Unreal Tournament 2003 Maps

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A lot of maps on Unreal Tournment 2003 are the same maps on Unreal Tournemnt 99. The only real difference is that the maps are modified to be able to be used on Unreal Tournment 2003. There is still custom and stock maps, the only real difference is better graphics of Unreal 2003

PlungeThis map is called Plunge it is also a stock Map. It is a Deathmatch map. It is almost like morphus from the first Unreal Tournment. It is a big town in space, which plays best on a low grav mode, becuase with regular grav you would not be able to move around the map at all.

RustatoriumThis map is Rustatorium it is a stock map like all the other ones that I featured. It is also a DM. This map is basically a town form many years ago. It is kind of a viking style town. This is a very dark map. This is a good map for playing it late at night.

InfernoThis is a stock map form 03. It is actually simualting hell, it is called inferno. It is a Deathmatch map. It is basically a town with lava all around it. This map is really cool but is very hard to move around on because you have to worry about falling of and killing your self. For every time you kill your self you lose a point or a frag