Lance Story, Part VI

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Lance Story

     -Part 1

     -Part 2

     -Part 3

     -Part 4

     -Part 5

     -Part 6

     -Part 7

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((The Drunken Ramblings of Lance-Mun: i know the suspense must be killing you here it goes. if somebody is confused about my confusing story, talk to me and il straighten it out. I'm shortening em up, so that they can be finished sooner, so they're not gonna be as long as the first few. ))

The Departure...Vol. 6

:: in his chambers, Mojojojo is pacing, with his staff in hand ::
:: the hole is still in the ceiling from when Fire came flying through ::
<Mojojojo> So we lost our hostage...Big deal. We still have the raid going to Arisnia. Soon we'll be in control of that place. Rhydin shouldn't be too much of a problem. I don't think it has a leader. I'll just claim myself as leader, and have everyone bow down to me!
<Guards> :: bow their heads ::
<Mojojojo> Slowly...the world will be mine! Now, we must stop Lance and these others that continue to interfere with my plans. If anybody is seen that is not on our side, kill them immediately. Especially Lance. He started this whole thing. Also, find Rose immediately and kill her! She knows too much! Get me the Rhydin Newspaper, and tell them to say that Mojojojo...the ruler of the new king of Rhydin. By tomorrow or so, we should have Rhydin and Arisnia. Now...move!
<Guards> :: bow their heads again and run out ::


:: Rebecca, Ralan, Fire, and Sage land in front of the Rose Estates ::
<Rebecca> Well...this is it.
<Sage> It's huge!
<Ralan> ...A rather nice-looking place. I wonder if Lance and the others are inside.
<Fire> :: walks over to the door and hits it with his tail ::
:: they all stand around...waiting for something to happen ::
:: eventually, the door slowly opens, and Uryah, Rose's sister, is standing there. ::
<Rebecca> ...Uryah?
<Uryah> :: stares at Rebecca, then starts to remember her, and smiles :: Hello!...Hello! Hello!
<Rebecca> :: smiles :: How are things?
<Uryah> I'm alright! I'm just fine. Sister not fine. Sister's crazier than me!
<Ralan> Is Rose alright?
<Uryah> :: looks at Ralan :: Who're you?
<Ralan> :: nods his head :: Ralan.
<Uryah> :: nods :: Uryah. Come in?
<Rebecca> Yes...that would be nice.
<Uryah> Okies. :: steps aside and lets them all walk in, then shut the door behind them :: :: looks at Sage :: Who's the little one...and the doggy?
<Sage> :: looking around, admiring the size :: I'm Sage.
<Fire> Fire. Pleasure to meet you.
<Uryah> :: nods :: Rose this way.
:: they all follow Uryah up a staircase and into a random room, which is Rose's room ::
:: Rose sits there shaking. ::
<Rose> Mojojojo...evil...stop....him.... :: looks up at them and smiles :: Hello... :: goes blank ::
<Uryah> I came for a family visit...but...she's been like this the whole time. Dunno what happened.
<Ralan> Did Lance and some others ever come by here?
<Uryah> :: shakes her head no ::
<Rebecca> Ralan...I thought you said they were coming here.
<Ralan> ...I thought they were...
<Fire> What happened to Rose? Do you know?
<Ralan> Yea. She was half-turned by Mojojojo. She knows more than anyone else, because she remembers what Mojojojo told people when they were already turned. Nobody else will be able to tell us that. But because she was only half-turned, only half of her knows that Mojojojo is wrong, and is trying to stop him, and the other half is hypmotized, and with him.
<Rose> :: looks at them and smiles :: :: stares at nothing and goes blank again ::
<Rebecca> ...She must be extremely confused.
<Ralan> Yes...but...there's nothing we can do for now. Mojojojo must be after her, so we've got to hide her.
<Rebecca> Where?
<Fire> We should keep her at my place. The little shack in the middle of no where. That's where I brought Rebecca when she was confused.
<Ralan> Yea...Good idea. Then we should definately go back to the Hideaway Home and wait for Lance and the others to get back. Maybe something happened and they're there already.
<Rebecca> Yea. That works.
<Fire> :: looks at Uryah :: I'm going to take your sister to a place where she's safe.
<Uryah> Not without me your not!
<Fire> :: blinks, and looks at Ralan and Rebecca, who shrug. looks back at Uryah :: Fine. You come too.
<Uryah> :: claps :: Yipee!
<Fire> :: rolls his eyes :: Yea.
:: Fire gets Rose and Uryah on his back, and takes off for his little shack in the middle of no where ::
:: Rebecca, Ralan, and Sage walk to the door, and plan to walk to the Hideaway Home. As they open the door... ::
<Rhydin Newspaper Boy> Greetings Residents. Here's an urgent message from the Rhydin News Co. :: hands them a piece of paper and runs away in a hurry ::
<Rebecca> :: takes it and reads it out loud, as they step outside and shut the doors :: The Ruler of a kingdom by the name of Ryoka has claimed control over all of Rhydin...


