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Kommissar (Inspector) Rex - Season 1
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Man and His Dog
Season 1*

The first season starts with a bang and a tragedy. Rex's handler is killed in the line of duty and Rex is inconsolable. A lonely and stressed Richard is going through a messy divorce. The two connect and a wonderful partnership is born. Criminals of Vienna, beware!

Last Stop Vienna
The Perfect Murder
Escape into Death
The Spinster Murders
Dance on the Volcano
Murder in Schönbrunn
Diagnosis Murder
A Nice Neighbourhood
The First Price
The Deadly Teddies
Bring Me the Head of Beethoven
Under the Streets of Vienna
Target Rex

*The episode order is taken from the order in which the episodes aired in Germany.

Disclaimer : Kommissar Rex is owned by Mungo film, Tauris film, SAT.1 and ORF and was created by Peter Hajek and Peter Moser. None of the characters, actors or photographs belong to me, unfortunately. I'm just borrowing them, having a bit of fun and then returning them more or less unharmed.