Appearance: This hammer has a blunt head and on the opposing is pick like. The handle is made of silver and is engraved to appear like it is wrapped in leather, but it is not. On the but of the handle is a Ruby gem.

Function: "Orak" is an intelligent Dwarven Hammer. He used to be a very skilled dwarven minor. After mining a large amount of gems successfully he thought he would be set for life. To his amazement however, he was robbed of everything he had mined. It is unknown he became to exist in the hammer but it is rumored he resides there to avenge his loss.

Bonuses: +2/+2. When thrown the hammer becomes a +3/+3.
Alignment: Lawful Good
Inteligence: 15
Ego: 22
Personality: 37

Detect Precious Metals and Gems within a 20 foot radius.
Detect Evil.
Strength once a day.
Orak hates thieves and causes Paralysis for 1D4 rds when he strikes one.
Orak can speak in Common, Dwarven and Alignment.

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