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   GEMS and their Astrological Significance
    Gems are the precious stones dug out from the natural soil, properly cut and suitably polished for use as decorative or ornamental purposes. In the olden days it was mainly used for decorating the Kings palace and now it is mainly used by the Fashion loving men and women as ornaments. Any rare and precious earthly objects found in the earth is called the precious gems. The soil and earth oriented gems are seven in number and the ocean gems are two. While pearl and Coral are obtained from under the sea, the other gems like the Topaz, Diamond, Emerald, etc. are obtained from below the ground. The natural Silica are the basic substance of the sand. These are seasoned and hardened under the ground for millions of years and they get a very special charge in them to emigrate a particular source of Energy which influences the whole anatomy of man.Gems are the representation of the split solar colours namely the VIBGYOR . These energies are very imperative, essential and inevitable for mankind to energize himself and perform his duties. If any of these energies are inadequate or absent , he finds himself a failure in life. It is like the vitamins and minerals that are required for a man to act and live normally. Any deficiency of Vitamins is compensated by the vitamin tablets advocated by a doctor. Similarly, advocating a Gem stone for any individual rectifies his defects and channelise the right spirit in him.

Wearing a ring in any finger will not help. It should be worn in the ring finger as the name suggests. It is with scientific background and human anatomy. While all our sources of energies , physical and mental are derived from the cosmic influences- chiefly from the sun and moon- they enter into our system through the ring finger of our left hand. The ring finger is the one between the middle finger and the little finger. The nerve from the ring finger is directly connected to our cerebellum which is our commanding center of all our physical and mental behaviors. The solar and lunar energies act like battery cell for this. When an astrologer finds the deficiency of any of these cosmic light energy in a man, he then advocates a particular Gem stone to be worn in his ring finger as open set. This helps absorbing the left out energy and reenergize the cerebellum to act in the required pattern.

The following are the gems, which influence one's life. A proper scrutiny and proper advice of the particular gem can certainly yield immediate and tangible results for the users. Such facility is now available before you. You can now ORDER your stone and based on your horoscope, the proper Gem shall be suggested. Wearing them could change your lifestyle for ever. A brief description of the general charecteristics of the gems are given below.


    Gem of Sun -- THE RUBY.

It is also called KEPU in India. This is generally red in color. However there are four varieties available in nature. Best among them is the colors of the fire. This has got enormous attracting power and bewitching nature. Persons wearing this shall be able to command the masses, become the leaders of the nation and outshine as the leader of their clan They also enjoy substantial mental peace, continued physical and mental energy and domestic peace. This improves enormous love and affection and intimacy among couples. This even compensates the impotency and improves sexual relation. Braveness and courage is also improved. This keeps away the mental fatigue. This also removes hesitational blocks and dejection in life. This is available in the original form in Ceylon, Malaya and Singapore in the mines and also on the mountainous rocks.

This removes the imbalanced hormones in the body and reduces the excessive heat.  It also keeps away venereal disease, etc.

  Moon Gem - PEARL

This pearl is of three varieties. They are the watery pearl , Elephant pearl and the Bamboo pearl. This is white in color and smooth in surface. The real and original pearl will be quite odd in shape. They will not be perfect round or symmetrically surfaced.

Watery pearl

These are available from below the deep seas. This is obtained from the stomach of a particular snail. They are also cultured artificially on land. Like aborting a human being, the snails are aborted, killed and the pearls taken out.

Elephant pearl

Many are unaware of this. A very aged Elephant in its head portion shall ingenerate these pearls in rare cases. These pearls are today available in some of the ancient temples. They are very smooth and highly reflecting in nature. They are heavy as the lead balls. They will have the ivory colors which is the rarest among the pearls. They could bring in outstanding fortunes, peace and pros for the owners.

Bamboo Pearl

This again is found in well grown and highly seasoned Bamboo trees. Bamboo belong to the grassy plants. Many may be aware of the rice coming from the Bamboo. Similarly the pearls are also born and seasoned in these Bamboos from the rain drops. This pearl has got a quality to bring in enormous name, fame, riches for the users. Though they look slightly dull in colour, their values are immense. These pearls are also available in the ancient temples. This pearl helps winning the ancestral properties.

