Lance Story, Part II

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Lance Story

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     -Part 4

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     -Part 6

     -Part 7

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(( Lance-Mun: and now we continue my wonderful story... ))

The Departure...Vol. 2

:: The man starts running at the three of them, as Lance and Nemo slowly realize who he is ::
<Lance> Frosty?
<Frosty> :: stops half-way to Lance, Nemo, and Mystic, and pounds his mallet on the ground :: I killed it! I killed the cricket! :: starts pounding the mallet on trees and in bushes :: GOTTA KILL! GOTTA KILL THEM ALL!
<Mystic> ...Whoa there...calm down.
<Nemo> :: looks at Mystic :: He's always like this...He's Malkavian...what can you expect?
<Mystic> :: shrugs, and looks back at Frosty ::
<Frosty> :: stops his crazy pounding, and drops the mallet :: ...nnnnnnnnnnnnyeh :: shakes his head back and forth, turning back into Ralan ::
<Mystic> :: laughs :: What a freak.
<Frosty> nnnnnnnnyeh... :: starts to jump up and down, and then stops... ::
<Lance> :: looks up at Frosty :: You done?
<Ralan> :: shakes his head back and forth :: I need to learn to control that some day. :: twitches his neck :: nnnyeh
<Mystic> :: laughs some more ::
<Ralan> ...Alright...I'm done now
<Nemo> :: laughs a little bit :: Hey Ralan
<Ralan> :: gives a nod to Nemo and Lance ::
<Lance> Ralan, this is Mystic :: motions his hand to Mystic :: Mystic, this is Ralan/Frosty; he's kinda like two-face. 
<Mystic> Hey
<Ralan> Hi
:: pause ::
<Ralan> So...what are you guys doing in the forest?
<Lance> :: explains to Ralan what's going on ::
<Ralan> So you need to kill everybody to change them back to normal, then travel to the abyss and release Hank, so that we can get rid of Mojojojo? 
<Lance> Exactly. 
<Mystic> Well, we still don't know what happened to Karadur. 
<Nemo> Yea...but I guess when we get rid of Mojojojo first, so that Karadur can just come back and restore the throne. 
<Lance> I guess so.
<Ralan> Well...sound's like a big deal. Need help?
<Mystic> Yea! We could use all the help we could get.
<Ralan> :: nods :: Then I'll come with you.
<Lance> Alright, cool.
<Nemo> Right now we're on the way to see Lance's sister, Erin. 
<Ralan> Ah...Erin. I remember her. 
<Lance> I can guarantee she won't remember you. She's bad with names
<Ralan> :: shrugs ::
<Mystic> Alright then...let's go.
<Lance> ...Ok...well...I don't really know where she is at the moment, but I guess our house would be a safe place to check.
<Mystic> Our house? Do you guys live together?
<Lance> Well...technically...yes. But nobody really stays in our Hideaway Home now adays anyways. It was meant for the Night family.
<Mystic> Oh... :: shrugs :: Might as well check.
<Lance> Ya.
<Mystic> :: creates a portal in the tree to go straight to the Hideaway Home ::
<Nemo> Lez go.
:: they all walk through the portal and into the living room of the Hideaway Home ::
<Lance> :: points to one of the many doors. :: That's her room.
:: they walk up to her door, and see a sign that says :: Moved to Arisnia. Erin
<Mystic> Arisnia? When did she move back there?
<Lance> :: shrugs :: We kinda lost touch after she got married.
<Mystic> Married?
<Lance> some weirdo named Kapu (yes, Kapu, as in Kapoo) I think he changed his name though since Kapu didn't work out. Me and my sister are kinda fighting at the moment, cuz she married the weirdo.
<Mystic> Oh...heh...well...I guess we go to Arisnia then.
<Nemo> I guess so.
<Lance> ...Ugh.
<Mystic> :: creates a portal in the wall of the living room ::
:: they all walk through ::
:: the portal opened in the wall, and the four of them walked out into Arisnia, along the wall of Erin's new house ::
<Mystic> Don't magic just make everything so much more convenient?
<Ralan> That is true
<Lance> :: smirks :: That is true.
:: they walk along to the front of the house, and see two little girls with long, black hair (who look exactly like Erin) playing in the front yard...Shiela and Shayna ::
<Shiela> Strangers!
