Lance Story, Part IV

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((Lance-Mun's Words O' Wisdom: we go...the shortest one yet ))

The Departure...Vol. 4

:: Bobert and Mojojojo signed off at about the same time, with out another word ::
<Arisnian Servant> What now?
<Bobert> Get me the best mage in Arisnia! We've got something to do!
<Arisnian Servant> ...Uh...OK...Hang on. :: starts to walk away ::
<Bobert> Wait!
<Arisnian Servant> :: stops and turns :: What?
<Bobert> Stand on your head!
<Arisnian Servant> >.<


<Mojojojo> Servant!
<Ryoka Servant> Yes my Lord?
<Mojojojo> Get me two of the best knights in Ryoka. We've got something to do!
<Ryoka Servant> Yes my Lord...Right away... :: bows down ::
<Mojojojo> Go!
<Ryoka Servant> Yes my Lord... :: gets up and runs out ::


<Lance> Well...we can't sit here and think about it all day. Let's go search for others. Who should we go looking for?
<Vegeta> How bout Xander?
<Ralan> ...Or Caitrin
<Nemo> ...Or Rose...
<Chrys> ...Yes...Perhaps we should look for Rose. For Sir Nemo's sake.
<Lance> Yea...good idea.
<Sage> I wanna hunt!
<Erin> You'll have to wait, Sage. Be patient.
<Sage> How would you know mom? You're not a vampire! You don't need blood! :: crosses his arms ::
<Ralan> ...Perhaps he's correct. I should take him to the forest.
<Ase> I'll go with you guys if Sage goes with Ralan.
<Erin> Yea...I'm coming too.
<Ralan> :: nods and stands up :: I'll take Sage to the forest. You guys go search for Rose and the others.
<Mystic> Yea...We'll meet you two here in a little while. When you finish what you're doing, just camp out here.
<Lance> Alrighty... :: stands up...followed by everyone else ::
<Vegeta> ...Once we find Rose, we can go find Xander.
<Nemo> ...Alright...
:: they all walk towards the door...when... ::
<Xander> :: busts open the door to the Hideaway Home :: Ha! I knew yall be hidin out here! :: draws his crossbow and aims it at Lance :: This is for the chicken suit, bitch!
<Chrys> ...Oh Dear...
<Vegeta> Hey Xander!
<Xander> :: looks over at Vegeta and grins :: Hehe...even better... :: gets ready to pull the trigger ::
<Vegeta> :: steps back and closes his eyes...then dissapears and reappears behind Xander ::
<Xander> :: pulls the trigger and the arrow hits the rope holding the parrot's cage to the ceiling, and the cage falls to the floor. the door bursts open ::
<Parrot> :: flies out of the cage :: Even Better! Even Better!
<Xander> What the...
<Vegeta> :: fires some kinda Saiyan ball at Xander, and Xander gets hit on the back of the head ::
<Xander> :: gets hit on the back of the head by what felt like a giant rock, and drops his crossbow. when the crossbow hits the ground, it fires and hits Lance in the foot ::
<Lance> Ach! :: pulls the arrow out of his foot and tosses it on the floor. the arrow rolls under the couch ::
<Xander> :: falls down on his hands and knees ::
<Vegeta> This is for all the shit you've given me!
<Xander> ...Whining...little...shit...
<Vegeta> Ahhhhhh!!!! :: grabs his Super Saiyan Sword, and slashes Xander's head off ::
<Lance> Dude!
<Mystic> You're supposed to kill him!...not...Kill him!
<Vegeta> :: looks up...starting to cool down, and puts away his sword :: ...Oops..
<Xander> :: falls over ::
<Lance> ...
<Erin> ...
<Mystic> ...Wasn't he already dead?
<Ase> ...
<Lance> Uh...Yea...I...Uh...killed him once.
<Ase> ...You killed him? How could you have killed him if he's right here?
<Lance> Well...Uh...He's an angel.
<Nemo> ...I guess that means he's goin to the abyss...
<Xander Ghost> :: rises out of Xander's dead body in the form of an angel :: Damit! Now I have to go to the abyss!
<Vegeta> :: grins :: Oops
<Xander Ghost> Fuck you! This sucks like a ten cent whore! :: starts to fade away, and gives them all an evil look, and then flicks them off as he dissapears to the abyss ::
<Lance> :: shakes his head :: ...I guess we'll pick him up when we go down there to get Hank.
<Vegeta> No!...I mean...Uh...Yea...We'll pick him up later.
<Erin> :: grins and shakes her head :: Good ol' Xander. You can never get rid of him.
<Chrys> Poor Sir Xander...
<Lance> :: shrugs it off :: We have to keep going before Mojojojo makes his next move...and we don't know what Bobert's up to.
<Chrys> ...Oh...I'm sorry...but I think I've left my notebook at the All Soul's Inn. I never really had time to pick it up.
<Mystic> ...All right...we'll go there first.
<Lance> Yea...Lets go.
:: Mystic creates a portal leading to the side of the All Soul's Inn, and one by one, Ase, Lance, Mystic, Chrys, Erin, and Nemo walk through the portal. Ralan takes Sage to the Forest. And just as the portal is about to close, the parrot flies through...following Lance. ::


:: Bobert gathers the best Arisnian Mage, describes his destination to the mage, and the mage creates a portal to get them there ::
<Bobert> I don't know where else to start the All Soul's Inn!


