Buffy's 19th Birthday Promo

by Tricia Stewart

Author's Note: Okay, Buffy's 17th birthday: After being attacked, she loses her virginity to Angel who then loses his soul and tortures and murders her friends for months. Her 18th birthday: Her Father lets her down, she loses her powers, she has to rescue her mother, Giles seemingly betrays her. I sensed a pattern. Here was my take on the promo commercial for next year's big birthday episode.

Announcer: This week on a very special Buffy...(Camera pans to shot of closet door) It's her birthday again.

Buffy: I am not coming out!!!

Giles: Buffy, monsters are attacking the schoolhouse.

Buffy: LALALALA not listening!

Joyce: Come out of there right now!

Buffy: No! And I'm shooting anything that tries to open the door.

Giles: If you don't come out, I'm going to have sex with your mother again!

Buffy: Wear a condom! LALALALA!!!

(Giles shakes his head)

Giles: Okay I'm staking Angel (Giles pokes Angel in the ribs prompting him to scream melodramatically) That's right, staking him all away. It's getting dusty out here!

Buffy: Too late, I saw the preview for next week's episode of his spin-off. He's fine.

Giles: Oh for God's sake I give up!

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