::Saturday, November 09, 2002::

oh...first of all...

you'll probably never read this, but just wanted to let you know that i was thinking about you on your special day, dude...even if i did just see you! haahaa...

anyways, dude...i love sushi on brand...and the ring sucked. in my opinion, it wasn't funny...hopefully watching harry potter tomorrow with drew will more than make up for it. woohoo! i'm so touched that he thought to invite me. it meant a lot...yeah...that's it, i better get to sleep, i've gotta get up early tomorrow...peace out guys!

gail brainfarted for you @ 1:11 AM

::Thursday, November 07, 2002::

so yeah, i got my tagboard working, but for some reason i can't see that stupid thing! i know it's up there cus monica tagged it - thanks nica! - but now i don't know where it is...oh well, maybe i'll figure it out later...i should just have Mark to help me fi* whatever it is i messed up...

anyways, in other gail-related news, i've just completed another module for school, and i'm pretty confident that i did okay, pretty well actually...im happy, yet kinda hesitant cus i start new classes right away ne*t week, and im taking 2 classes and im scared it'll be kinda hard - losta work...i really hope i can hang, cus i wanna get through this, and if i don't start taking more classes at a time, i'll never graduate...dude...and i soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo wanna graduate now, it's like my new biggest goal, to graduate SOON...hopefully my prayers will be answered and God will help me get through it with flying colors...yeh, pray for me guys...

so yeah...that's it...nothing else really intersting in my life...im a boring person...i'll blog more again another day...i gotta go...byebyebye...

gail brainfarted for you @ 9:55 PM

::Wednesday, November 06, 2002::

woohoo...i think i got the tagboard to finally work! i think...we'll see...and...yeah...im in a very good mood today...class went well, for the most part, everyone made it relatively on time, we had a good night at LC, the level of conversation has definitely gone totally down the drain, but it was fun nonetheless. it's been a long time since we've all been there, we've missed randy a whole lot, and im glad he and patricia went with us tonight...it's was good for old times' sake...we had fun...im happy again...those SDYMers really do make me smile. i don't think they know how much they mean to me. it's weird i was listening to bobby's sharing today and i never saw how much of an impact i made on his life. i always just considered myself lucky to have been able to witness such a change in him. he's definitely grown into such a wonderful, loving person, and i feel lucky to have him as a friend...i hope he knows that...but if you're reading this bobby, i hope you know how much i love you!!! we need to have a lunch date one day too...i don't want you thinking that i just love monica and not you too! haahaa...

okay, yeah...it was a good night, and the bad/sad mood i'd been in for a while is slowly starting to dissapate, and im gaining back the confidence that i had lost for a while there...im happy...at least i think i am...

gail brainfarted for you @ 4:45 PM

the best cure for any uneasiness: a good conversation with someone you love, and a good night's sleep...

and Mark, i'm totally down for some time - this weekend maybe? before your behind has to do to work? whatcha think? lunch? lemme know...i'll see you tonight...i miss you guys too...

gail brainfarted for you @ 7:18 AM

::Tuesday, November 05, 2002::

i'm feeling a lot better...still dealing with a lot of insecurity issues, but im working on it, getting through it, learning to just let go, and of course, let God...but im feeling better...definitely better...to all of those that cared and called, emailed, commented, or whatever, thanks...it meant a lot...

gail brainfarted for you @ 10:58 PM

::Sunday, November 03, 2002::

thanks Mark for your comment, it made me feel a little better to know that someone else has felt this way, but unfortunately, my ass still is going in and out of these feelings...i think im just gonna need to get over it...and im having a hard time...plus, i really don't feel that ready to talk to anyone about it yet...im working up the nerve to finally voice my thoughts cus for some reason i'm scared that voicing my thoughts will just change everything and make the worst imaginable things happen to me...and i don't wanna let anything like that happen...i dunno...im confused

gail brainfarted for you @ 10:46 PM


Date and time:
Tuesday, August 5th, 11:23pm

Thinking of:


Doing (besides blogging):
watching Friends...

Listening to:

the tv


fun...to watch a movie actually...American Wedding anyone?



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layout by mark - i luv gail =)