:: quite a while before any of the previous shit, Mojojojo gathered two of the best knights in all of Ryoka, and they travel to the only place in Rhydin that Mojojojo could think to look ::
<Mojojojo> To the All Soul's Inn!

************ ***

:: the portal opened and Lance, Nemo, Erin, Chrys, Vegeta, and Ase walk out in single file ::
<Lance> I'm guessing Rose would be at the Rose Estates...since that's her house.
<Mystic> I've never been there, so you guys have to tell me what it looks like before i can visualize a portal to that place...
<Parrot> :: flies out of the portal, and the portal zips shut behind it ::
<Lance> Parrot!
<Parrot> Parrot! Parrot!
<Erin> Lance...are you ever gonna name that thing?
<Lance> Uh...yea...sure...
<Vegeta> Hmm...maybe we should name if after someone we know.
<Lance> :: laughs :: How bout Bobert? In honor or retrieving him from Bobert's stomach.
<Erin> Heh...that works.
<Lance> Heh...alright...Bobert :: puts his hand out and the parrot lands on it ::
<Bobert> Bobert! Bobert!
<Chrys> Sir Bobert...a worthy name for the parrot.
<Nemo> Let's go in and get the book, so we can leave and find Rose.
<Chrys> :: nods :: You're right. I'm sorry to have taken so long Sir Nemo. :: walks in to the Inn ::
:: everyone else follows, and just as the last person shuts the door behind them, Bobert and his mage walk out of a portal on the side of the Inn ::
<Bobert> :: flies out of the portal and looks around :: She should be in here...or else I don't know where to look. I guess she has a house, but I've never been there.
<Arisnian Mage> Alright...well...lets make this fast. You have a kingdom to rule now...Remember monkey?
<Bobert> Do not talk to me in such manners! Call me Lord Bobert! And emphasize the 'Lord' part...and then spin around!
<Arisnian Mage> :: shakes his head :: Yes 'Lord' Bobert.
<Bobert> Spin!
<Arisnian Mage> :: smacks his forehead, and spins in a circle ::
<Bobert> ...Get it right next time
<Arisnian Mage> Yes 'Lord' Bobert :: spins around ::
<Bobert> Ah...very good. Very good indeed.
<Arisnian Mage> :: nods :: Now lets go
<Bobert> ...Indeed... :: flies towards the door ::
<Arisnian Mage> :: sighs, wishing that the old king would return, and walks behind Bobert ::
:: back inside ::
<Chrys> Sorry...but I have it now.
<Lance> It's alright...but let's get goin.
<Bobert> :: flies over to the door :: Goin! Goin!
<Bobert> :: opens the door to the Inn, and smacks the parrot on the other end ::
<Lance> Bobert! :: looks at the parrot ::
<Bobert> Bobert?
<Lance> :: looks at Bobert in the doorway :: Bobert!
<Bobert> Bobert? Bobert?
<Mystic> :: sees the Arisnian Mage behind the monkey :: Bobert!
<Lance> :: looks at Mystic :: Bobert?
<Bobert> Silence! What are you doing here?!
<Lance> :: looks at Bobert :: What are you doing here?
<Mystic> :: looks at Bobert...the Arisnian Mage... :: What are you doing here?
<Bobert> What are you doing here? What are you doing here?
<Bobert> Bobert had me come here with him...He needed me for a portal to the Inn. I don't know much besides that.
<Lance> :: looks at Bobert the mage :: Oh yea...I remember you...we knew each other for about a year when I was 11.
<Bobert> :: nods to Lance, and also to Erin, who returns the nod ::
<Bobert> SILENCE!
<Ase> Silence monkey... :: points his finger at the wall and the monkey goes flying into a wall and falls unconscious ::
<Bobert> King! :: bows down to Ase ::
<Ase> :: smiles :: Hello Bobert. Pleasure to see you again.
<Bobert> The pleasure is mine...Oh loyal King of Arisnia. Please return with me! That damn monkey doesn't know how to rule a country.
<Ase> :: smiles slightly and looks at them :: Hmm...perhaps I shall. I'm not too helpful with you guys, but if you ever need rest, please come to Arisnia any time.
<Mystic> :: smiles and nods :: Will do.
<Erin> Good to see the real King back in order.
<Chrys> :: nods :: Best of luck to you Sir.
<Bobert> :: creates a portal in the wall that leads to the King's throne room with a smile :: It's about time.
<Ase> :: picks up the crown on the floor that came off the monkey when it fell, and puts it on his head :: Farewell...and remember...if you need any help...come see me right away.
<Lance> :: nods :: Will do.
<Ase> :: starts to walk towards the portal, and then stops and looks at them :: something about that monkey. Don't let Mojojojo figure out I've taken King again, so nothing bad happens to us in Arisnia.
<Mystic> :: smirks :: Don't worry.
<Ase> :: nods :: Farewell then...
:: Bobert the mage and Ase walk through portal and back to the throne room, where Ase restores the name of the Arisnian King, dresses in his robes once again, and returns the town to order. ::
:: Lance, Erin, Mystic, Nemo, Chrys, and Vegeta walk over to Bobert, who's laying there on the floor ::
<Mystic> ...So...what do we do with him?
<Erin> ...Well...we could tie him onto a stick and take him with us.
<Vegeta> Naw...I'd rather just put him in a bag and kick him around.
<Lance> Well...we can't kill him...
<Mystic> I say we put him on a leash.
<Erin> Ah...that's a good idea.
<Mystic> I can't make man-made objects...but i can put together my own leash... :: waves his hand and a red collar slowly forms, followed by a red string with a handle on the end :: ...maybe thatl work.
<Lance> Yea... :: picks it up and puts it around Bobert's neck, then holds onto the collar ::
<Nemo> Ok people...Rose Estates...