Pearls are also used for medicinal purpose. It reduces the heat in the body. It also helps improve the imagination powers and creative genius in man. It also helps combating sinus and other water related problems. In the ancient days, the kings used to present the warriors with the pearl necklace when they returned victoriously. This is for pulling them down and shedding away the warrior's nature and remain as composed cool soldiers in the period of peace. Their physical energies are controlled for constructive purpose.

   Mars Gem : CORAL

This is also a sea bound gem and it is formed from the saliva of a sea creature. This helps enormously in maintaining the ecological balance in the ocean. Cutting and removing the coral from sea is being objected to in the modern days because of this. However the regular supply and regular use is continuing. They are of three varieties. Deep and dark red which is of very superior variety, slightly whitish red is of second variety and yellowish red is the third and is of average quality. All these corals, particularly those of smaller size, which are the costliest are available enormously in seas off rome(ITALY) .

In the ancient period Kings used to present the soldiers with the coral necklace when they went for a war. This was intended for activating the physical energy of the warriors to the highest and at the same time to ensure a regimented and well controlled force in them. Coral maintains the proper and ideal blood pressure in our body. Wearing a coral necklace and taking bath is considered to be most auspicious by the ancient nobles and lords. In modern times, using coral necklace or ring helps win litigations. They also help in performing well in sports and other competitive events. They channelise the stable mind , uniform thinking and alerts the brain. This also keeps away psychiatric problems, black magic and witch crafting. Even cholera and plague in London were eradicated by the water soaked with coral. Businessmen can make best use of this coral for advancing and expanding their business activities

The best varieties of coral are available in Malaya, Bangkok and Singapore.

Coral is poisonous and should never be taken directly into our system. The coral water is considered to be more dangerous than the venom of a snake.

    Mercury Gem - EMERALD

Softest among all the gems, it is also the luckiest among the gems. Greenish emerald brings in enormous good fortune for the users. This creates kings out of beggars. It makes a person get rid of his poverty and emerge as a very rich and resourceful person.

Light and Glassy green is of the best variety. Non transparent and deep coloured green are man made ones. They are heated and processed in the factories ( Particularly in Japan ) to increase the colour and make them attractive. Such artificially coloured Emerald also retains the native gem powers. Naturally available green stones are sometimes found mixed with Black. They are not auspicious and are to be avoided.

Carefully and rightly chosen emerald with desired colour and desired carat, studded in a ring or a pendant is of great value. This plays as important role and brings in as much fortunes as the original diamond. Though costly the diamonds are, many often emerald out beats them in bringing in the desired results. In the Indian soil, Jaipur emerald is very famous. This is prevalently available in JAIPUR, PANNA, JODHPUR, MOUNT ABU and abroad in Malaya and Singapore. This is often found in mines where lead is found. This contains a basic ingredients of mica also. A foamy water in a place indicates the availability of emerald underneath. We should be proud that among all the available emeralds, the ones unearthed from India rate the highest in quality and value.

Jupiter Gem  - TOPAZ

Topaz is of three varieties: White, Yellow and Blue.

The yellow Topaz is called KANAKAPUSHPARAGAM otherwise known as the Golden Topaz. The blue topaz is called the JALAPUSHPARAGAM otherwise known as the Aqua Topaz. The white and the normal topaz is the popular one. All these three varieties are used for different purposes. But the common factor among them is to generate in a man the philosophical bend of mind and the energy to perform big yagas and yagnas. This will conquer the highest state of mind and enable us to enjoy the uniformly good progress in life.

This gem is known to cure lung problems, Asthma and TB. This also purifies the blood and keeps balanced corpuscles. The persons using this shall be able to shine as distinguished scholars and eminent teachers.

South India is a prominent place for Topaz. Trichi and Coimbatore are some of the important places in South India where Topaz is available. This Topaz belongs to the family of Mosaic stones. This is also found among the Pebbles in the sea shore. Vallam is yet another important place where Topaz are found. Topaz are available normally where Gypsum is found in large quantities. The cheap varieties of Topaz are also used for Spatic beads and Spectacles.

Venus Gem - DIAMOND

This is the king among the gems. This is the costliest and rarest among the gems. Diamond is the hardest of all. It is very difficult to cut and shape the Diamond with any other metal other than Diamond itself. Diamond cuts and shapes anything but it never gets worn out. This is also called as the LUSTROUS GEM. This creates excessive energy of sex and makes a person enjoy the highest worldly happiness. This creates many rich people.  Persons using this shall be very avaricious, lusty and pleasure mongers. This plays a vital role in improving the progeny and giving highest potency for man. Diamond helps portraying an attractive personality, Bewitching nature and go getting capabilities.

