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TSRD 1st Week of August Archives

John Kerry for President.......of France!

8/05/2004 - Kerry's 9/11

Earlier today, Senator Lurch was at a minority journalists meeting when he said he would have acted differently than Bush had during the first moments of 9/11, when White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card whispered about the first plane hitting the World Trade Center on 9/11 as he read to a 2nd grade class in Florida.

Oh really? How the hell WOULD you have acted then? Jumped up out of the chair screaming, "Oh My God! Oh My God!" and scaring the crap out of the school children more than you already would with your Botox-injected face? Would you haved called your buddy Kofi Annan to try to get a worthless resolution passed? Would you immediatley rush back to D.C., stood on the steps of the Capitol Building while the media watched and brought out a white flag? Hell, HERE'S what ya did, numbnuts!

Kerry: "...And as I came in [to a meeting in Sen. Daschle's office], Barbara Boxer and Harry Reid were standing there, and we watched the second plane come in to the building. And we shortly thereafter sat down at the table and then we just realized nobody could think, and then boom, right behind us, we saw the cloud of explosion at the Pentagon..."

First off, the second plane hit the World Trade Center at 9:03 a.m., and the plane hit the Pentagon at 9:43 a.m. By Kerry's own stupid words, he sat there with Daschle and Boxer with their thumbs up their asses for forty-five minutes. To me, that shows "inaction" right there, but maybe Michael Moore is his new campaign speech writer, or maybe Kerry's a little upset about something that might put a BIG dent in his run for the White House. I'll post more on the SwiftBoat Veterans against Kerry next week.But this is desperation at it's finest, folks and the debates haven't even begun yet! Anyways, have a good weekend, everybody.

An example of the 'tolerant' left

8/04/2004 - How to fuck up Kerry's chances even more! By liberals being themselves!

In less than four weeks, the Republican National Convention will take place in New York City for four days of rallying around President Bush for his re-election. A few hundred freaks however, don't seem to like that idea. This is the bottom of the pile in the compost heap of the Liberals. I'll post an excerpt.

1) Look outwards from the crowd. If someone is being administered first aid, face away from them.

2) Form cordons around anything the police want. (buildings, sound equipment, etc.)

3) Sitting down is good for dissuading police charging but only in large numbers. Sometimes sitting is not really worth it. Horses are unpredictable. Particularly violent cops, especially those employing gases or rubber bullets, may be dangerous to sit in front of.

4) Throwing is a defensive act. It may not be wise to throw stuff at the best of times - that will only provoke them and make them want to hit you harder. If you want to throw, do it defensively, strategically, and en masse - a constant hail of debris will create a 'sterile area' where the police will not want to go. Remember: don't throw to attack or cause injury. Throw from the front and then disappear into the crowd. Only jerks throw from the back. Gas canisters can be thrown or kicked away from the crowd before they explode. Be careful! Don't pick up with your bare hands, as they can be very hot. They will explode.

5) Barricades can be more hassle than they are worth. Impassable blockades may be an inconvenience to you when you need to run. The best barricades are random material like newspaper boxes, dumpsters turned on the side, and road or construction material, strewn all over. One or two affinity groups can lift small parked cars and place them in the street with out damaging them.

All this anarchial planning can be found here.

But the main question here is.. What the HELL do these Mastercard Marxists hope to accomplish? After all, 1968 didn't appear to work out for them, now did it? While this is going on, all the GOP will have to do is say "there's the Democratic party, folks" and places like Ohio, New Mexico, Colorado, and Pennsylvania are gonna be redder than Teddy's nose.

Apparently, the judges aren't impressed

8/02/2004 - No Bounce For Botox Boy

Well, what did I tell ya? The DNC love-fest and Kerry's snoozer of a speech wouldn't do jack shit for Ketchup Boy, and apparently it hasn't.

Now, usually after a big convention like that, the candidate sees anywhere between a 10 to 15 point "bounce". Not in this case. According to Gallup, it's still a dead heat. Zogby only has Kerry at a slight 2 point lead over Bush, and according to Fox's polls, Bush leads Kerry by one point.

Now, ya may not think much of this. I can hear the libs now. "Ohh, but Shrub only has a one point lead! Kerry's going to win!" Yeah, but most polling is targeted towards large cities such as Boston, Chicago, San Fransisco, and Minneapolis.. and we ALL know how THEY vote... hint, hint! Don't get me wrong, this isn't gonna be exactly a landslide for GW, unless he takes a few points from my agenda, which would scare the piss outta the libs, but I'm just saying that even though Bush has a lot of work to do.... it's pretty much in the bag for him.

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Right Quotes:

"Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty." -- John F. Kennedy

"The Democrats say that the United States has had its days in the sun, that our nation has passed its zenith. They expect you to tell your children that the American people no longer have the will to cope with their problems, that the future will be one of sacrifice and few opportunities. My fellow citizens, I utterly reject that view." -- Ronald Reagan

"America will never seek a permission slip to defend the security of our country." -- George W. Bush

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