Little Bit Of Something

This is an interview with Rob in the march issue of YM magazine. This is the questions, answers, and what the think it means. Our comments (we like to call it the truth) will be in italic.

What's had the greatest impact on your life?
My biggest influences growing up were songwriters like Elton John, Bernie Tapupin, and Tom Petty. Now I get to meet a lot of these people. When I get recognitin from them, (that support) helps to keep me focused on what I'm doing.
He really needs help foucusing, with all the breast around all the time!

If you and the band could work with any other group, which one would it be?
R.E.M. They're the model for credibility. No matter how successful they've gotten, they've stayed true to the music
I(Lance) would have to say, 5 months and they will sell out, Justin says mid to end of 99, when the millemium bug starts to hit, JC picks the end of 99. Placing bets now, to see when they would do a stupid Gap commercial.

I know you've been to hell and back, but would there have been a "Yourself or Someone Like You" without all the suffering?
No. If you use the pain in your life to make you realize your place in the world, I think it's good thing. I've never thought what I've gone through was bad, because I've looked at it as a character building experience
Well, we must say Rob did a pretty good job there of covering up the fact that every song is about sex or alcohol, yes that definatly builds character.

I love the song "Girl Like That." What's it about?
That was about being obsessed with a girl for all the wrong reasons. Y ou get into the relationship and then you realize it's not what you thought it would be.
Yeah, what he really means is, getting into a relationship and thinking that the girl had big boobs, and then finding out her bra was padded. It gets him every time.

What inspires you to write lyrics?
Anything that effects me emotionally. It could be something I see in a movie, something that happens to me that day, or something I see out the car window. Someone might say a phrase "Push" was written because I had that phrase "I'm a little bit rusty" in my head. I thought of all the images it conjured up.
"I'm a little bit rusty" he writes this line, and it's about something that effected him, I think you get the picture.

What's the weirdest thing that ever happened to you at one of your shows?
In San Diego, this 50 year old woamn jumped up onstage in the middle of a song and grabbed me, hiked up her dress, and wrapped her leg around me while I was singing. it was embarrassing.
Yes we knew it was your mom, we all know she's a big supporter, but that had to be just embarrassing for you. At least she should have waited to you got home, or dammit man give your mother backstage pass, make her come up on stage like that just to give you a hug.

Do you enjoy it when girls throw themselves at you?
I appreciate anyone who's a fan, and if any girl thinks I'm attractive it's flattering. But it's wrong when people invade your space.
In another words...HELL YEAH, he likes it, he loves all the half dressed girls/woman/mothers/cross dressers as long as they're showing cleavage.

What exactly do you do for homeless teens?
We hooked up on our last two tours with and oranization called Children of the Night. It seems like homeless teens have been overlooked, so we set up boxes at every show for people to leave clothes, phone cards-anything to help kids on the street.
Well Done Matchbox 20!

What is your biggest fear in life?
I don't want to die yet. I've got a lot I want to do. That and flying I think they run hand in hand.
He doesn't want to die because so many woman and so little time! And of course Paul coming out of the closet, but then again everyone suspects that.

Are you currently in a relationship?
I am indeed. I'm actually about to be married. Her name's Marisol, and she's from New York.
Of course he is getting married, he finally found a girl that lets him sleep around so he's keeping her around for when he gets old and ugly. Marisol, spanish for...puts up with just about anything from a "rock star in tight pants," including his hobby of looking at boobs.

What does a girl have to do to totally win your heart?
I have a differnt list now then I did maybe two ro three years ago. When I met Marisol, she'd never seen the "Push" video. That was great, I knew she was digging me for me. not because I'm in a band. A woman has to have her own agenda in life and be someone who's independent and can boss me around. So many people let me do whatever the hell I want, it's nice when somebody tells me I can't.
Not by asking a stupid question like that, or just say hello to him, or if you really want to get him say something like this to him (in this order): I brought alcohol, I like to take off my shirt, I have a potty mouth so I can really understand you, and don't forget to compliment his penis, he'll really like that.

In the video for "Push," you look superfine. But was that outfit uncomfortable?
No, actually it was kind of sexy. The outfit was leather, and I didn't have anything on under it. And that's always good.
This one stands on it's own.

A New Feel Dirty    ¦     A Little Untrusting    ¦     Open Up More Shame    ¦     It's So Normal 2    ¦     Color Portrait World    ¦     Cadillac Scene     ¦   
We Just Might Feel Good    ¦     Please Hand Me The Bottle    ¦     Pleasure Of The Pain     ¦     Good To Go Away    ¦     Cloud Up My Reasoning    ¦     Phony As Hell    ¦     Technicolor Dreams     ¦     Learn It Live It Love It!    ¦     Not To Crazy To Get Busted
