Unreal Tournament 2003

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UT03Unreal Tournament 2003 was the next game made by Epic games in the Unreal Tournament Series. It was not one of their best games, in my best opinion it was not much better then Unreal Tournament 99. I really think it was just a bad test version for Unreal Tournament 2004. There was new game modes added but I will tell you about those later in the site. The only really chance Unreal Tournament 2003 and Unreal Tournament 99 is the graphics which are some what better. Although the game play was pretty good it was almost the same as Unreal Tournament 99.

Ice TombThis is just one of the many maps from Unreal Tournament 2003 "Ice Tomb." It is a map made for the Deathmatch game mode. This is not one of the custom made maps it is one of the stock maps that came with the game. There is many stock maps in this game but after this game was out for a little while the maps nearly doubled, and the quality of the maps got a lot better and were a lot more customized.