Appearance: These bracers are made of a an unknown mysterious blue metal. The bracers are very light and adjust to fit. Along the sides of each bracer is a swimming dolphin.

Function: When these bracers are clanged together they make no sound at all??? This is because it produces a sonar wave that travels up to 180 feet in a 180 degree arch. The user will see all images in his mind that are first struck by the harmless sonar waves. These bracers however are inaffective without the matching Helm of Echoes which can recieve the sonar signals produced by the bracers.


Appearance: This helm is made out of an unknown mysterious blue metal and is very light. An odd shaped sphere extends on the top part of the helm and beautifully crafted dolphins arch just above where ones ears would be.

Function: This helm allows the wearer to understand and communicate with dolphins & bats or any other creature with a form of sonar. If the wearer also possesses the Echo Bracers they will also be able to effectively recieve the sonar signals which the bracers put out allowing basic sonar vision up to 180 feet.

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