Diamond are to be very carefully chosen and properly used.  Wrongly chosen Diamond could harm the persons more than anything. Therefore the buyers of Diamond often keep them for few days to find out whether they suit and then decide.

Belgium, Holland and Denmark are the most important places where the finished Diamond (cut Diamond) are available and marketed throughout the world. However the raw and original Diamond is available in many parts of the world particularly in the African nations. India is also very famous and well known for Diamond. The KOHINOOR Diamond is also from India. This was degenerated from 185 carat and remained with Queen Victoria. Now it is displayed in London Museum. Its value in the Diamond market is crossing well over $60,00,00,000. There is also yet another Mughal Diamond which is somewhere near to this. Now it is said to be in Istanbul and this was also taken from India only. There are many Diamond mines in Rajasthan and Punjab.


Saturn represents Dark Blue or Black. They are available as reddish blue, Whitish blue and as Purple blue. All these are equally good. Blue is also yet another gem that requires enormous care and scrutiny before adoption. Blue ingenerates in man the Saturnic influence in a channelised manner and creates exceptional mental and Physical qualities.

People dealing in big time business- speculation and cotton markets are often benefited by the use of Blue diamond. Politicians, National leaders and important Army chiefs could also benefit well from the use of Blue Diamond.

Blue avoids paralysis, excessive fat in the body, fatigue and nervous disorders. This also avoids premature death and keeps away accidents.

Blue is available in large quantities in Ceylon. In a good rainy season it is also available in the water falls along with big sized sand and small stones. There are many mountain tribes who are experts in finding out these gems and trade them for pittance.

Carefully chosen and properly utilised Blue Diamond could heighten your fortunes instantaneously and remarkably well.

  Rahu (Dragons Head) Gem - GOMED

The native character of this gem is of immense nature. This gives us the physical and mental energies abundantly well . This is of reddish yellow color like the urine of the cow. They are sometimes found in Blackish red, and golden tinged. The best among them is the yellowish red stone. Wearing this gem shall help keep away from the dangers of the dangerous animals and harmful creatures. This avoids any accidents and mishaps. It also guards against thefts and huge losses. This will make a man sharp enough to understand any enemies. This improves the overall health and life span. It also develops bravery and courage in an individual.

The shivering bodies and nervous disorders could also be cured by this, Psychiatry problems could be countered. It improves the personality and particularly blossoms your face with radiational influence.

This stone could be dropped in a glass of water over the night and drank in the morning. This helps cure any blood oriented disease and completely cures the jaundice. This stone is available widely in Northern side of India.

Ketu Stone (Dragon's Tail) - VAIDURIAM

This has the appearance of the eye of a cat, a small running line on the stone. As the stone is tilted, left or right, up or down, the line also appears to move. There are many colours available in this stone. Golden, Blackish and Brownish are some of the chief varieties. Some of the gems shall have more than one line . These lines are called the balanced or the center of Gravitation of the stones. The sharper and thinner the layer ,the more shall be the benefits of it. Stones with more than one line are very rare and are very expensive.

This improves the eyesight and cures any eye related diseases. Sinus is immediately arrested. This also prevents the snake poison. It helps easy delivery for carrying mothers. Jaundice and other secretive diseases are also cured by this. This belongs to the pebble group of stones,. The special quality and power of these stones is ingenerated by the lightning on the sky for centuries.

This is mostly available in the middle east and European continents. Other than the nine gems, there are many semi-precious and Garnet varieties of stones. Though they may be of much less in value than the gem stones, sometimes they reward you with much bigger, greater and more positive results. Proper invocation of Mantras and Channelised infusion of Mantric vibrations in any stone is of more important value than the stones themselves.

Spadigams and Saligramams are other stone varieties which are of great religious and spiritual values. They are available mostly in the rivers of Nepal. For spiritual purpose and benefiting the humans, they could also be used as well as the nine gems.

RASAMANI , a yet another spiritual bead available in India, is known for many fascinating results. Using Thulasi mani mala or the rudraksha are also equally powerful and meaningful.

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