Not To Crazy To Get Busted

Not To Crazy To Get Busted

If you call me Christina, just see what happens CHRIS

NAME: Christina, but i'm telling you right now, you ever call me that and i'll hunt you down and kill you! I will you know my father was a great African hunter. Like i don't mean he hunted Africans, you know cause that would be horrible. He hunted African animals. Ok. I have the gift too you know!
AGE: I was born on leap year, so I am 6 years old. See mum and dad were on safari in Nigeria and mum went into labour on early on the 28th and they did everythin they could to get me out then but NO it just wasn't bloody possible was it. So yeah well i'm stuck being 6. Biggest god damn 6 year old i've ever seen.
FROM: Somewhere close, but really far away, maybe I'm in your backyard. I don't even know. I'm always somewhere different hunting, you know how it is. Could be hunting you right now if you just called me Christina.
SAYING: Hunt 'em, find 'em, kill 'em!
WHY I LIKE HIM: Because he doesn't shower and doesn't shave. Gotta love a man who goes for the ruggered look. But boy is he sexy!
OTHER: Ok well, I am coke addict and if I can't get a drink i start shaking and shivering and have fits and stuff, I need my sugar. But other then that I'm a very pleasent girl with big dreams to someday be a hairbrush user. See we've never really got into that self hygene thing out in the bush. I mean what's the diff you know. You either smell or you don't. Why be clean when it's just so much effort. One day i hope to find the courage and vanity inside me to pick up a hairbrush and run it through my thick oily hair.

Don't get to close, or you'll be sorry J.C.

NAME: Judy Cootie, yes that my real first and middle name...but I prefer J.C.
AGE: in earth years? well then I'm 5
FROM: a galaxy far, far away
SAYING: Never trust a bald barber, they have no respect for your hair.
FAVORITE MEMBER: Paulie baby!...and Rob...ahh damn, I just can't choose.
WHY I LIKE THEM: Well, just look at them!
OTHER: Ok, well I really should come clean and tell you about name is really *^($%#@*^ and I have been sent here by my leader to study the human habit. In a plan to eventually take over the earth. But I told my leader to "stick it" when I fell in love with a 72 year old truck driver, with the hugest beer gut you have ever seen! We were married and he died on our honeymoon, freak accident with a gear stick, but thats another story for another time! Now I wander aimlessly hoping that Paul would someday love an alien, who in earth years is really 5 years old...(sigh)

take me drunk, I'm home JUSTIN

NAME: Justin, really Justine, but everyone calls me Justin
AGE: Let's just say I'm legal to consume alcohol in almost all countries
FROM: Chupacabra (on the wrong side of the tracks)
SAYING: Your face looks like it caught on fire and someone put it out with a pitchfork.
FAVORITE MEMBER: Robby "boobies" Thomas and Pauline
WHY I LIKE THEM: Well Rob because he's an alcoholic pervert, and Paul is a cross dresser. So it's an re-enforces my belief that just about everyone can make it famous
OTHER: Well I'm a bit of a butchika, I haven't worn a skirt EVER! I used to be in a barber shop quartet back in Stoke, Illinois. I don't wear underwear on Tuesday, from certain angles, my retainer looks like a Klingon warship. I like walks on the beach, and yes my momma wore combat boots. Oh and I have 4 inspirational words of advice for anyone who wants to make it in the world today: NEVER EAT YELLOW SNOW! and that's my story.

I don't like my name, but strawberry rules! LANCE

NAME: LANCE, yes it's Lance, and yes I'm a girl. I am the youngest of 14 sisters and they all have nice normal names, but not me, noooo, I get stuck with Lance. My dad wanted a boy so he decides to punish me and stick me with a boy's name. They all have nice normal name's like Jen, Amanda, Brenda, Kelly...just to name a few....and i get Lance. I can't believe i get stuck with this name, I don't even have a middle name. Oh no, I'm not bitter.
AGE: old enough to smack your ass and call you Danny boy
FROM: 90 degrees longitude, 79 degrees latitude
SAYING: Your as dumb as a mule and twice as ugly.
FAVORITE MEMBER: gotta love the old man!
WHY I LIKE HIM: You can't go wrong with a guy that has unsightly gray hairs, and tries to act like a teenager from hell! Doesn't that just turn you on?
OTHER: Well I'm a former hand model, which my career ended 'cause of a freak typing accident (long story). So then I became a professional calligraphy writer, another freak accident involving ink and a whole lotta paper cuts (even longer story). I used to be a child actor, do you remember Joanie from the show Happy Days? Well I'm not her. Now I aptitude export exotic things, yes exciting job for a girl with a name like Lance. I like Teletubbies, hanging out with my friends, strawberry shakes, surf and turf (in that order), and full moons. I dislike Barney, hanging with people I don't like, banana shakes, surf without the turf, and half moons. My motto is live free and happy! And eat TACOS!

A New Feel Dirty    ¦     A Little Untrusting    ¦     Open Up More Shame    ¦     It's So Normal 2    ¦     Color Portrait World    ¦     Cadillac Scene     ¦    We Just Might Feel Good    ¦     Please Hand Me The Bottle    ¦     Pleasure Of The Pain     ¦     Good To Go Away    ¦     Cloud Up My Reasoning    ¦     Little Bit Of Something    ¦    Phony As Hell    ¦     Technicolor Dreams     ¦     Learn It Live It Love It!    ¦    
