Good To Go Away

We would like to first say, CONGRATULATIONS Rob! Great job on your kick ass performance with Santana and winning your Grammy awards. Since you won and just you and not the rest of the Matchbox 20 members, we just thought what would the conversation be like, when Rob has a get together with the other band members. Of course everyone one will say congratulations because that’s the polite thing to do, but what about after the celebration. Sure Rob got his first Grammy, but not with Matchbox 20…hmmm break up time? Will the others get jealous? Just questions we liked answered. So this is what WE THINK, on how the conversation will go.

PAUL: Rob it’s really cool that you won a Grammy, but did you really have to put a string around it and wear it like a necklace?

ROB: (rubbing the Grammy with his shirt) I got me a Grammy and so what if I had one to made into a necklace. What’s wrong with that?

ADAM: I can find so many things wrong with that.

PAUL: Leave Rob alone

ADAM: Well we better put this CD out fast because Paul, your not getting any straighter, so when are you coming out of the closet? Huh shorty, "mini me" is taller then you.

PAUL: Oh that’s really funny but everyone knows your not getting any younger

KYLE: Why do we all have to fight?

ADAM: Well look it here its Mr. I Hate Taking A Shower. They will never invite us ‘cause you’ll stink up the place

BRAIN: Just stop it!

PAUL: Oh the quiet one decides to speak oh they’ll invite us for sure ‘cause he wont speak when we accept the award. Brian you’re lucky this time.

(Rob laughing hysterically in the back)

ADAM: (looking at Rob) what are YOU laughing at?

Rob: I’m laughing at ALL of you guys, think about it all of you are saying Adam can’t go ‘cause to old and he'll take forever to get to the stage. Brian is too quiet so he won’t make a speech. Kyle smells so he won’t get invited. Paul is too short and no one will see him. So there’s just me to go there, just like this time.

(Brian has a shocked look on his face)

(Paul shrieks in horror)

(Kyle sniffs under his armpit and thinks to himself ‘I don’t smell’)

(Adam has to sit down because of his weak bones)

PAUL: I’m sorry Rob that we all can’t be Grammy award winning musicians like you are!

KYLE: Yeah, you tell him Paul!

ADAM: Yeah, you go girlfriend (snap snap snap)

Brian: (in a quiet voice) yeah

ROB: (still shinning) AH, bite me!

A New Feel Dirty    ¦     A Little Untrusting    ¦     Open Up More Shame    ¦     It's So Normal 2    ¦     Color Portrait World    ¦     Cadillac Scene     ¦    We Just Might Feel Good    ¦     Please Hand Me The Bottle    ¦     Pleasure Of The Pain     ¦     Cloud Up My Reasoning    ¦    
Little Bit Of Something    ¦    Phony As Hell    ¦     Technicolor Dreams     ¦     Learn It Live It Love It!    ¦     Not To Crazy To Get Busted
