Technicolor Dreams

Stories about how Matchbox 20 saved peoples lives. Real stories from real people and some not so real stories from not so real people. Either way its stories on how "Matchbox 20 Saved My Life!"

One night I was all alone and I was about to die of boredom, and Matchbox 20's song came on the radio. Then I started to sing along "It's 3am I must be lonely." So I thought to myself, it is 3 am and I am lonely. So I called my freind to come over, and from that moment on I knew that I was NOT gonna die from boredom! And that's how Matchbox 20 saved my life!

My sister was so making me mad, so I thought I would put some itching powder in her bra before she went out on a date. I was so there in her room ready to poor it on. But then Matchbox 20's song "Busted" came on, and then I thought to myself, I would so get busted from mom and dad it wont be funny. So instead of me about to die from being grounded for the 57th time this month, i didn't do it. And that's how Matchbox 20 sorta saved my life!

One day when I was shopping, I found this killer shirt and I had to try it on. So I went into the dressing room and the shirt looked killer like I knew it would. I was about to leave to pay for the shirt and I was stuck in the dressing room, like omigod! I thought I was gonna die in there. But the coolest thing happened, Matchbox 20's song "Push" came on the speaker, so as I was sitting there twriling my hair I thought I should push instead off pull. And like whaddaya know I was free, thanks Matchbox 20! And that's how Matchbox 20 saved my life!

I have been in beauty pagents all my life and I won tons of awards. One Day I thought to myself I dont need to be in pagents anymore, I know im beautiful, and the world knows I'm beautiful, and I should stop. So I stoped I did nothing, do you know what it's like to be an out of work beautiful person? I thought I was gonna die! Then I heard Matchbox 20's song "Last Beautiful Girl" That title alone so describes me. So I grabbed my things and went back to the pagent world! And that's how Matchbox 20 saved my life!
--Michael...a.k.a. Lady Lovely

One day I had a major cramps and I couldn't find my doctors number. As I was searching I had my CD player on and it switched to Matchbox 20's Cd. Long day came on and when Rob said "Reach down your hand in your pocket" I thought I would give it a whirl. Then here I pull out my doctors card and the phone number was on the card, can you believe it? And that's how Matchbox 20 saved my life!
P.S. I found out that I just had gas

If you have a story you would like to share email us

A New Feel Dirty    ¦     A Little Untrusting    ¦     Open Up More Shame    ¦     It's So Normal 2    ¦     Color Portrait World    ¦     Cadillac Scene     ¦    We Just Might Feel Good    ¦     Please Hand Me The Bottle    ¦     Pleasure Of The Pain     ¦     Good To Go Away    ¦     Cloud Up My Reasoning    ¦     Little Bit Of Something    ¦    Phony As Hell     ¦     Learn It Live It Love It!    ¦     Not To Crazy To Get Busted
