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Hi! My name is Conner James Spears. I am called Conner, and sometimes Cooner by my family. *grins* Cooner is a nickname that I picked up due to a Vacation Bible School teacher. She always spelled my name like that. Sooooo, my family started calling me Cooner Cowpolk Spears. Sometimes I like to be called this, and at other times I do not like it. Just call me this and we will see if I am liking it at the moment or not. *grins again*

I am five years old.

Other than my parents and siblings, my favorite people are my Granny and my cousins Ashley, Alex, Natalie and Sarah Beth. *smiles* I see you five out there now...getting a big head now. *smiles at Granny, Ashley, Alex, Natalie and Sarah Beth*

My bestest friend in the whole wide world is my Dad. *proudly smiles* I love my Dad very, very much. I want to be just like him when I am big like he is and I am going to work with him someday forever....and on the side, I am going to be a super hero....also like Dad...and Superman, Spiderman and the other hero guys.

Like Austin and Chloe, I too play ball. This is my second season and I will be playing on the team Bluejays. My cousin Mitchell will be playing on the same team that I am. This is his first year. I have already played a year. But I am sure he will do well also. I know he will like it...for I do. *smiles*

Austin, Chloe and I are looking forward to the dedication ceremony of the baseball field at Steven's Park in honor and memory of our Uncle Buck. I will wear his retired number nine on my arm proudly, and look forward to being age nine so I too can play on his field. *smiles proudly* I know Uncle Buck will be smiling proudly while watching down at us all four playing ball.

UPDATE 03/06/2005: Wow!! We learned this week that everyone on our teams will be wearing Uncle Buck's retired number nine on their sleeves, but "only" Austin, Chloe and I will be allowed to wear Uncle Buck's retired number nine as "our" jersey number!! What an honor!!

I will now tell you some more facts about me.

I was born December 10th, 1999.

My parents are
Audrey Michelle HILL "Momma" Spears and Christopher Derek "Daddy" Spears

My older brother is
"Austin" Cade Spears.

My younger sister is
"Chloe" Michelle Spears. She is named after my mother.

My grandparents are
Vickie Suzanne "Gramma" HENDRIX Kent and Ronnie "Pop Pop" Kent, Harold James Thomas "Pa Pa" Hill and Sherry Lynn "Na Na" MARSHALL Hill, George "Grumps" Countryman, Steve Carlyle "Pop" Spears, Sr. and Donnie Sue "Nana" REYNOLDS Spears.

My great grandparents are
Wilda Fay "Grandmother" OWEN Hendrix and William Audrey "PaPaw" Hendrix, J V Hill and Fannie Maybell WILDER Hill, Bessie "Granny" CHRISTMAS Reynolds and Don "GranDad Brute" Reynolds, the late James Kenneth Spears and the late Plummer Lee DEWEESE Spears, and the late Mary Rose GLASS Duke.

My great great grandparents are
the late Richard Emmet Owen and the late Norah GOODSON Owen and the late Robert Christmas and the late Nettie "Grandma" Christmas, the late Mr. Wilder and Uler REDDEN Wilder, and the late Dorothy "Dottie" SNYDER Duke.

My aunts are
Christine Suzanne "Aunt Christie" HILL Arrington, "Aunt Jamie" Theresa HILL Mims, "Aunt Monica" Ruie BOLDING Spears, "Aunt Sherri" Lynn WITT Spears, Kristinna "Aunt Nina" Skelton Dennis and "Aunt Alisa" PICKLESIMMER Hill.

My uncles are
the late Steven Carlyle "Uncle Buck" Spears, Jr., Jonathan "Uncle Daryl" Spears, "Uncle Mickey" Michael James Hill, "Uncle Ricky" Arrington and "Uncle Johnny" Eugene Mims

My first cousins are
Justin "Clay" Arrington, "John Thomas" Mims, "Brody" Cade Mims, "Jace" Tyler Mims, "Steven" Christopher Spears, "Bradyn" James Hill and "Kenzi" Elizabeth Mims.

You can write to me in care of my Mom


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~~Spears Family Album 3 page 1~~Spears Family Album 3 page 2~~Spears Family Album 3 page 3~~
Spears-Hill Pedigree~~
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~~Austin's Page~~ Conner's Page~~ Chloe's Page~~

Created with love by
Phyllis J. K. Owens
Fourth Cousin on Owen Side of Family
February 23rd, 2005
Last Modified July 2nd, 2006