<Lance> :: as they were walking in the streets, a Rhydin Newspaper Boy handed them a piece of paper and ran off. Lance reads the paper out loud :: ...Everything of value is to be turned over to the Ryoka troops, and everyone must listen to what the soldiers have to say. Our new king is a monkey by the name of Mojojojo. He claims to bring liberty to all, if we listen to him and do exactly what he says...


<Mojojojo> :: grins evily, as he reads aloud the newspaper of his new kingdom :: ...Please give your possessions to the Soldiers that come by your house. Be kind to them. They work hard...


<Slane> :: reads out loud the news paper he just received :: ...Keep your houses, but don't come out past 5 at night. The Soldiers will begin standing post in the streets at exactly 3 o' clock. :: glances at his watch, which reads 2 o' clock, and shakes his head :: Jesus... :: throws the paper down on the table. :: This is Bull shit. :: grabs his coat and storms outside onto the Streets of Rhydin.


<Chrys> :: looks down on the ground and kicks some dirt :: Oh dear.
<Vegeta> :: lets out a little sigh ::
<Erin> How could this have happened?
<Lance> :: shakes his head :: I don't know.
<Nemo> We've got to be able to do something.
<Erin> :: glances at her watch :: We've got to return to the Hideaway Home. We'll be safe there. It's well hidden. Besides, we told Ralan and Sage to meet us there. I'm sure they're done hunting.
<Nemo> :: nods :: We'll have a lot to tell them. :: looks over to the imaginary Rose ::
<Rose> :: smiles sweetly to the man that would be her husband if she was real ::
:: they head over towards the Hideaway Home...but...unfortunately for them...time flies quick, and 3 reached when they were about 3/4 there.
<Vegeta> It's time! The Soldiers should be in the streets soon!
:: sure enough, Ryoka Soldiers could be seen storming down the streets of Rhydin. they pounded on doors, and took bags and bags of items from peoples homes, that were loaded into a tank that was rolling down the street ::
<Lance> I'm sure Mojojojo put in a word against us. We've got to hurry!
:: they go into an ally and run through the back streets, coming out on completely different streets. they run around, dodging Soldiers that are investigating households, and walking down the streets. they ducked behind corners and hid behind trees and in alleys for as long as they could...until they were trapped. They ran down an alley to hide from one group of Soldiers, when another was on the other side. The huddled together in the middle of the alley. ::
<Erin> What now?
<Nemo> Maybe they'll pass without noticing us.
<Lance> Not likely. This isn't looking too good. We don't stand a chance against the soldiers. They've got magic shields, and high tech weapons.
<Rose> :: grabs her head and sinks to the floor :: Ooooh. :: slumps down ::
:: everyone looks at her, not wanting to call her Rose since technically she's not ::
<Chrys> Are you OK...Ma'am?
<Rose> My...Mystic...Mystic is talking to me...He says...He says he can see us...He's watching us in his dreams. Help is on the way...he says.
<Lance> Help? Who's gonna help us? Can you ask Mystic where he is?
