Monday, June 30, 2003

so for some reason i've been totally feeling restless this whole stiniking weekend. i've been searching for new and exciting things to do, but i've had no luck. what a bitch, huh? it's been a pretty uneventful weekend, with the exception of our Confirmation group outing. that was fun...but it ended kinda weird. we just didnt know what we wanted to do, so yeah...whatever.

it's sunday...and this is what i did...i watched a PornStars game - it did not go well, but hopefully it was a learning experience - for them. jeez...then...yah...and now im bored again... so bored with my life right now...

posted at 12:31 AM  

Friday, June 27, 2003

I'VE FINALLLY FINISHED MY BOOK!!! well, i finished reading it earlier tonight, but i decided as a treat to go out with paul. it was nice. we went to target. we're geeks. im glad we got to spend some time together, it feels like it's been forever since we've chilled. i'm quite content right now...good night.

posted at 11:39 PM  

so i found kasama today...i ended up having lunch with monica and kris this afternoon and i finally got to go to Pat and Oscars! woohoo!!! it was gooooooooood! so after monica, kris, and i had lunch, kris decided he wanted to hit up best buy before he went to work - yes, kids i said work and kris in the same context - and it was pretty funny cuz i think we were so engrossed in our conversations that we didnt really even look at anything there! haahaa...but whatever. so yah, we did some best buy shopping then went our separate ways. monica went with me to Woodbury to finally get my school id, then we just headed here to just chill and talk, and that was nice. sometimes it feels like i havent talked to her in forever and then it's nice to just catch up. i cant believe she's going to college already. i still remember her starting confirmation! wow...time flies...

so i am now, READING HARRY POTTER AND THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX and this book is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo goooooooooooooooooooooood!!!! i'm loving it, and i'm actually sad that i'm almost done with it! haahaa...but yeah...that's it. back to reading all!!!

posted at 7:35 PM  

so my feelings are hurt, and to be quite honest, i never thought that it would be because of this person...and yah, maybe i'm being stupid for being hurt, but i cant help that i feel this way. but whatever. im in no mood to be drama, so i'm like fuck it. whatever...

on to new be quite honest, there really hasnt been much to report. i guess i havent been blogging a lot lately cuz i've just been feeling so disconnected with so many things lately. i've been missing a great deal of my friends lately cuz i many things have changed, and yah, we grow up, we move on, and our priorities change, but that doesnt mean thatyou dont at times become nostalgic for the "old days". i guess the past couple of days i've been going through just that. the feeling of loneliness and emptiness - not just of not having a boyfriend, but also of not really seeing or spending some quality time with them, some time to just sit and seriously talk and catch up or just simply enjoy each other's company without having to do work in between, to answer to someone yelling out your name, or even having to worry about being an "example".

on the bright side...i did get to spend some much, much, much needed SDYM time last night, and that did, however, help lift my spirits, before this upsetting, but that's all im gonna say about that...

luckily i'm off tomorrow...i had originally had a few things planned for kookee and i to go do, but that's not gonna happen anymore, so...we'll see...whatever...i dont care, we'll see what the day brings us...good nite all!

posted at 12:39 AM  

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

first of all...

sorry guys, i was just so busy yesterday that i didnt get a chance to blog that...but i hope you both know how important you guys are to me and how much i love you!!! have a great year!!! on to my new news...

stamping is fun. who would have ever thought that i would've had so much fun? PLUS - all our friends had a good time too. i think this is something that jay and i are really gonna have to seriously look at about starting something on a regular basis. good idea, right? hmmm...there are so many things we can do with that stamping stuff!

hmm...guess what else? i gave in...i was waiting to just borrow the new harry potter book from teen, cuz i dont really like hard cover books, but i couldnt help it...hahaaa...i got it today! im so excited to start reading it!!!

so enough blogging for me...i'm off to read!!!

posted at 6:36 PM  

Sunday, June 22, 2003

i really have nothing to blog about...

