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Appearance: This item resembles a golden key that takes the shape of a naked pixie with crystal wings.

Function: When a secret command word is whispered to the key it will become an active live Fairy. The GM/DM should give the pixie a name. She will assist in opening locks for the PC. She adds a +10 circumstance bonus to open locks and +10 circumstance bonus to search and disable device. The PC gains these bonuses when she is active due to her assistence and knowledge. The pixie only assists with locks and traps and will not fight as she is considered a non combatant. She can only be summoned once a day and if summoned more than once she will steal the PCs belongings and be permanently freed from the enchantment of the key.

Caster Level: 14; Prerequisites: Craft Wonderous Item, Summon Monster VII; Market Price: 3300 gp; Cost to Create: 1650 + 132 XP.