Alexia's Comix Review

Great Artwork - Newly published and available Now by Leicester/ Leicestershire talent!

Title:  'THE WAY WE WRITE' - A "Her Name is Calla" Adventure

Written & Illustrated by:  RACHAEL SMITH; (Rachael Smith Illustration)

Creation year:  2012- 13; Date of Release:  about March, 2013.

Introduction paragraph:

"Tom, Adam and Sophie of band 'Her Name is Calla' are going on a writers retreat to Whitby. It'll be perfect - it's in the middle of nowhere, no distractions, just them and their music for a whole week. What could possibly go wrong?"

About this comic:

This is a fabulous comic, that has been created by a well-known Leicester Artist - cartoonist and illustrator - Rachael Smith. The comic is a creation around a real-life, awesome band called 'Her Name is Calla', who are real-life friends based in Leicester, Leeds and York. If you are fans of Rachael's other comic stories or of Her Name is Calla, then you'll love this comic!  It is funny, vibrant and colourful - and I'm intrigued about the really excellent, bright quality of the print used to produce it. I speak the truth - when my copy arrived, I couldn't put it down for at least two hours - and I must have looked and read through from cover-to-cover three, (or was it four?) times. It really is that good, and trust me, just like me it will put a big smile on your face. If you want a comedy horror story about a great band, then please get your hands on this great little comic!

Rachael is also known for her awesome 'Vicky Park' comic-strip, which has appeared in every edition of the Leicester Mercury's "More" magazine, every Saturday, since its launch in October, 2011. And of course, not forgetting her wonderful, 'Flimsy The Kitten'!

Copyright (c) by Rachael Smith.

Please visit her site, RIGHT HERE! (

Please visit Her Name is Calla:


A couple of pictures of the comic - taken with a normal camera, to try to help prevent people from copying the panels. Not showing more, in respect for Rachael - you'll have to get your own copy, won't you!  Copyright (c) by Rachael Smith.

Alexia xxx

Much More to follow!                                                                                                                                                                

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