:: Sheila and Shayna run up to Lance, Ralan, Nemo, and Mystic ::
<Shayna> Got any candy?
:: Sage...Shayna's twin brother...runs up to them also ::
<Sage> Get out of here! And don't give my sisters any candy! Cuz you're a maaaaaad man!
<Shiela> :: giggles :: 
<Shayna> :: giggles cuz Shiela giggled ::
:: Erin's husband, Erik walks out of the house ::
<Erik> :: grabs Sage by the shoulder before he can hit one of the men :: Sorry about that. He can be a little over-protective of his sisters. :: picks up Shayna :: So how can I help you guys?
<Lance> Uh...yea...I'm Erin's brother.
<Mystic> And I'm a friend of Erin's
<Erik> :: looks shocked :: Oh! Are you, Thomas, Lance, Xander, Fred, Bob, Alan, Michael, Matthew, Lucas, Jake, Jonathan, Damien, Richard, Seth, Zach, Andrew, Mason, Christopher, Scott, Robin, or Marcus?
<Lance> The second one...
<Erik> ...The second one...which one was that? Mason, Damien, Michael...
<Lance> Ach! Zipit! I'm Lance!
<Erik> Oh...yea...Lance...uh, I saw you at the wedding...yea?
<Lance> Yep
<Erik> ...Mk...well...come on in.
:: Shiela and Sage run ahead of Erik into the house ::
:: Lance walks into the house. Mystic and the others wait outside ::
:: Sage pulls Erin into the room, holding Shiela ::
<Lance> :: forces a smile over to Erin ::
<Erin> :: forces one back ::
<Lance> :: pretend sneezes-Kapu! ::
<Erin> :: Scouls at Lance::
<Erik> God bless you.
<Lance> :: smirks :: Thanks 
<Erin> What do you want Lance?
<Lance> I don't really want anything, but I gotta friend who wants to see you.
<Erin> Fine. Where is this friend?
<Lance> :: whistles and looks at the door ::
<Erin> What is it, a dog?
<Lance> No.  I travel with bitches, remember? 
<Erin> :: gives Lance the death look ::
<Mystic> :: walks into the room, followed by Nemo and Ralan ::
<Erin> :: smiles :: Mystic, I haven't seen you since I was twelve.
:: Nemo and Ralan lean against the wall ::
<Mystic> :: smiles back :: Yea, been a while. I came back to Arisnia though you didn't. Shame, shame, shame. :: smirks ::
<Erin> :: rolls her eyes :: Oh please, don't act like Lance. Besides, I'm here now aren't?
<Lance> :: pretend sneezes-Kaaaaaaaapu! ::
<Erik> :: glares at Lance, catching on :: Bless you
<Lance> Thanks
<Shiela> :: whispers to Erin :: Mommy, I'm hungry.
<Erin> :: puts her down and points to Lance ::
<Shiela> :: runs at him and grabs his wrist, sinking tiny fangs into his arm ::
<Lance> Whoa.  I really am a vamp-magnet. 
<Erin> She's not a vampire. All my children are cursed. Shiela is a soul-keeper, meaning she drinks blood of her victim, and then takes the soul in the end. Sage and Shayna are just vampires.
<Lance> Ach! :: pulls his wrist out of her mouth :: Back devil child!
<Shiela> :: growls ::
<Shayna> :: wiggles out of Erik's arms and runs over to join her sister :: Lets tie him up!
<Erin> Easy girls!  He's your uncle.
:: syncronized blinking ::
<Shiela> Which Uncle?
<Erin> Uncle Lance.
<Shiela> I remember him from when I was a baby. I saw him last when I was ten months old.
<Erin> :: looks at Lance :: She's a very intelligent child, don't cha think? :: mutters :: Nothing like you.
<Lance> Yea... How did that happen?
<Erin> :: pretends to scratch above her eye, and flicks him off ::
<Mystic> Alright you two, shut up. It's catching up time.
<Lance> Oh, er... that's Nemo, and that's Frosty. I think yall have met, but you can never trust the memory of anyone in the Night family. 
:: Nemo and Frosty nod to Erin, who returns the nod ::
<Sage> Can I kill them now mommy?
<Erin> Not now honey, wait till they're outside, so it won't make a mess on the carpet.
<Sage> :: nods and steps back ::
<Mystic> :: looks at Erin :: Well then...
<Erin> ...What is it that you came here for exactly?
<Mystic> Uh, I dunno... Just thought It'd b cool to see an old time friend.
<Erin> :: smiles :: It was lovely.
<Mystic> :: smirks :: Yea, well...  looks at Sage, then looks at his watch :: Whoa! Look at the time!
<Lance> :: glances at his watch :: Oh my god! How could we have not payed attention to the time?
<Nemo and Ralan> :: glance at their watches :: Whoa! Time to go!
<Nemo and Ralan> :: run out of the room ::

