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Atomic Rooster Discography.

Official Albums

B&C CAS1010 Atomic RoOoster (Feb1970, No 49)
B&C CAS1026 Death Walks Behind You (Sept 1970 No 12)
Pegasus PEG1 In Hearing of...(July 1971 No 18)
Dawn DNLS3038 Made In England (1972)
Dawn DNLS3049 Nice N’Greasy (1973)
EMI EMC3341 Atomic Rooster (Sept 8th 1980)
TowerBell TOWLP004 Headline News (June 1983)

Official Singles

B&C CB121 Friday 13th/Banstead (Feb 70)
B&C CB131 Tomorrow Night/Play the Game (Jan 71 No 11)
B &C CB157 Devil’s Answer/The Rock (June 71 No 4)
Dawn DNS1027 Stand By Me/Never to Lose (1972)
Dawn DNS1029 Save Me/Close Your Eyes (1972)
Decca FR13503 Tell Your Story, Sing Your Song (as Vincent Crane’s Atomic Rooster, March 1974)
EMI EMI5084 Do You Know Who’s Looking for You?/Throw Your Life Away
EMI 12EMI5084 Do You Know Who’s Looking For You? (Extended)/Throw Your Life Away (Sept '80)
Polydor POSP334 Play it Again/Start to Live (Sept 1981)
Polydor POSPX334 Play It Again/Start to Live/Devil’s Answer (live) (12” Sept 1981)
Polydor POSP408 End of the Day/Living Underground (Feb 82)
Polydor POSPX408 End of the Day/Living Underground/Tomorrow Night (new version) (12” Feb 82)
Towerbell TOW37 Land of Freedom/Carnival (May 83)
Towerbell 12 TOW 37 Land of Freedom (Extended Version)/Carnival (May 83)

Compilation Albums

Trojan 6.28504DP 2 LPs Atomic RoOoster & Death Walks Behind You
Charisma CS9 Assortment (1974) Mooncrest CDR2 Home to Roost (Double LP 1977/1980)
Charisma CHC58 Atomic Rooster (Reissue of EMC3341 Oct’86)
Rawpower RAWLP027 Home to Roost (Reissue Dec 86)
Rawpower RAWLP027 Home to Roost (Reissue 1989 - different cover)
Demimonde DMLP1023 The Devil Hits Back (1989)

Reissue Singles

Mooncrest MOON52 Devils’ Answer.The Rock (June 76)
B&C BCS21 Devil’s Answer/Tomorrow Night/Can’t Take no More (Aug 80)
Old Gold G9391 Devil’s Answer/Tomorrow Night (June 84)


Rawpower RAWCD 027 Home to Roost (Apr 87)
Action Replay CDAR1001 The Best and the Rest Of (1989)
Demimonde The Devil Hits Back (1989)
Object Enterprises ORO138 The Collection !1991)
Sequel NEMCD 610 Made in England (1991)
Sequel NEMCD611 Nice & Greasy (1991)
Windsong WINCD042 Live In Concert-BBC Radio 1 (Sept. ‘93)
Voiceprint BP171 Headline News (1994)
Hux HUX003 Devil’s Answer-BBC Sessions (April 1998)
Retrowrek RETRK107 Atomic Rooster Live in Germany ‘83 (March 2000)
Eagle Records EAMCD108 Headline News (May 30th 2000)

Import CDs

Repertoire CDRR4135-WZ Atomic RoOoster (1995)
Repertoire CDRR4069-WZ Death Walks Behind You (1995)
Repertoire CDRR4068-WZ In Hearing Of... (1995)
Repertoire CDRR4165-WZ Made In England (1995)
Repertoire CDRR4134-WZ Nice N’ Greasy (1995)

*Atomic Rooster - Whatever Happened to the Band?
*Vincent Crane *Carl Palmer *Nick Graham *John DuCann *Paul Hammond *Pete French *Chris Farlowe *Steve Bolton *Ric Parnell *John Goodsall *Preston Heyman *Bernie Torme