Unreal Tournament 2003 Game Modes

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   Game Modes
   Game Modes

UT03Unreal Tournment 2003 has 8 game modes. They are Capture The Flag, Bombing Run, Mutant, Last Man Standing, Invasion, Deathmatch, Team Deathmatch, and Double Domination. This has a lot of the same game modes as the first Unreal Tournment, expcept it has Bombing Run, Mutant, and Double Domination. This game has ok game modes, but is no better then Unreal Tournament 99. It is still fun to play espically with multiplayer online.

Game Modes (Continued)

Capture The Flag:
Each level has two team flags. In order to score, one team must penetrate the opposing team's defenses, 'Capture the Flag' and return it to their home team's flag. If the flag carrier is killed, the flag drops to the ground for anyone to pick up. If your team's flag is taken, it must be returned before your team can take the opposing team's flag.

Bombing Run:
Each level has one ball in the middle of the play field. The objective is to pick up the ball, deliver it to the enemy base and fire it through their goal. You must also defend your own goal to prevent the enemy from scoring. The ball is dropped when a player is killed and can then be picked up by anyone on either

The player who makes the first frag becomes the mutant and is immediately equipped with all weapons, extra ammo, invisibility, agility and berserk. However, the mutant's health slowly decreases and can only be replenished by fragging other players. Once there is a "mutant," all other players are charged with hunting him down. Points are scored only by the mutant when they frag other players. As an optional twist, the player with the lowest score becomes the BottomFeeder -- he can frag other players who are not the mutant and receive points. As soon as his score isn't the lowest, a new player becomes the BottomFeeder.

Last Man Standing:
This is similar to the Last Man Standing mode in the original Unreal Tournament. Players regenerate health when they frag an opponent. If a player stands in one place for too long, they will be revealed to other players as a camper and their location will appear on all opponent's displays.

In this game type, players band together to defend against waves of incoming monsters including many of the monsters from the original Unreal. Players cannot respawn if they die during a wave, but as long as one player makes it to the end of a wave alive, everyone respawns for the next wave.

Game Modes

Players are pitted against each other in a balls-to-the-wall free-for-all. Anything goes. The one with the most kills wins.

Team Deathmatch:
Join your teammates in the quest for battlefield supremacy. The team that kills the most enemy players is judged the winner.

Double Domination:
Each level has 2 Domination Points. In order to score, you must 'capture' each Control Point (by running over it) and keep them in your team's possession for 10 seconds. After scoring, the Control Points reset to neutral and will become available to Dominate again after another 10 seconds.


Bright Skins Mod:
Using this mod in association with v2225 allows the game to feel more like original UT. This particular mod will make the red and blue team skins much brighter and turn off the shoulder lights. To disable / Enable go to Instant Action >> Game Rules Menu and look for the Bright Skins Toggle. To make the game feel more like original UT we suggest these settings

Epic Bonus Pack:
The Bonus Pack from Epic Games includes 10 all new maps, 3 new gametypes, 2 new adrenaline combs, and much more! You will need the 2199 patch to install this.