Hogarth's Wild Life





Hogarth's Wild Life as a whole is a voluntary, not-for-profit, charity-organisation based in the UK, that is part childrens'/ young peoples', and part animal-welfare and conservation. It originally began late in 1993, as a group called "Foxwatch".  Hogarth's Wild Life is a unique, unusual, hybrid-charity based in Leicestershire and Nottingham, and is known around the UK for its much-needed work for youngsters (called "Alexia"/ Alexia Arts 4 Kids) and its work with both pet and wild animals (under "Hogarth's Wildlife Rescue"). The art works created for children and young people include colouring-in posters and books for them to enjoy, aiming to help poorly ones, too. Alexia is also an anti-bullying campaigner. The animal work includes such as for chipmunks and the endangered hedgehog; (Hogarth's Wild Life was the first to set up the original "Chipmunk Rescue" reserve back in the 1990's). In short, it's something different.

The charity has served/ still does serve a number of purposes, and has several different forms and divisions (or sections) within it. The charity is funded only by public donations and of course, given so much precious time and energy to keep it running. It is run solely by a small team (collaboration) of kind-hearted, friendly volunteers. It does not receive any Government funding, and deserves recognition because of all the efforts and very hard work, that has been put in over the years!

 _ Hogarth's Wild Life produces and publishes different works both on-line and in printed form, including many cartoon comic-book stories (the best known being 19-year-old Alexia the Helper, aka Alexia's Story / Nocturnals Forest Animals), and even has its own recorded background atmospheric music tracks which are intended for use on some of the web-pages and eventually on short animations (watch this space!).


The Main Menu on this introduction page takes you to different parts of the charity's work. Some of the links may open in a separate window. The on-line services use simple graphics and colours, with viewdata-style page/ or special code numbers - with the intention of making them more easier to navigate around. This is called "part text mode". On the pages that you can see here in this area of our services, there should be a link back to this Main Menu page, in the blue choice-menu bar at the bottom. The Main Menu link is always (or usually) at the bottom-right of each page, and therefore should link back to this page that you are looking at now. When you see a "more" in the very bottom-right of the blue choice-menu bar, this means that there is a link to another page within a carousel, and will go around in a full-circle. (In progress - thanks for your patience!).



#700 - ALEXIA Art 4 Kids - Introduction page / Menu

#701 - ALEXIA Art 4 Kids - Free Colouring-in download page

Alexia the Helper - Alexia's Story (as comic-book layout or story-book layout)

Maya from Alexia's Story answers your questions

Alexia the Helper - Online Art Gallery

Alexia the Helper - Random Thumbnail Images

Alexia's Blog #1

Alexia's Blog #2

Alexia's Blog #3

Alexia the Helper - Blog #4

Alexia's Facebook Page

Alexia Art 4 Kids - Twitter

Alexia the Helper - A to Z Index, (page #199).

#141 - Script from the story (#1)

#146 - Mirror Image - Sophia in distress

#147 - Sorcha's Diary - by Sorcha Beeby

Alexia's Fashions #1

404 Error Page! (You'll see this if the page that you requested cannot be found)

Our Facebook Page - with photo albums

Alexia's Comix Review #1

Main Menu page with different colour background

#136 - Festive pages - charity Twentieth Birthday

#198 / 298 - Newsreel

#197 - Hogarth's (Spikey's) Hedgehog Rescue - Hedgehogs Then and Now

#498 - Hogarth's (Spikey's) Hedgehog Rescue - Homepage

#791 - Resources 1 - Squirrels

#800 - Ashleigh Squirrel Support, (since 1995)

Chipmunk Rescue (The original - will cross-link to hogarths-wildlife.org)

[More Below - Favourite Links Menu....]



The European Hedgehog (lovely site by Bethany-Jane Stewart) - Please visit this wonderful site!

Over The Garden Gate - OGG (an excellent gardening & wildlife Forum site)

Rachael Smith Illustration (link to) - Please Visit, it's great! (see also Her Name is Calla - with Rachael's comic)

Her Name is Calla (a brilliant and wonderful music band based in Leicester, Leeds and York)

If you want a link in this Menu, or want to support our work, please let us know, by e-mailing: alexiaryartist1979@gmail.com

A link back to this site would be appreciated. Thank you.


Copyright (c) 1993 - 2013, by Hogarth's Wild Life/ Alexia. All Rights Reserved.

TERMS AND CONDITIONS / DISCLAIMER:  1. Any help and advice given through any of our animal-rescue and rehabilitation services are intended as a guide only, and all information offered is from the best of our knowledge and all in good faith. In all cases where a sick, injured, orphaned or abandoned animal(s) is or are involved, proper veterinary attention and advice MUST be sought, and it is YOUR responsibility to make sure that the animal(s) is or are properly cared for. This includes providing the correct cleanliness, bedding, food and water supplies. 2. Hogarth's Wild Life and including any and all of its services are of a VOLUNTARY, not-for-profit capacity only (it is NOT trade), and shall NOT be held responsible or liable for any damage or losses incurred by any user of its web pages. 3. Hogarth's Wild Life is not responsible for content of any external site links. 4. Any and all users of these web pages shall abide by these Terms and Conditions of use.  

   Alexia Arts 4 Kids - 701,    Alexia's Story,    Resources - 791,    Main Menu