Cadillac Scene 2

Cadillac Scene 2

This is the video review section 2, we watched the video and we reviewed it (duh). If you don't understand, go to page one, it's that easy, so now we press on.

HEY MickyMad Season

ROCK STARS! And what do every rock star need? Police and thousands of screaming fans to rip off their stuff. How weird when Rob says, "I feel stupid" he gets off of the plane wearing THAT? I would feel stupid too if I had that outfit. Kyle why does his shirt look like it was white but someone threw up on it? If they're BIG Rock Stars why do they have to carry thier guitars? What is Adam wearing? and Adam hair CUT look into it! Good thinking Paul, spike the hair, makes you look taller, right on! Brian looks normal, and he's in the video. Oh a person in the crowed with a video camera, don't be surprised if that footage is on sale at Ebay. Why are they stealing Adam's clothes? Did ya see what he was wearing? Beleive me its nothing to fight over. Riot breaks out, of course it's gonna break out they're walking so damn slow, the crowd was getting pissed watching them in slow motion. Awww Daddy Rob is helping his young into the limo. PUSHING them in one by one just shoving them in the back to get into that car. Yes driver don't drive off just yet, let the people climb on top of the car. and Rob looking for the camera to sing into it, because it's not a Matchbox 20 video without Rob's face in the camera. So someone tell me why, why, why, do I, I, I, don't have tinted windows. Is it me or does the camera always stay on Rob's face when the word stupid is said? And what is up with that girl looking like she's humping the side of the car? OH MY GOD it's flippin West Side Story, I mean if I wanted to see BAD dance moves I'll watch a Britney Spears video. Police brutalty, police brutalty!! The police dancing is hurting me! They cracked a window, that's so vandalism, where are the police when you need them, oh yes they're getting there jig on. The girls got the "rock star" lables, and it's a good idea to wave it around where everyone could steal it from you. Them rock stars are smart! And something for you to ponder over...Rob is smiling, is he happy that he's no longer a rock star OR that tons of girls just touched him in the most unnatural way?

your so fineIf Your Gone

Well this is a very simple bland video. Oh well I guess we have try hard to get the "real" detail of the video. Soooo, top of the building, risk takers they are! Paul's drinking what?? I wonder what it is? Cup O Noddle? or a decoy? Strut your stuff Pauley! Rob is so cool he can sit on a chair...backwards, he so rules! Is it me or does Rob have hat hair? And what is up with Adam's hair and face? I think he wants Kyle's "smelly" title. Dammit man shower, shave, and get a haircut! OH MY! Kyle looks cleaner then Adam **Big Gasp** BRIAN! Brian's hand. Rob's so cool, there's only one thing to do...Strut! Wait wait wait when did the horn players sneak into the picture? Did I miss something? Rob is such a dare devil on top of the roof...JUMP! Still standing there...JUMP! Fine don't jump, just strut back! BRIAN, a whole 30 seconds, right on Brian! The sun's coming, natural light, I thought rock stars hated the sun light? Finally! Adam and Kyle get's off of there lazy unshaven asses. Can the camera person get any closer to Rob's face? I mean I could be Rob's dentist right now, thats just too much teeth action. Wait a minute, Brian had more camera time then Paul. That's odd, did Rob and Paul have a little tiff? Oh well, this was a simple and boring video. A lot less boring if he would have jumped, but thats just me.

your so fine you blow my mindBent

It's about FRIGGIN' time there's a new video, so let's begin. Who gave Adam a driver’s license? Or is he trying to live out his youthful days when he first got his license to drive. Or does he just suck at driving? Will some one give Rob a meal and nap and maybe squeeze in a shower? What are you looking at Rob? Fool move, then you won't get hit! J.C. was examining the part of Adam hitting Rob, and she came up with this conclusion...that's not Rob's ass that falls to the concrete. I know Rob's ass and that my friends, is no Rob's ass, that is a stunt ass! Oh Kyle, what have the band done to you? Stealing from Rob, now take that cash, rent a room, and TAKE A SHOWER! So Rob gets up and walks it off and while he's walking, shouldn't the 'Staying Alive' song playing? Paul, Paulie, Pauline, such big words for a little man. We think the conversation went like this...
PAUL: "Hey Rob I know you want to kiss me"
ROB: (Confused look on his face)
PAUL: "Come on man you know you want to kiss me"
ROB: (What the hell look on his face)
PAUL: &^%&^ &*$#$) *$#@^^%$@#@@!#*( *%@#@%^*& %$@#^&&^
So Rob walks in the wind, well someone brought a big fan, and then he's fixing his hair for? Oh wait here comes Kyle again, shoves Rob down, kicks Rob, and shouts out, "That’s for the money I stole, I had to rent a room and take a shower" Kicks Rob in a fit of rage because he was clean. Oh wait, wait can it be, could it be? It's Brian! Oh wait here he comes 1, 2, 3 seconds later, there he goes. Still no love for Brian I see, nothing has changed. Dammit Rob, MOVE FOOL! Like a deer in headlights.


Alright, so 'Smooth' is NOT a Matchbox 20 video. But Rob does sing lead so basically it has ties with Matchbox 20. So we're gonna comment on Rob and his surroundings. Rob jumping on the hot Latino sounds bandwagon. Now where to begin, oh yeah how about the beginning. What’s with that chick in the car looking at Rob? Now she needs a shower, if you put her and Kyle together, she makes Kyle look clean. One huge question if it so damn hot and the chicks are sweating shouldn't Mr. Santana be hot? Like he's fully covered, shouldn't he be Muy Caliente? Well I just wanna know why they can't afford air conditioning? Rob is a big Rock Star can't they have more then one fan? They didn't even give out snow cones for all. What is that girl in the window wearing? Dammit there are perverts out there and like a tramp, your just showing your goods right out the window for free aren't ya? HEY, I got an idea, it's really hot now, so lets all go outside and dance around in the street and see who gets a heat stroke first! TRAMP IN A BLUE SHIRT, TRAMP IN A BLUE SHIRT!...oh wait, that's Marisol. Well then this is Marisol showing us what she learned this summer at the 'School Of Sluts that Can't Dance.' Nice "shirt" if you can it a shirt its a mini-skirt with the ass cut out of it, but we'd like it better if there was more of it because your making our eyes itch. But other then that it's a wonderfu...grea...good video. Let's just leave it at that.

Cadillac Scene    ¦    A New Feel Dirty    ¦     A Little Untrusting    ¦     Open Up More Shame    ¦     It's So Normal 2    ¦     Color Portrait World    ¦     We Just Might Feel Good    ¦     Please Hand Me The Bottle    ¦     Pleasure Of The Pain     ¦     Good To Go Away    ¦     Cloud Up My Reasoning    ¦     Little Bit Of Something    ¦    Phony As Hell    ¦     Technicolor Dreams     ¦     Learn It Live It Love It!    ¦     Not To Crazy To Get Busted