posted at 9:25 PM  

Saturday, June 21, 2003

so today was a nice first i was thinking that i wasted a sick day, but now that i think about it - i deserved it! it was a nice day. kris and i took nino to chuck e. cheese to play some games and have some pizza before he left, and then i took nino and kookee to go and see the hulk. it was cool. after that i finally got to play my game!!! haahaaa...jay, grapes, mika and i had the best time just messing around and being was fun...i'm quite content with my day off. i'm just sad that nino and uncle bill are already leaving tomorrow. i'm gonna miss them...

posted at 1:55 AM  

Thursday, June 19, 2003



posted at 10:06 PM  

wow...what a nice day...

i chilled it with kris, chilled it with the girls...and the best part of it is - im not working tomorrow!! woohoo...

posted at 12:51 AM  

Tuesday, June 17, 2003

everyone that went to the concert is in love with JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE, and i dont blame them - he looked HOTT tonight!!!! i've got to stay loyal to my man...just wait guys, when JC has his concert - it'll be on for sure!!! haahaaa...

posted at 11:57 PM  


posted at 8:35 AM  

Monday, June 16, 2003

Gail9611: i dont know what to blog about
a WoK 2 ReMeMBr: haha
a WoK 2 ReMeMBr: blog about how im hungr
a WoK 2 ReMeMBr: y
Gail9611: haahaa

jeez...i lead a very boring life...i have nothing to share...until next time, i guess...oh! btw...Kris is hungry...

posted at 11:30 PM  

okay, so im bored...i had wanted to go out and actually do something tonight, but i guess not...bleh...

posted at 9:15 PM  

Sunday, June 15, 2003

posted at 11:42 PM  

posted at 11:40 PM  

i tried to blog last night, but blogger was acting up, so here goes for the weekend...

yesterday was a pretty chill day...i finally got to sleep in! i think it's the first time i've gotten to sleep in in forever! but yah...i got to sleep in, and i chilled it and went shopping with nino. im trying to spend as much time with him as i can before he leaves this saturday, i'm gonna miss the little booger when he leaves! so yah, we did some shopping, had some starbucks and chilled it before i had to get ready for Amy's graduation party, and that was cool. chilled it there too...and yah...that was my night last night...


today...watched the newly famous - PORN STARS game - go team!! you guys played a good game today~! chilled it at paul's for a bit, had some lunch in eagle rock, then headed home to chill it some more here, then off to mass and dinner with the fams...


very chill weekend...i really needed some relaxing's back to work tomorrow...boooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.....

posted at 11:34 PM  

Saturday, June 14, 2003

wow...i just finished paying all my bills and im broke now...sad for me...

posted at 12:28 PM  

your asshole.

What swear word are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

posted at 11:54 AM i can finally blog...

today was a good day...lunch with EO at Camilo's. dude. that's a pretty cool place. it was nice to just sit and chill there. relax and junk. it was nice. it's been a while since i've had the chance to sit down and just talk to eo, and it was really nice to be able to do it today. it was some much needed gail/eo time and i'm glad we got it...after lunch, eo and i headed to my house to chill a little and meet monica before heading off to pick up kookee from school - more of that soon! oops, sorry for the side note, back to my to chill with monica today too. i love chillen with her cuz we always, ALWAYS have some of the best conversations. i love that girl! was off to Anna's Pinning Ceremony for GCC -


we're all so proud of you girl!!

and yah...chilled it at the ceremony, then teen, paul and i headed out to bj's for some time to just chill. it was nice. i love talking to them. i love my friends...and now thanks to God working to help me, my uncle was outside smoking when i got home (cuz i dont have a key to the top lock of our house) and he let me in - i didnt feel like going to pauls' house just to sleep cuz i didnt get into my house...that would've sucked it big time! so yah...and here i am, after bj's, just chillen and talking to my favorite cousin that lives with us, Kuki...

so yah, that's tired, im sleepy...sorry for the typos, nite all

posted at 3:00 AM  

it was a really nice day to spend some good quality time with good friends. yah, i had to work this morning, but that sadness was overshadowed by the fact that i was just surrounded by some of my favorite people...damn...gotta get paul a pic for friendster - i'll blog more later!

