Hogarth's Hedgehog Rescue             

(Also known as "Spikey's")

Twentieth Birthday charity page!

1993 - 2013




1.)  Out in the daylight - then something is wrong! 

2.)  If you see a baby hedgehog from September/ October onwards, (also called a "hoglet"), that is only the size of an orange or grapefruit when curled in a ball, then he/ she will need help!  Why?  Because ALL hedgehogs need to weigh at least 600 + grams to survive the whole Winter through, in hibernation. (We like to see them weigh about 700- 800 grms., ideally).

3.)  Please note that, the later it is in the year, it becomes increasingly important to help rescue very small hoglets - even when they are healthy, and just appearing with the adults at a feeding site in say, a garden.  Even in December, surprisingly small babies can and do appear!  These are usually of a female's second litter (brood) - known commonly as late-born or Autumn juveniles.

4.)  Hedgehogs are lactose intolerant - to the extreme!  Please, never, ever give them milk with lactose in it - such as cow's milk!


PLEASE NOTE:  This is a completely new page, that is going to replace the earlier one created early in 2003. Please be patient while the help pages are re-edited and "patched-in" with the page you are looking at now.  It is hoped that there will also be pages with photo-albums, of all the case histories.

PLEASE HELP US TO REPLACE THE DAMAGED FACILITIES!  Thank you so very much to everyone who have donated to the repair fund, so far!  There is still a long way to go, so please consider helping a good cause get back on its feet.


Hinckley - (01455) 614 013.  Monday to Saturday, you can contact the Fairfield Veterinary Centre - on Leicester Road in Hinckley, on (01455) 637 642.  We have a long-established system whereby people take sick/ injured/ orphaned hedgehogs to this excellent Vets - where if  needed they are admitted-in for care (in heated cages), then a Volunteer collects them.  Please note that this is costly for us - so please make a small donation at the desk in Reception, with your details in an envelope. THANK YOU!

NOTTINGHAM AREA:  The charity section is currently able to help with hedgehogs in Nottingham and surrounding area - e.g. over border into Derbyshire.  The charity  has wonderful and dedicated Volunteers in Clifton, Nottingham (south) - complete with an excellent Veterinary centre, there.

E-Mail:  alexiaryartist1979@gmail.com


Hogarth's Wild Life web pages - click HERE.

Christmas fundraising items now available, including the hand-crafted greetings cards - please ask for details!  More to follow on this, very soon!


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