the others though.
<Bobert> :: wakes up :: Nya! :: flies around the Inn ::
<Lance> :: nods :: Lets go then.
:: Erin, Lance, Nemo, Vegeta, Chrys, Rose (the imaginary one), and Bobert (the parrot) walk outside of the All Soul's Inn...and venture into the night, in search for...anything ::
:: Bobert the monkey has dissapeared, and Ralan, Sage, Rebecca, and Fire head towards the real Rose Estates, since Rebecca knows the way ::
:: But in the meantime...Mojojojo's come up with something new... ::

...To Be Continued