Alright in case you couldn't tell I have a strong passion for AD&D. I guess it is cause I can pass the time and make anything I can think of. It is also a good way for me to just escape the worries of normal life for a few hours a week. It beats the hell out of getting drunk too .... I guess. Anyway here is a list of magic items that I have created. I haven't used alot of them in my world but if you need some please feel free to use some of mine at your own risk. If you do use any of them I would appreciate feedback on my items in games. You can e-mail me at


Bracel et Of Transmutation

Cold/Hot Chest

Echo Bracers & Helm

Fairie Key

Flying Dagger

Giant's Staff

Gods Hand

Kamakaze (DMs)

Key Ring Of Many

Mirror of Presence (DMs)

Mithral Wire


Rift Razor

Shield Helm


Staff of Illusions

Staff of Sharps

Surge Blade

Lost Tablets (DMs and I will kill my players if they look at this.)

Victory Weapons

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