Unreal Tournament Series

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UTUnreal Tourtnament came out with first big Game Unreal which was one of the best games for its time. But then came UT99 which had many more features and the graphics were a lot more intense It came out inn the year 2000 and was one of the top games out then also. Then the came out UTK3 in 2003 which was not one of their best of UT. There was some versions before and after those to but they were not very popular. Their latest game is UT2K4 which one of their best games yet. It is their best game since UT99.

FifaThis is just one of the many great custom made maps. This map is called FIFA it is basically a soccer field in space with flags in each base. Most of the maps in this game are custom made. The games come with programs to make the maps but they are very hard to make. Because it takes a some programming and also takes a lot of practice to make.