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TSRD 1st Week September Archives

Sure as hell not "fair and balanced"!

9/03/2004 - RNC Smackdown

Last night's speech by Bush really locked in very good re-election chances for him. Why you ask? Well, Bush stood at the poduim and delivered his PLAN for re-election, and it sounds pretty damn sweet. Privatizing Social Security, overhauling the tax code, making his tax cuts permanent, welfare reform, etc. His plan was crystal clear, unlike Lurch whose supposed big plans are always a secret (If you know for a fact what it is, I'd love to hear it).

After Bush blew any doubt about his re-election victory away, Kerry decided to go bitch and whine about it later in Ohio (where Bush is winning by the way!), and I'll be damned if he didn't bring up Vietnam twice in the first five minutes of the speech, as well as the Michael Moore talking points about Halliburton and Dick Cheney.

But don't just chalk this up to an ultimate Kerry defeat. I'm sure after November, we'll be likely to hear, "I'll take John Kerry to block!"

9/02/2004 - Better than a thousand SwiftBoat ads!

Man, it is looking GOOD for us conservatives already, and GW hasn't even spoken at the convention yet! First, you had John McCain (who I am not really a big fan of) basically telling Michael Moore, who was covering the convention for USA today (after firing Ann Coulter before the first column for the DNC.. hint, hint.. BIAS!), to fuck off, and Giuliani tearing Kerry to shreds and explaining why Bush is the best choice in these dangerous times. He not only hit a home run, but he slammed that ball out of the park, across the staduim parking lot, and right into the window of the Democrat Party Headquarters.

Tuesday Night, you had (R)nold step up and give us a speech on what the American Dream is all about, why it is necessary, and why it's necessary to defend that dream... even in (GASP!) Iraq of all places!

But tonight.... Zell Miller (A true, blue Democrat) stomped on whatever was left of Kerry, exposed him for the flip-flopping, anti-military fuck he is, and Cheney came out and really brought the message home, and determined why we can't stand idly by in the war on terror, and again.... why Bush is "da man".

All of these brilliant speeches, and the liberal media doesn't have jack shit to say about it, the protesters are making themselves look like the fools they are and getting arrested by the hundreds, and we still got Bush's speech to go! I think by tomorrow night, if we all listen closely after GW's speech, you'll hear a very faint, French sounding "YEEARGH!" coming from a mansion the state of Massachuessetts.

How does it feel to know we're winning??

9/01/2004 - Protester Survey: No Surprises - America Sucks

Take a good long look at the poll from the New York Post, and analyze it. Over 75% of these moonbats are going gun-ho for Kerry this election season, yet.. over 50% of these same dirtbags think America is a "negative force in the world", over 35% think Communism/Socialism is the best kind of economy, and over 60% of them think that our attack on the Taliban and bin Laden was wrong, and that the terrorists and insurgents in Iraq are justified in killing our soldiers, sailors, marines, and guardsmen over in Iraq. Laides and gentlemen..... meet the new face of the Democrat Party.

Special thanks to Messier at ProtestWarrior.com for pointing this out

8/31/2004 - "Peaceful Protest"?

Ok, now I'm kind of stepping away from showing the freaks on the left side of the political spectrum, to the pure anarchist punk bitches that have a very, very warped view of the world (more so than the liberals!). These unwashed, masked, chicken-shit assnuggets go around causing trouble, breaking windows to businesses, assaulting police officers, and the like. Right now, there's stories out about some of these false patriots throwing piss balloons on cops, making terror threat hoaxes, and harrassing delegates, etc. And we're just ONE day into the convention! Let's take a look at a few.

"Man, you be one uv dem race traitin' Howse niggaz, ain't chu??"

I wonder if that's Beavis with his face covered there? FIRE! FIRE!

How do you defeat a hundred leftist anarchists? Tear gas, baby!


These guys are my heroes! And no, I'm not being sarcastic here.

The guys and gals at ProtestWarrior sure as hell deserve a TSRD salute here for what they do. I'm not sure I'd be able to do the same, have some dipshit rip down my sign and try some shit, and not clock that motherfucker back to next week, but these guys are really fighting the left, and doing it right. Way to go, guys. More on this later...

8/30/2004 - Fun with Fanatics!

Tomorrow the Republican National Convention starts in New York, and the leftist scum have already come out of the woodwork, or from of the eighth floor of Bellvue, managing to shed their straightjackets. Now, I'm not bashing them for protesting. I'm as much for free speech as anyone, but I ALSO have my rights to free speech, as well as a good laugh. Today, I thought I'd post a few pics of these "peace lovers" and "advocators of tolerance", and maybe just a few kooks so we can all laugh at them. Sound good? Let's go!

Hookers for Choice. Yeah, I guess having a kid WOULD be a set back if you spend half the day walking the streets, and the other half on your back. or knees....or upside down....or, well.... you get the point!

Kind of an ironic message, if ya think about it.

Well, at least they're honest about it.

I didn't know Bob Ross was protesting!

This is what the military will look like once Kerry gets a hold of it.

Well, that's it for today. Guaranteed there will be more entertainment from these nutjobs in the next few days, and of course.. I will fully exploit it and make fun of them to provide you readers with a few chuckles.

Also, if you really want "in" on the protesters, CooperForPresident has a complete protester bio, which is pretty damn funny too.

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Right Quotes:

"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty." -- John F. Kennedy

"The Democrats say that the United States has had its days in the sun, that our nation has passed its zenith. They expect you to tell your children that the American people no longer have the will to cope with their problems, that the future will be one of sacrifice and few opportunities. My fellow citizens, I utterly reject that view." -- Ronald Reagan

"America will never seek a permission slip to defend the security of our country." -- George W. Bush

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