posted at 1:53 AM  

Thursday, June 12, 2003

kinda feels like it's been a while since i've blogged anything of substance...hmmm...what have i done lately...

started summer school
tried to make it to our Core Team Planning meeting - that didnt work exactly as i had planned, but it's all good...
chilled with Mika - i missed her while she was in Hawaii
got a pedicure with jay
chilled it with Teen n Jay
had some good talks with paul
meetings up the ass
visited our new downey job site
lunch with the claims people
shopping with paul

wow...maybe i have been doing a lot of stuff...but it seems like the same old stuff. so's cool...SUMMER IS HERE!!! that's how i can tell...when i stop staying home weeknights and start finding myself not watching any tv...haahaa...yah, im a geek!

looking back...

posted at 11:18 PM  

Tuesday, June 10, 2003

so tonight we (Jay and i) went to a "stamp party" and it was fun...anyone interested in learning scrapbook ideas? im me, email me or something - we're gonna have a scrapbook/stamp party on july 1st - anyone wanna come?! it's soooo much fun!!!

posted at 11:06 PM  

Monday, June 09, 2003

okay, so i think im gonna totally end up addicted to this whole Friendster thing...

posted at 11:27 PM  

i'm so glad to be home!

posted at 10:52 PM  

so...let me just tell you all that it sux to not be able to go to your own house. this past weekend has been pretty crazy due to the fact that i have not had a place to stay. from staying at chi's friday and saturday nights to the antics of saturday and the afternoon of uncertainty to the nasty feeling of thinking that you dont really have a place to go, and the options that are available to you just suck. dude...saturday afternoon, i almost found myself heading out to the mall as an alternative to playing a very uncomfortable 3rd-leg with one of my good friends and his girlfriend, or driving to walnut for a couple of hours before heading back to eagle rock to hit up Monica's gradution dinner. what terrible options, huh? luckily monica got extra tickets to her grad and that's where i went. it was nice too and dinne was really cool, nice and chill and i finally learned how to play TABOO! yah...i finally ended up at chi's - alone cuz her and her friends had gone out that night...but's terrible not having the option to just go to your own house to chill.

yesterday, after i got off work - still homeless - i ended up camping out at paul's house. jeez...i felt like i was crashing. i hate that feeling of imposing on someone. i know he didnt mind, but still, you know? it was cool though. i ended up going with him to watch his bball game, where they won, by the way by 21 points - GO PORNSTARS! then it was back to paul's house to chill until it was mass time. then after mass we had dinner with my family at toto's and instead of going back to paul's and just chillen' we went to see 2Fast and 2Furious. it was cool. then back to paul's to chill and get a good night's sleep. it was cool chillen with paul and all, but dude, i'm sooooo ready to get to go to my own house to my own bed. i've totally missed it!

anyways, it was a good call to stay at paul's last night. it's raining and if i had stayed in west co. i would've been stuck in nasty traffic - even if i had left at 6am! since i stayed at paul's i got to wake up at 6am! woohoo...and it only took me like, 15 minutes to get to work. not bad, not bad at yah, im content that this weekend is finally over and i can finally get some time to chill. wow...i think this is one of the first times i've ever wished for a monday. haahaaa...happy monday everyone...



posted at 8:42 AM  

Sunday, June 08, 2003

it has been another long day. a day of comedic errors, mixed emotions, and definitely stupidity on my side...i'm a dumbass and that's basically all i have to say about that...hmm...what else...


you are two of my greatest friends and i love spending time with you guys. it's been such an honor for me to see you guys grow into such wonderful, loving adults. as you guys go onto bigger and better things in college never forget where you came from, who you are, and that we love you! how much I love you!!!