<Sage> :: runs out after them ::
:: screaming is heard :: Don't let him get me!
<Erin> :: runs out after him ::
<Lance and Mystic> :: look at each other, then at Erik ::
<Erik> Uh...
<Lance and Mystic> :: look at each other again, then bolt out of the room ::
:: banging is heard ::
<Ralan> Owe! He got my leg!
<Erin> No...that's the neighbor's dog.
<Ralan> Ahhhh!!! :: twitches his neck :: nnnnyeh
<Erik> :: looks at Shiela and Shayna ::
<Shiela and Shayna> :: look at Erik ::
<Ralan> nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnyeh :: starts turning into Frosty ::
:: Erik, Shiela, and Shayna all exchange glances again ::
<Sage> :: pounces on Nemo :: 
<Erin> :: picks Sage up and takes him into the house ::
<Frosty> :: looks at the dog on his leg :: DEVIL DOG! :: picks him up and throws him into the neighbor's yard ::
<Lance> :: helps Nemo up ::
<Mystic> :: looks at Lance :: Who's idea was it to come here?!
<Frosty> iiiiittttt wwwwaaass YOURS! :: runs around in circles ::
<Mystic> Oh yea... :: frowns ::
<Erin> :: stomps upstairs, holding Sage ::
:: Erik, Shiela, and Shayna exchange glances once more ::
<Erik> Tea?
<Mystic> Well, that didn't really go as planned.
<Lance> :: shrugs :: Life sucks, get used to it.
<Mystic> :: shrugs :: Well, should we go then?
<Lance> Yea, might as well
<Frosty> :: running in circles as the sun starts to go down, and then runs into a pole :: :: falls unconscious ::
<Nemo> :: looks at Frosty :: Awww man...
<Lance> ...Ugh
<Mystic> Should we ask them for help?
<Nemo> Yea, I guess so...
<Lance> Ugh
<Nemo> :: picks up Frosty and walks inside ::
:: Erik, Shiela, and Shayna just sit there, and watch them, not wanting to start anything ::
<Nemo> :: plops Frosty down on their couch and sighs ::
<Lance> He passed out.
<Erik> ...
<Mystic> Can we stay here till he wakes up again?
<Shiela> :: hops up and looks at Frosty :: What happened to him?
<Nemo> He was running in circles and ran into the flag pole you guys have outside 
<Shayna> :: giggles ::
<Erik> Uh... yea, sure... I guess.. You are part of the family.
<Lance> :: nods :: Thanks.
<Erin> :: walks back into the living room, followed by Sage :: :: looks at Lance :: Still here?
<Lance> :: points at Frosty :: We have to stay here until he wakes up again.
<Erin> :: sighs :: Whatever. 
<Sage> :: looks at Frosty :: Wasn't me.
<Mystic> :: smirks :: 
<Nemo> Well, I guess we'll be off in the morning. I don't want to disturb you.
<Erin> :: nods :: I don't mind. 
<Sage> :: blows some air out his nose :: He took my spot. :: sits down on the floor next to the couch ::
<Lance> Sorry bout this.
<Erin> It's alright. 
<Erik> Well then, can I get you guys anything?
<Mystic> Naw. I'm fine. 
<Erik> Alright... well, come get me if you need me. There's cots in the closet. :: stands up from his chair, takes Shiela in one arm and Shayna in the other, and walks out of the room ::
<Erin> Goodnight :: follows Erik ::
<Sage> :: looks at all of them :: 
<Lance> :: sits down and looks at Sage :: You alright?
<Sage> :: snorts :: I won't be happy till I get my spot back.
<Mystic> :: smirks :: Good luck getting it back. Maybe in the morning it'll be free.
<Sage> :: shrugs :: I guess I'll just have to sit here till he wakes up.
<Lance> Uh, don't you have to get to bed eventually?
<Sage> No, Not really. 
<Nemo> Do vampires never get tired?
<Sage> :: shrugs :: I don't get tired.
<Mystic> :: gulps :: So while we sleep, you'll be sitting there, watching?
<Sage> Yep
<Lance> ...
<Nemo> Uh...
<Sage> Don't worry, I can't get the carpet dirty, remember? :: smirks ::
<Lance> Oh, yea...
<Sage> I won't do anything. :: lays down on his back ::
<Nemo> :: looks at Lance and Mystic :: Lets just get this over with. :: walks over to the closet to pull out a cot ::
<Mystic> Good idea. :: gets his cot ::
<Lance> Yea, Whatever. In the morning we can go to the castle and look for Bobert. :: grabs his cot and lays down ::
<Sage> Goodnight
<Lance> Night Sage. Try not to kill anybody, alright?
<Sage> I won't.
:: the three of them fall asleep after quite a few hours of talking, at about 2 or 3 ::
:: Sage stays up, looking at Frosty, waiting for him to wake up. ::
:: at around 3:30, Frosty woke up ::
<Frosty> :: sits straight up :: Crickets... Gotta kill Crickets...  :: falls back to sleep ::
<Sage> Ugh...
:: at 4, Frosty wakes up again ::
<Sage> Frosty, You up?
<Ralan> :: lays on the couch, with his eyes closed :: Ralan this time.
<Sage> Oh right, You're the one with the split personality. Mom told me about that.
<Ralan> :: nods silently :: How can I help you?
<Sage> I was hoping you could help me with something. 
<Ralan> What with?
<Sage> I need help with biting my victims. I never seem to do it correctly.
<Ralan> Grab the head, bite the neck. Not much to it.
<Sage> Yea, well... I haven't had much luck. I was hoping you could take me somewhere so I could practice. 
<Ralan> Well, you can't just go around biting people. I stick to the forests. Every once in a while you see an elf, and elven blood's my favorite.
<Sage> Ok... So when can we start?
<Ralan> Well, we have a mission at the moment. We're all kinda busy.
<Sage> But I wanna start now! I can't help it! I need to bite someone!
<Ralan> You'll be able to control that soon enough, but maybe I can convince Lance and the others on taking you along with us. This way you'd get lots of experience.
<Sage> Ooo. Really? Could you do that?
<Ralan> Sure.
<Sage> Thanks, I'll talk to mom about it.
<Ralan> Alright, now let me get some sleep.
<Sage> :: runs off ::
:: the morning passes, and everyone wakes up ::
<Ralan> Hey Lance!
<Lance> Yea?
<Ralan> Sage asked me last night if he could come with us, so that I could teach him to bite correctly. He won't get in the way... He just wants to come. 
:: everyone throws their eyes over to Ralan ::


