Appearance: All these weapons appear crude and jagged. Often times looking like horrid weapons with more than one blade. Bullets that are not round but rather with small sharp thorns. Daggers etched out from the middle of the blades and even more crude designs remain yet unfound.

Function: All these weapons act as +1/+3 weapons. Each weapon type has a predetermined amount of charges (see below). When the wielder spends a charge from the weapon the item increases from that of a +1 weapon to a +3 weapon. When the charge object strikes an opponant it causes maximum damage as if a critical hit was scored.

When found Victory Swords are found individually. Arrows, bullets and darts will be found in quivers, bags and sheaths of five.

Arrows______________________each have D12+2 charges
Bullets_____________________each have D12 charges
Daggers_____________________each have D20+2 charges
Darts_______________________each have D20+3 charges
Swords______________________each have 2D8 charges
Other Weapons_______________each have 2D6 charges

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