Unreal Tournament 99 History

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UT99Unreal Tournament 99 came out in the year 2000 actually, but the idea of the game came out in 1999. This was one of the first real big first person shooter game. It was exceptional graphics for it's time, but mow the graphics are kind of outdated but the newer games from later in this series of games. The makers of this game I think were genius.
1996: Unreal is signed to GT Interactive as publisher, and full development begins.


1997: Jay Wilbur joins the team as "Imperial Advisor", working with Mark on the 'Biz' side of things and bringing his experience as a founder member of id software (Doom, Quake).

1997: Steven Polge joins the programming team with a specialty in AI. Steven came to Epic's attention through the creation of the famous "Reaper bot" for Quake.

History (Continued)

1998: Unreal is published. It goes on to define the leading edge of 3D technology, introducing to the first person shooter (FPS) genre such new features as fully dynamic lighting, volumetric and atmospheric lighting, what-you-see-is-what-you-get development tools, a next-generation scripting language, and extraordinary customizability.

The gaming community was blown away by Unreal's look. Huge outdoor environments, stunning scenery and clever enemy AI set the standard for others to follow. Unreal also introduced the Skaarj to the world - a race of powerful alien warriors who would appear in future Unreal games and who are now in some ways the "poster-boys" for the Unreal brand (their wrist blades provided inspiration for the original Unreal logo).

1999: Unreal Tournament is published. UT was created specifically to quench the thirst of gamers hooked on the new phenomenon of "Deathmatch". At first, many are skeptical over the lack of a standard story line or linear single player experience - but UT soars in popularity both for LAN play and on the Internet.