Go LOYOLA and RAMONA Class of 2003!

posted at 1:02 AM  

Saturday, June 07, 2003

wow...another pretty nice night. it was interesting. dude, trying to keep together a big group of people is such a bitch. we FOUND NEMO tonight. haahaa...dude, the el capitan is cool, but the play area is so much better than the stage show. i totally wish that there could've been a play place rather than that show. i'm not saying that the show wasnt good, but...yah. the play place just makes you feel like you've gotten so much for your money. but whatever. it was cool. it was nice spending time with my friends and it was pretty chill. so yeah...that's kinda starting to feel too tired to blog so im's way past my bedtime! nite all!

posted at 2:25 AM  

Thursday, June 05, 2003

so i'm totally lagging...i should be packing. i'm getting kicked out of my house for the weekend. the house is gonna be fumigated, so we're all dispersing. well, the family is going to vegas for the weekend, and since i have so many things to do this weekend, or actually so many graduations to attend that i just couldnt go with instead...i'm staying at chi's apt. for the weekend. fun times, huh? i'm kinda saddened cuz it's so far, but it's cool. i've never stayed with my sister before. so it'll be fun. i totally need to be getting ready to go to chi's...

posted at 4:42 PM  

i am sooooo spoiled!!!! i have the best friends...look what Mark got me!!! i love it!!! I love you mark!!! you're the best!!!

posted at 1:29 PM  

Wednesday, June 04, 2003

i miss my friends...i just realized that today. spending some SDYM time was really great tonight...they're the so blessed to be able to have so many different sets of friends that i can trust, confide in, and just relax and be myself with. i'm truly lucky...i love my friends - all of them!

posted at 11:03 PM  

Tuesday, June 03, 2003

wow...i've just chilled it all afternoon/night and i've loved it. granted, i've been a little bored cuz there was nothing good to watch on tv, but im glad i finally got some much needed rest. i've just been going non-stop for the past few weeks that it's hard to find time to just sit and recover. it's been pretty hard to just get some time to sit and collect my thoughts and im actaully pretty glad that i've been given the chance to tonight.

my biggest observation right now is the question of when do people grow up? how long does it take for us to realize that we're doing stupid/childish things and that we need to just actually suck it up and grow up? we need to take the time to try and understand people, understand where they're coming from, see what they're saying, and how they are. we need to learn to open our eyes to whatever it is out there that we may not want to see, but have to see. we need to learn that we cant change people, and we need to just accept them for what they are. if you cant accept them - get the fuck out. guys are right when they tell you (a girl) that they can't be changed, and for the most part, most girls get with guys (myself included) with the mentality that "i can change him" and dude...when do they (we) ever learn that we cant do it?

change. now that's a subject. change in an envoirnment. change in a person. even change in the weather. what does that mean? there is always change. we are always faced with change. the questions is, however, is are we going to accept it, or even do it? change does not come from one person to another. i cannot make you change. you need to find it within yourself to change. one's enviornment or even friends (the constant change of friends) can cause a person to grow, but certain things about them will never change (or almost never). a person's core ideals and beliefs will always stay the same. a person's loyalties generally will not change, and once a person is already set in their own ways, they more than likely will not change - at least not a lot. and if they do - it's never going to really be a radical change. it's going to be an evolution, it'll never be something they'll ever just do.

goodness...i'm just rambling...that's enough for me...

posted at 10:15 PM  

so why is it that people think that they can just put you in the middle of their mix? it's terrible...i care, but sometimes i think it might just be too much...i think im gonna just stay away from the drama. i dont need that stuff. hello...i dont want drama like that...

anyways, basically to sum up my last few days, it's been pretty crazy. running around, driving around, arguing, listening,'s crazy...i miss the normalcy of my other friends...

posted at 5:00 PM  

Monday, June 02, 2003

i had the best and worst time at magic mountain ever possible...the day started off great, and it just sucked more than ass after...i take full responsibility for my share of all the everyone that was involved...i'm sorry...what else is there to say? i dont wanna blog about the horrific night so that's about it...

posted at 9:16 AM  


Date and time:
thursday, oct 13th, 00:37

Thinking of:

Doing (besides blogging):
catching up on the tivos - regis and kelly

Listening to:
regis and kelly talking about the angels beating the yankees

more excitement!



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