::Saturday, February 09, 2002::

wow, it's been a pretty kick back day...slept in this morning (it's been a long time since i've done that), did some shopping with Jay, worked on my homework a little, cleaned my room (a little), and chilled with Rey and Phong a little, then headed out to Island's with Drew to fulfill that stinking cheddar fries craving i was having...woohoo! it was good!!! and i don't just mean the food...another great conversation with Drew tonight...that guy is definitly in the top 3...i love that guy...it was great...

anyways, i better get back to my homework...i took too long a break as it is...talk to you all later!

gail brainfarted for you @ 11:18 PM

whoa...i'm a dumbass...i had just blogged, but then instead of posting, i clicked on sign out...yeah...i'm stupid...i don't remember what i wrote except to say that i should be working on my critical thinking paper right now, but i'm feeling so lazy...i'm procrastinating BIG TIME!!! jeez...i know i should get to it, but i just can't bring myself to do it...i'm hungry...jay, kuki, and i just came home from a shopping trip...and dang i'm tired...and hungry...i'm craving those stinking cheddar fries at islands...and mark's working, but i can't find anyone to go with me...boo on them all...

anyways, i'll figure something out...and if worse comes to worst, i'm gonna stay home and work on this paper like i should...alright...i'm tired of bloggin...i'm out...byebyebye

gail brainfarted for you @ 5:53 PM

wow...i just want to say...


sorry we don't really get to spend that much time together anymore, but i hope you know that i love you girl. you'll always be my little sister...

sorry all...i'm just too sleepy to blog...i just wanted to wish Bee a Happy Day!

gail brainfarted for you @ 1:21 AM

::Thursday, February 07, 2002::

i'm bored...but i'm feeling so lazy...terrible, huh?

gail brainfarted for you @ 7:08 PM

jeez, i hate it when people try to play all kawawa and shit...don't pull that shit on me, i'm not about to be giving you all my attention...don't try to ruin my high from tonight...nah...you can't ruin it, you don't mean enough to me...

gail brainfarted for you @ 12:22 AM

thank you drew...you really did surprise me. i was thinking where the hell is this atm by chuy's?!? but i was just too busy talking that i didn't question it, and i just kept going...walking, and talking...and the next thing i knew, drew was walking me into sushi on brand...dude...what a surprise, he planned dinner for us at sushi on brand tonight...that guy's definitely a sweetheart...i love him. i really am spoiled by my friends...i love him. really sweet...LOVE YOU DREW!!! Thanks again!~

gail brainfarted for you @ 12:21 AM

::Tuesday, February 05, 2002::

oh! after class i got to spend time with a pretty good friend of mine, Henry he and i aren't always that close, we've got pretty full lives, but it's nice spending time together and talking...it was a good talk hen...thanks...we have to do this more often...

gail brainfarted for you @ 1:41 AM

i've just come back from a pretty good day...good overall actually. i never would have thought that i would be enjoying school so much. today i was kinda dreading going to class cuz i was feeling so lazy, but i forced my ass to go, and i was really glad i did. first of all, we got out early, second of all, my professor is so sweet, we got out early cuz he brought a cake to class so that we could celebrate the jan. and feb. birthdays together - it's his whole promoting friendship and strong relationships in class thing. it's pretty cool. and third, i actually think class is interesting. i don't get bored, no that's not entirely true, yeah, my mind wanders every once in a while, but for the most part, i pay attention...i'm really proud of myself...i think i just might make it through the whole way this time...please God don't let me be jinxing myself!

gail brainfarted for you @ 1:39 AM

::Sunday, February 03, 2002::

woohoo...Kris was soooooooooo right!!! Mark , Kookee, and i went to finally watch A Walk To Remember, and dude! it was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo good! it was a beautiful movie...yeah, a little on the predictable side, but it was soooooooooo cute! and who would've thought that Mandy Moore could act?! haahaa...and, oh! one more thing...Shane West is HOT!!! Thanks again guys for coming with me!

gail brainfarted for you @ 11:50 PM

woohoo! i've finally found a kasama! thanks Mark!

gail brainfarted for you @ 7:54 PM


Date and time:
Tuesday, August 5th, 11:23pm

Thinking of:


Doing (besides blogging):
watching Friends...

Listening to:

the tv


fun...to watch a movie actually...American Wedding anyone?



Clear the air.

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layout by mark - i luv gail =)