We Just Might Feel Good

A little quiz to see which Matchbox 20 member is right for you. Just answer 10 simple questions (you might need pen and paper) and see if Adam, Brian, Kyle, Paul, or Rob would be just right for you.

1. You'll describe yourself as...

A. Laidback
B. Flamboyant
C. Outgoing
D. Timid
E. Tidy

2. Something you would NOT do...

A. Take a shower
B. Wear gray
C. Ask out someone
D. Talk to people
E. Feel old

3. Your favorite color is...

A. Dirt
B. Flashy pink
C. Sexy red
D. Clear
E. White

4. You would like your clothing to be...

A. Dirty old jeans and a shirt would do
B. Loud and in your face!
C. Anything that would attract the opposite sex
D. Anything comfy
E. Clean neat clothes

5. When you wake up, you feel...

A. Dirty, but you don't take a shower
B. You wanna dress in drag and dance around to "I Will Survive"
C. Sexy, you know everyone wants your body
D. You want to shout out "LEAVE ME ALONE"
E. Old, but everything is clean.

6. You would wan't your hair style to be...

A. I don't care I'll wake up and go
B. I like it colorful
C. Anything that would attract the opposite sex
D. Anything that covers my face
E. Neat and nicely cut

7. You go to the mall...

A. I rather go to a thrift store
B. Only when I need a pink dress
C. Only to find a hot date
D. I don't, I don't like talking to people
E. Never, I don't like all the unfolded clothes

8. At a movie theater you...

A. Throw popcorn everywhere, I'm not gonna clean it up so why not.
B. I'll wear my make-up and underwear and go catch the midnight showing of "The Rocky Horror Picture Show"
C. Take a date, good things can happen in the dark
D. I don't like going out
E. Popcorn on my lap, drink in the holder, and candy to my right hand side, where it all should be

9. If you wrote a song, the title would be...

A. I'm dirty baby
B. I'm a pink bird flying!
C. You know you want me
D. I like to be alone
E. My things are so neat and clean

10. Describe your room as...

A. Messy, I can't see the floor
B. Pink walls, it's super!
C. A virtual love pad
D. Just my bed, that's all I need
E. Neat, everything is where it should be

For the results CLICK HERE and see who is right for you!

A New Feel Dirty    ¦     A Little Untrusting    ¦     Open Up More Shame    ¦     It's So Normal 2    ¦     Color Portrait World    ¦     Cadillac Scene     ¦    Please Hand Me The Bottle    ¦     Pleasure Of The Pain     ¦     Good To Go Away    ¦     Cloud Up My Reasoning    ¦    
Little Bit Of Something    ¦    Phony As Hell    ¦     Technicolor Dreams     ¦     Learn It Live It Love It!    ¦     Not To Crazy To Get Busted

Email: feeldirty@hotmail.com