Mithral Wire

Appearance: This magic item appears like a thick peace of clear string and when found there will be 1-20 feet of it found. Although it looks like clear string it is incredibly durable and can hold about as much weight as a rope.

Function: This item has been used for many different uses throughout the realms. The fisherman prize it as a fishing line, jewelers prize it as well in use of creating necklaces and bracelets. This item is incredibly valuable to Thieves, however. Many Thieves use this item in the creation of traps by using it as a clear tripwire to spring the trap. They also find it incredibly useful for an assassins garrotte wire. When used as a Garrotte it is a +1 to hit and in the hands of a Rogue it acts as a +4 to hit. These bonuses only go to hit humanoids of man-size.

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