Toys, Companions of a Child's Fantasy

A Timeline

Dolls of the 1800's

French bebe
by Denamur in 1880

This doll is an example of a bisque doll



A French china doll
 created in 1880

French Porcelain Doll

\The maker of this 1870
doll is unknown

Nuermberg Wooden Doll

It is a jointed doll which
was created in 1800s

Peddler Dolls from
Stratford-on-Avon in 1840

French bisque fashion dolls

These dolls are by Casimir Bru created 1870.The dolls possess couturier fashions of the period.

Fortune Doll

Fortunes are written on each leaf -shaped section.
This doll belonged to Queen Victoria as a child.

French Depose model by Emile Jumeau 1885

Bebe Phonographe

 by Jumeau 1890

French mystery portrait man,
1910 with French fashion lady
by Gaultier 1875 in bisque

French bebe
by Rabery and Delphieu
1885 in bisque

Creche Dolls

They represent Joseph
and Mary and date in
the eighteenth century


African Tribal leader

French portrait by
Casimir Bru 1885


French Dolls and Automata

Made by Casimir Bru in 1875-1855. Two fashion dolls and Girl on Scooter.

Ancient Dolls Doll Houses
Ancient Toys  Dolls of this Century
 Toys in the Middle Ages Paper Dolls
Toys During the Renaissance
Teddy Bears The History of Toys
 Toys of the Twentieth Century Toys in Works of Art

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