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We've covered a lot so far. Text & font manipulation, images, links. As far as the basics go, there's not a great deal more.


But here's another useful formatting tool available to you. <BLOCKQUOTE> pulls your margins in from both sides.

 <BODY> <BLOCKQUOTE> 1b (b) Achilles, 
in this passage, is displaying many distressing emotions. He is saying that he 
wants to die, because he wasn’t there to stop Patroklus from getting killed. 
He feels that his life isn’t worth living, if his best friend Patroklus isn’t 
there to share it with him. He hates the fact that Patroklus died so far away 
from where he comes from. Achilles feels that if you are going to die, then it 
should be in your native land, where you can be recognised as a hero. </BLOCKQUOTE> 

1b (b) Achilles, in this passage, is displaying many distressing emotions. He is saying that he wants to die, because he wasn’t there to stop Patroklus from getting killed. He feels that his life isn’t worth living, if his best friend Patroklus isn’t there to share it with him. He hates the fact that Patroklus died so far away from where he comes from. Achilles feels that if you are going to die, then it should be in your native land, where you can be recognised as a hero.

When<BLOCKQUOTE> was first devised it had a loftier purpose, such as quoting profound bits of prose from authors, but here it serves a more mundane purpose... easy indenting.