<Rose> :: closes her eyes, and then opens them again :: ...The...The Hideaway Home...
<Nemo> :: sighs of relief ::
<Rose> :: lets her arms drop :: He's gone back into a sleep.
<Vegeta> Help is on the way?
:: then a sound is heard. dozens of arrows from a crossbow can be heard being flung, and a few seconds later, an avalanche of screams came. somebody was shooting the Ryokan Soldiers! not just one person...but there were about 6 crossbows, firing down on the group. ::
:: Lance and the others ran over to the end of the alley where the last Ryokan Soldiers dropped ::
<Slane> Haha! Stupid ol' fools! Messin' in the wrong town! :: kicks the Ryokan Soldier's dead body :: Good job Fox Hound. Lets find the next seta' victims.
:: Lance and the others pour out of the alley and in front of Slane ::
<Lance> :: laughs :: Hey Slane.
<Slane> :: studies Lance, then laughs a little bit too :: Well...look who it is. It's Lancey. How you doin' man?
<Lance> Uh...well...not too great at the moment...
:: just then, a parade of arrows comes flying down upon them all ::
<Fox Hound member> Down the alley!
:: they all ran down the alley to avoid being hit, but Nemo is hit in the foot ::
<Nemo> Ach! :: loses the feeling in his foot and falls to the floor ::
<Lance> :: stops and helps him up, by putting his arm over his shoulder, and continues to follow the rest of them down the alley ::
:: Vegeta was up in front, leading them to the Hideaway Home. After they exited the alley, they made a sharp turn and ran. the guards that were there before had moved on. ::
:: a small explosive devise was thrown over one of the building tops from a Ryokan Soldier who had climbed up to the roof. It exploded in mid-air and knocked the imaginary Rose off her feet. She went tumbling, and eventually, came to a stop, as her body slowly disappeared ::
:: everyone looked at her, not sure of what to say, because she did just die, but she was imaginary. they shook it off, and moved on.::
:: they ran with all their might towards the Hideaway Home when they all trip over a string that had been laid out ::
:: they fell on top of each other, and stayed there, stunned for a few seconds, they quickly got to their feet, looked up, and of course, standing there was another group of Ryokan Soldiers ::
<Ryokan Soldier> :: grins, looking at them :: Nice try guys. Nobody kills a Soldier and gets away with it. :: the other soldiers spread out straight in front of them, so they couldn't move forward ::
<Lance> :: looks over at Slane, who looks back at Lance ::
<Slane> Jump Em! :: jumps on the Soldier, and the rest of Fox Hound jump on a soldier as well :: :: they beat the shit out of the soldiers until they're laying there, stunned, and Fox Hound hop to their feet :: Quick! Street Base! It's over there! :: points to a dumpster ::
:: they all run to it ::
<Vegeta> One of your bases is in a dumpster?
<Slane> Don't act like your smart, kid. :: opens the dumpster, and there's a staircase :: Everyone in.
:: they all climb into the dumpster, close the top, and disappear into the Fox Hound Street Base. Lance catches up Slane and Fox Hound on the situation, and how dangerous it is for Mojojojo to be the King of Rhydin ::