<Erin> No! Absolutely not! I will not allow you to go with them!
<Sage> Aw, come on. I won't get in any trouble.
<Erin> Do you realize what they're doing? They have to go kill about 16 people, travel to the abyss, and defeat an evil King. There's no way I'm letting you get involved! 
<Sage> :: sulks :: Mom... please?
<Erin> :: looks at Sage ::
<Sage> I won't get involved.
<Erin> Ugh...
<Sage> Yay! Thanks mom! :: runs out of the room ::
<Erin> What? Hey! I didn't say you could :: sighs :: 
<Sage> :: runs into the living room where Lance, Mystic, Ralan, and Nemo are :: I can go!

<Ralan> :: smiles :: Alright, we'll get out to the forest as soon as possible.
<Lance> Ugh...
<Sage> ..Huh?
<Erin> :: walks in :: 
<Lance> :: looks at Erin ::
<Erin> :: looks at Lance :: Maybe it's best if I went too.
<Lance> What?
<Erin> You guys are doing something big, and you might need my help.
<Mystic> ..Hmm...
<Nemo> It is a good idea...
<Lance> Yea, I guess so
<Sage> Yay Mom! 
<Erin> :: looks at them :: Shall we get goin then?
<Lance> First we're visiting Bobert.
<Erin> :: nods :: Alright. I'll go tell Erik and the others. :: walks off ::
<Ralan> Well, This little adventure may turn into a huge ordeal.
<Lance> Yea, really...

To Be Continued...