:: of course, Mojojojo doesn't know that his plans are in the process of being destroyed. Bobert is no longer King of Arisnia, which means even if he does defeat the people who aren't turned, it's a bigger task to take Arisnia. He also walked the wrong way, and completely missed the All Soul's Inn. At the moment, he found himself lost in a big forest known as the Rhydin Forest. The three of them; Mojojojo and two knights, march through the forest searching for their exit ::
<Mojojojo> Unworthy Knights! You've gotten us lost!
<Knight 1> I'm sorry Lord Mojojojo!
I don't know what could have happened!
<Mojojojo> Unbelievable!


<Ralan> Ya see...It's not that hard. You've got two elves're getting pretty good.
<Sage> :: smirks :: Thanks. I've needed this. I'll try to remember not to go on a rampage...but sometimes it's hard to control it.
<Ralan> After a few more times of refilling your thirst, you won't be crazed anymore.
<Sage> Yea...I guess so...
<Ralan> I hear someone coming...keep it down.
<Sage> :: nods, and they both hide behind a tree ::
<Ralan> :: peeks around the tree and sees Mojojojo :: Mojojojo!
<Sage> The enemy!
<Ralan> Look...he's got two... :: normal voice :: nnnnnnnyeh
<Sage> :: smacks his forehead and hides behind a tree a little bit farther away from Ralan ::
<Ralan> nnnnyeh
<Mojojojo> :: stops :: Did you hear that?
<Knight 1> :: stops :: Hear what?
<Ralan> nnnnyeh
<Knight 2> I heard it too!
<Ralan> :: twitches his neck :: nnnnnyeh
<Knight 1> It's coming from over there! :: points to the tree that Ralan's standing behind ::
:: the three walk towards ralan ::
<Frosty> Wooooohaaaaa! :: jumps out from behind the tree :: BoogaBoogaBooga!
<Knight 1> :: jumps back :: Ach!
<Frosty> :: dives at them :: Waaaaaaa!
:: both knights jump out of the way, and Frosty lands on his face in front of Mojojojo ::
<Mojojojo> Tie him up!
<Sage> >.<


:: Bobert slowly comes into consciousness, but is now being kept on a leash, and forced to go along with Lance and the others. ::
:: Bobert realizes his plans are slowly being destroyed, and starts giving up hope on ruling the world. He's not too thrilled with Lance and the others for recrowning the original King as King again...but he's definately not siding with Mojojojo any longer. Now he's just on his own...trying to think of a new plan ::
:: Lance tells Mystic how the Rose Estates look in the best description he can, and Mystic creates a portal ::
<Mystic> Well...I don't know if I visualized it right...but...we won't know till we walk through the portal.
:: not knowing for sure where they'll end up...Lance, Bobert the parrot, Bobert the monkey on a leash, Erin, Nemo, Chrys, and Vegeta all walk through the portal on the wall of the All Soul's Inn ::

...To Be Continued