:: earlier, at about 2:50... ::
<Ralan> :: out of breath, he glances at his watch :: Whew...just made it. :: They walk into an alley, where there's a button hidden behind a trashcan. He presses the button, and a part of the wall slides open :: Welcome to the Hideaway Home.
:: Ralan, Sage, and Rebecca walk into the Home ::
<Rebecca> You know...for as long as I've known Lance...I've never been to his house.
<Ralan> ya are.
<Sage> :: points to a body on the couch :: that Mystic?
:: they all look at him ::
<Ralan> :: walks over to Mystic, who's lying motionless on the couch and shakes him :: You alright man? Where's everybody else?
<Mystic> :: lays there, still sleeping ::
<Rebecca> Forget it Ralan. Something's wrong with him.
<Sage> :: looks in a couple doors and comes back to Rebecca and Ralan :: They're not here. Nobody is.
<Rebecca> You sure?
<Sage> Positive. I just checked all their rooms.
<Rebecca> So what are all those rooms for? :: points to all the other doors ::
<Sage> Those are for the unfound members of the Legendary Night Family. There's so many of us, so we've got reserved rooms.
<Rebecca> :: shrugs :: So where would they be?
<Ralan> They went to the All Soul's Inn before they left for the Rose Estates. Maybe something happened there.
<Rebecca> Maybe...but...what's Mystic doing here then?
:: they all look at him, and Sage shrugs ::
<Ralan> We should still check out the Inn anyways.
<Sage> I should stay here. That's what my mom told me to do.
<Rebecca> Yea..that'd be smart.
<Ralan> :: glances at his watch which is going on three :: We don't have much time until Ryoka comes through Rhydin.
<Rebecca> Lets go then. Stay here Sage. Tell Mystic where we are if he ever wakes up.
<Sage> :: nods :: Good luck.
:; Rebecca and Ralan head for the All Soul's Inn with three minutes to get there. Of course they don't make it on time, but they manage to sneak through allies and reach the All Soul's Inn... ::


:: Now for Bobert...If you remember, when he was released at the All Soul's Inn, he disappeared and went to some other world. ...Here's what happened ::
<Bobert> :: after a ten-foot blue ball engulfed him at the All Soul's Inn, he teleported himself to the Realm of Gods of his native culture . He stands on a platform in front of a throne with five skulls on it. One skull looks like it was screaming, one looked like its face was being stretched, one was frowning, one's eyes were opened extremely wide, and the last one was scrunched up, and looked like a pig. The background was black, and looked like there was actually nothing there...and...there actually was nothing there. On the throne sat a small, rounded devilish/pumpkin looking creature, with an evil looking smile. He kind of looked like this... Bobert stood on the platform, facing this evil looking creature, and bowed. :: Hello Lord Krulos.
<Krulos> Hello Bobert. How is your mission of world destruction going?
<Bobert> :: stands up again and looks at Krulos :: Not well Lord Krulos. Not well indeed.
<Krulos> :: frowns :: Why is that?
<Bobert> :: frowns :: Well you see, there is this mortal \ immortal \ crackhead named lance, who has foiled my most recent attempt at world domination.
<Krulos> :: glances over at his skulls and leans back in his throne, his reply is empty and lacks interest :: ...Lance, you say.....
<Bobert> Yes! He's a little bastard, firing mind control beams out of his eyes, and driving me insane with his constant thinking, and thinking and thinking, and thinking, and thinking, and thinking, and thinking, and-
:: Krulos flys over to Bobert and bitch slaps him accross the face ::
<Bobert> :: looking confused :: yes, so.... you see.... toenail.... leprechan?....
<Krulos> ... :: completly ignores Bobert's last remarke since he is deep in thought  :: ...Perhaps you should bring him to me. :: evily grins :: I'll take care of him. :: a screaming is heard from the blackness, and Krulos turns and looks behind him :: Guards! Make her shut up! :: a loud bang is heard...and then more screaming. :: Guards! :: two more loud bangs are heard, and then silence... :: As I was saying... :: looks back at Bobert :: I can take care of him. :: points to The Rack which is floating in the blackness, and then points to a strange torture device, also floating in the blackness :: I've got to get this place organized. I've got machines floating around everywhere.
<Bobert> :: looks around :: Indeed. :: thinks about it, then snickers :: Hey, I know, you could cut off his testicles and grind them up in a blender and make him drink them like a kind of testicle soup... you know, with his testicles!
<Krulos> :: A blank look appears on his face ::  :: mutters something under his breath about monkeys being idiots and the need to drown them in a pool of lint, Bobert doesn't seem to hear him ::

...To Be Continued